Opted not to weigh in this morning. Why? Well.....
I've been feeling like poo lately, mentally and physically. I am worried I am becoming too dependant on the OH for my happiness, and this is not a good thing. Discovered this when if I didn't get a text in the morning, I would feel down in the dumps. And if he didn't say he loved me, I would feel a little 'hmph' about it. Which is so silly. So I decided to scrap the weigh in, as I have gained for sure, and I could do without that weighing on my mind (see what I did there!). So I'm taking a week or so off from reporting weigh ins. I say reporting, as I'm sure next Tuesday I will jump on the scales, and if I have lost, be on here as quick as anything reporting my good news. However, I am going to try and not be so fixated about SW this week, and focus on finding myself, I guess.
I know who I am, I have always been very intune with what is going through my head, and why I'm doing it. Hence why I noticed I would eat biscuits if I didn't get a text reply or the like, and then not write it down. Saying that, I have been very well behaved (for me) food wise this week, but time of the month and what seems to be water retention is against me
So, I skipped weigh in, did an hours work, then took the dog out for a walk, in the darn rain. Then, I'm gonna do another 4 hours work whilst watching what *I* want to on TV, fix myself a tasty lunch. Then I might do my nails, read a book, and then head to my friends house for a drink later and a good old moan I'm sure. He has text me this morning, but I'm gonna resist replying. Is it punishment? Kinda I guess. Punishment is the wrong word. More of me trying to show that I don't need his attention all the time. The more I do this, the more I might actually believe it myself!
I caught myself being narked this morning as I didn't have a text when I woke up, or a nice note written on the fridge. I then caught myself trying to remember the last time he bought me a nice surprise. That ain't good at all, and entirely my own fault, and in my own head. So I need to be more 'aloof' I guess, so that he has to buck up his ideas! I'm forever telling him I love him, and leaving him cute notes. Now it's his time to start showing me he cares, rather than just responding

I know he does, I have no doubts. He is just a bloke, who is becoming complacent, so I best nip that in the bud
Maybe I'm being harsh and expecting too much. But a little 'test' ain't gonna do no harm. I'm not being nasty to him or anything, just showing him that I had a life before him, and in many ways, I still should have a life, even if it's just me reading a book, it's not me sitting brooding over why he didn't leave me a damn note!
Maybe I've overthinked stuff again, I do this a lot. But I liked sitting upstairs earlier planning on how I could combat this feeling. I don't have a lot of spare time with him as it is, so me seeing other people rather than him isn't possible really. We live together, but the only time I'm not working (I work from home) is a Tuesday night (when I ALWAYS see my friends), Thursday night from 9pm (when we usually have an early night, 6am starts drain us!), Friday all day (which we spend together, and with his daughter after school) and Sunday nights. It might sound quite a lot, but considering he leaves the house at 6:30am, gets back at 7pm, and we are always in bed at 11pm at the latest, It isn't much at all. Anyways, my original point. Yes, I don't have much free time as it is, so taking up a hobby/class isn't truly possible at the moment, without losing work hours.
Wow, long winded post. But I kinda needed to put my thoughts and plans down in print, so to speak. I love him to bits, and I know he feels the same. But I need to find other outlets for my thoughts. Even to the extent of when I go shopping, I don't always have to buy him something, whether it be a chocolate bar or a new CD. But I've NEVER been good at buying things for myself. I see it as a waste, probably because I have such a low self opinion of myself. But I'm working on it. I know I am a kind, caring, generous and loving individual, who is also quite grumpy, prone to throwing a strop when I don't get my own way, and in many ways, far too selfless - I often make myself unhappy to make others happy, which is bloody stupid!
Anyways, I have rambled enough now. Time to watch Jeremy Kyle, do a bit of work, decide on lunch (I'm thinking salad and wedges) and take each day as it comes, each one is a new one.