Well, I survived! As usual, the idea of diet went out the window when I was presented with a menu!
So last night I had:
2x vodka and diet coke
1x vodka and coke
1x 175ml chardonnay
1/2 portion dough balls (4 balls with garlic butter)
Padana pizza (goats cheese, caramelised onions, spinach)
but I swerved the dessert
Got in at about 12:15, and bless him, OH has been anxious about it for weeks. I presume he was worried I wasn't gonna come home, as he said it happened to him in the past a lot. But I promised I would be home, let him know roughly a time, and was only a little bit late

He had waited up for me, done me a hot water bottle, and I got lots of hugs. Bless him. I feel bad that he felt anxious about it, but I went anyway, reassured him without going OTT, and it all turned out fine. I also feel bad that he didn't come, as he got home about 10 minutes after we left, but shhhh, don't tell him! I did initially invite him as I was gonna stop over, but he couldn't get the next day off work, so it would have involved leaving for Manchester at 6:30pm, then leaving Manchester the next morning at 6:30am, and it seemed pointless, so I said I wasn't going at all. But had a change of heart a couple of weeks ago, and said I was going with a work colleague who was gonna drive. Really I should have taken him, but it was such a small 'do' (8 of us), that he would have been bored with work talk, and he is a very very shy person, which isn't ideal, as it can make him seem rude, as we are talking major shyness. Maybe the next one I will take him with me. It just seemed like it would have made the evening awkward for others. One woman brought her husband (who doesn't work for us), and I could see that that made others (and me) feel a bit awkward, as there is no common ground from the start, so you end up on the small talk page of the 'what to do in social situations' manual. But OH didn't mind too much not coming, and he is coming with me for a friends birthday meal on Friday (he wasn't initially invited as it was girls only), but if he knew how fine a time we missed him by, he would possibly be hurt, and there is no need for that. I've been asked to his Xmas work do. I did say that by no means should he feel obliged to bring me, but he said he wanted to, which of course made me feel bad. But I do better in social situations than him, and I have met all his work people before.
See, now I've written it down, I feel like a total cow. Oh well, I've done it now. It's good to spend some time apart I guess. If he could have got the next day off work, then 100% he would have been coming with me, and we would have stayed over. But I saw no point for the sake of 12 hours, and I wouldn't have stayed over unless he was coming with me. So I went out, he stayed in. Infact, I am feeling THAT guilty, I will ask him to join me and my friend tonight for our usual Tuesday drink. Why do I make a decision, then guilt trip myself over it for aaaaaaages!