Tipperary will rock 2025

Tried a new smoothie this morning. I tend to have two breakfasts, a quick early one and then a more substantial one later. I was having apple and spinach as they are good for the liver, and then I add a cholesterol lowering yougurt drink. I am supposed to take tablets for it but I don want to, am due for a blood text soon and trying to see if the drinks do help (along with a proper diet). I also add some supplements to it,spirulana, magnesium, B plus, acidopholus and milk thistle...for a few weeks anyway.
I did a "health review" on the nutribullet site and it recommended more orange foods. So I got some organic cacao powder and made this mornings smoothie with a big handful of porridge oats, cacoa powder, yougurt drink and an orange...it was supposed to be like chocolate orange porridge. It tasted good but the pith of the orange didn't fully blitz and was getting caught in my through and now is causing me to gag a bit. Banana may have made a better smoothie but Im not keen on them. Maybe a peach or mango, can anyone think of any other orange pithless fruits?
Thanks, though I'm not sure how melon would be with chocolate. Ive got some peaches and a mango and will try them
So tempting to go over your limit with wine and/or chocolate etc. Best to just mark it down as a nice treat and carry on with the amazing job you're doing :)

It's not cost effective but I found buying in smaller set portions reAlly helped me e.g buying those mini wine bottles, or buying those miniature green and blacks choc bars . I know I have zero self control so I always feel I need to get to the end of a bottle/packet - not matter how big or small!
I always feel I need to get to the end of a bottle/packet - not matter how big or small!

True, though I have been good with the chocolate, I have one bar on the go since Friday. Wine is different, we have a large supply and I'm not the only one drinking it. I just have to learn to resist and stop making excuses.

I have a job interview next Tuesday :). On Saturday I need to see what I can wear, I think I need a new shirt.
Smoothie this morning was a success
Porridge oats, cacao powder, a pear and some mango...a nice chocolatey hit. I think though I will go back to my apple and spinach (bought a big bag of spinach) and keep the chocolate porridge for a weekend treat. I am trying to detox my liver and apples and spinach are supposed to be good along with the milk thistle.
Off to neighbours bakery today so 5 hours standing and rolling and will come back with a sore back and need to lie down after. I have veg soup made for lunch when I get back but need to bring a snack or something with me.
Not sure if I will get a walk or swim in later
Helping out in a bakery sounds like lots of fun. Not sure if I could handle the temptation though!! Freshly baked bread and pastries are (one of) my weaknesses!
Helping out in a bakery sounds like lots of fun. Not sure if I could handle the temptation though!! Freshly baked bread and pastries are (one of) my weaknesses!

Sssshh...don't tell them, the apple tart is too sweet and the soda bread too dry, so no temptation
Yay, another 1.3kg loss...thrilled with that though don't see the effects yet. My BMI is getting better now at 34.17. My body seems to panic when it is above 35 and I find it difficult to sleep. My sleeping is OK just now but could be better. My eyes look much better shining and happy, sometimes they look a bit lifeless. My skin is good too, I put that down to the fact that all the swimming means lots of showering and time spent with some moisturiser. Since I haven't been working I haven't really spent any time looking after my skin and hair, just plodding around in a tracksuit.
I had a good swim last night and got husband to come with me, it meant we had a late dinner and though I thought I was starving I actually needed very little to fill me up.

Beginning of week 3 now , week two goals reached for weight, swimming and walking. I am going to push really hard this week for a 1kg weight loss. I know I have achieved it the past two weeks but I reckon that was just my gut clearing. I haven't lost any water or fat yet. My ankles are still very puffy and swollen.
A 12 pack of Konjac noodles arrived in the post this week so handy meals available anyway.
Off for breakfast and another 4 hours in the bakery then this morning rolling out apple tarts. Great for my upper arms but not so good for my neck.
Ive just noticed.....I have a crown.....yayyyyy

(It doesn't take much to make me happy)
Two major Freudian slips yesterday....

I bought some new yarn in the wool shop and told my daughter it was made from 20% wool and 80% alcohol (acrylic).:oops:

Then I was telling my husband what I had told her saying to him "I was telling her about the composition of the wine. (wool) o_O

I doesn't take Freud to know what is on my mind.
Congrats on the loss! Agree it's difficult to see it initially, but carry on doing so well and one day you'll notice and it will be a really significant difference

Congrats on the crown too !!
Slipped again yesterday evening with drink and I even had cake. Brought baby out for a walk (my Grandson, 18 months) and got a call from darling husband who joined us. Was only a 3.5 k walk but pushing a buggy and dragging a dog. It as a lovely evening and we stopped to talk to the baby lambs. Darling husband then put some bubbles in the fridge and we sat in the garden drinking.
Baby coming to stay today and over night so I am hoping to go swimming early and then a long walk later with baby and dog.
Trying to plan breakfast now, I really don't feel like a smoothie this morning, maybe an omelette.
Just back from swimming and I'm tired, have a headache and need a nap. I swam 22 lengths and then started my aqua jogging again and did 20 lengths of that. The aqua jogging is quite intensive and definitely a fat burner. Hoping to work up to 2o lengths swim and 40 lengths aqua jogging 4 times a week. And if I can walk 4 times a week too I will be doing well.
I have a creak in my neck and right shoulder and my left jaw is stiff, hopefully they will work themselves out.
Sunday was a strange day. Baby came to stay and Saturday evening I brought him for a walk. He was up at 6am Sunday morning and I had a very sore lower leg (shin or top of foot), it was sore and hot so I decided walking and pushing a buggy wasn't a good idea. I brought baby swimming so although we were in the pool a good 40 minutes I got very little done, a bit f swimming and a bit of jogging while pushing him in his floating seat. Got home and spent a good hour cleaning the kitchen and then after baby had a nap he went home. My foot/leg was really sore by then so I knew I had to rest it and put it up. Sat down about 3pm with foot up and my knitting and Netflix. After about 2 hours my heart started to jump about a bit and I git dizzy and shaky (this is something that has happened in the past, usually after extreme stress or anxiety). By 7pm my whole body was trembling and it felt like my blood pressure was really high and I was in adrenaline overload (as it felt to me). Went to bed at 10pm but had to take something to help me sleep (half a prescribed dose I have for such situations). Did manage to sleep but a little groggy and weak this morning. As I said these "episodes" have happened before and have been investigated and put down to stress, but I cant imagine knitting and watching TV to cause this. I did eat a square of chocolate and wonder this this do anything, or the sheer lack of movement compared to how the past few weeks had been.
Not too bad now, the sun is shining and it is a lovely day so may go for a swim. Foot feeling a bit better but I don't want to walk too far or carry anything on it.
Job interview tomorrow so I need to see if I can get a hair appointment and take out some interview appropriate clothes and see what looks good. Its a tough one trying to decide what to wear as it is most definitely not a corporate establishment so full "suit and boot" may not be appropriate....but one of the committee will expect that. And ankle still a bit swollen. Will see.
Measured a small weight loss this morning but is doesn't count until Friday. I have set myself a 1kg loss this week which will be hard to do. I really only have Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to fit in exercise.

I bought some Quorn meatballs and had them with konjac pasta last night and some tomato sauce. It tasted fine and was filling but I want to compare the fat and calories in the meatballs to quorn mince.
Went swimming, hair done and interview suit hanging up. Spoke to the physio at the leisure centre and I may have shin splints on my left leg. Will book an appointment with her next week for kineso taping and see if that helps.