Well, today is our 6th month anniversary. Yeah, seems kinda childish to 'celebrate' as such, but I guess we should mark the day, as, well, let's be honest, many didn't think this day would come about for us pair, and last year, I thought that was it for me, finitio, goodnight life. Ha!
Saw the ex last night for the first time since probably January. It was strange, I had forgotten what he looked like! My friend spoke to him and her and her husband are still friends with him, so I just walked alongside as they briefly spoke. He had an indian meal for one in his hand, which made my friend laugh quite a lot. He ain't single, he is still with the girl he cheated on me with, but it goes to show how he REALLY isn't ready to, well, grow up I guess! And that ain't the life for me.
But when I got in I got quite upset. Of course OH wanted to know why, but I couldn't really tell him, as I wasn't sure why, and whatever I said would have sounded wrong. I was upset about people who aren't about anymore. I don't want him back, but some days (like last night) I get reminded of the little life I used to have, and how much stuff has changed SO much. I know he will ask today what was up with me, and I have no idea how to tell him without it sounding like I was upset as I miss tw*tface. Because I don't really. I guess I sometimes just miss the fun we USED to have, as the last year together was awful. Ho hum!
Anyway, yeah, 6th month anniversary, go me! Gonna do a nice tea
Day 8: 11/5/11
Frosties - 5
Milk - HE
WM pitta - HE
Trimmed bacon
Cherry tomatoes
Spring onions
Small dollop mayo - 2
Syn free cottage pie
Smoked salmon flakes
Small salad
Chicken en croute (chicken breast, stuffed with sundried tomatoes, mozzarella and basil, in naughty pastry)
Italian potatoes (cubed potatoes, diced cherry toms, red onion, diced chorizo, basil)
Side salad (lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, spring onions, gerkins)
Chocolate fondue with strawberries
Pastry is naughty, chorizo is naughty, chocolate is VERY naughty! Yeah, I could do a SW friendly one, but bugger it!
-* Ended up with a teeny portion of chippy chips, SF chicken skin removed, and didn't snack at all at the cinema.