Mini crazy cat lady
Day 54: 20/4/11
Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE
Muller light
Slice tiger bread - 4
Pasta pack
SW chips
2x Eat Smart sausages - 1
Baked beans
Poached egg - the first time I have EVER eaten egg that wasn't an omelette or scrambled. It wasn't too bad, had hardly any taste at all in fact.
Teeny slice cherry pie - 8? (that's the last of it now!)
35 mins dog walking, 40+ minute walk around town doing jobs
* another exciting day ahead! Need to book Hugo in to have his bits removed, get contents insurance (I was convinced we had a burglar last night), pay my car tax, transfer money over for laptop, post ebay bits, and try and sort out OH's water bill for him. It's been an expensive week - car tax, council tax, 6 month water bill, new laptop, dog insurance, contents insurance, and whatever else crops up! Might also get some plants for outside. Or I might wait till Friday for that.
OH's daughter is off school, and he was wanting to take her out, but sadly, his funds seem to have gone
He spent £40 on dog food, £60 on bird food, and then this water bill. I feel bad, but then I know if I step in to pay, he will feel bad for me doing that, and I can't really afford it either. He doesn't drive, so any driving that is done, is done by me. And to be honest, he doesn't give me petrol money. I don't think he realises how much it costs to drive to places. I have gently hinted at it a few times, and he has said that once he has properly moved in, then he can afford to give me money for such things. But I don't want to labour the point.
He is still paying rent on his house, as we are STILL moving him out, as we both only have one day off a week. Hopefully once he isn't paying rent on it, there will be a bit more spare cash kicking around, as living with me, he will be paying the same amount a week - £100 - but that will cover rent, council, gas, electric, food, sky and landline rental, whereas before his £100 was council, money for his daughter and rent.
My friend went to SW WI last night, and I asked how she did, and she said she put 8.5 lb on. I really wanted to know if it was a typo, and if that was in one week, but there is no way to ask without offending her. So I explained to her that she has lost it before, she can do it again.
Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE
Muller light
Slice tiger bread - 4
Pasta pack
SW chips
2x Eat Smart sausages - 1
Baked beans
Poached egg - the first time I have EVER eaten egg that wasn't an omelette or scrambled. It wasn't too bad, had hardly any taste at all in fact.
Teeny slice cherry pie - 8? (that's the last of it now!)
35 mins dog walking, 40+ minute walk around town doing jobs
* another exciting day ahead! Need to book Hugo in to have his bits removed, get contents insurance (I was convinced we had a burglar last night), pay my car tax, transfer money over for laptop, post ebay bits, and try and sort out OH's water bill for him. It's been an expensive week - car tax, council tax, 6 month water bill, new laptop, dog insurance, contents insurance, and whatever else crops up! Might also get some plants for outside. Or I might wait till Friday for that.
OH's daughter is off school, and he was wanting to take her out, but sadly, his funds seem to have gone
He is still paying rent on his house, as we are STILL moving him out, as we both only have one day off a week. Hopefully once he isn't paying rent on it, there will be a bit more spare cash kicking around, as living with me, he will be paying the same amount a week - £100 - but that will cover rent, council, gas, electric, food, sky and landline rental, whereas before his £100 was council, money for his daughter and rent.
My friend went to SW WI last night, and I asked how she did, and she said she put 8.5 lb on. I really wanted to know if it was a typo, and if that was in one week, but there is no way to ask without offending her. So I explained to her that she has lost it before, she can do it again.
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