Tipperary will rock 2025

How did the interview go? And how is your ankle now?

Gosh that 'stress' stuff sounds awful - but I agree, sitting watching tellie seems a strange way for it to come on. Were you worried about the interview maybe?

Anyway, hope you're feeling better now.
Interview is tomorrow, lunchtime. Rested foot and it seemed better but just back from a walk and its sore and swollen again. I hate to be moaning about something but it is really annoying as I am determined to lose weight and get a bit fitter.
I didn't think I was worried about the interview, but the head is a strange thing and anything is possible. I am also wondering was it a "sugar rush" from the chocolate anyway fingers crossed it was a once off and is now gone.
Another small loss this morning and that brings my BMI under 34 now :).
Hopefully I can keep it up until Friday.
Tried the interview suit on and standing it is fine but sitting not so comfortable but I'm not starving myself between now and then.
Slept well last night but I need to figure out what is going on with my foot as it was very painful coming back from a walk last night, typical....my body can now comfortably walk a brisk 6km but my foot can't.
Back from interview, hard to know how it went. I may have been a bit waffely on some answers and they may have had applicants from within house but will know soon enough.
I was going to go for a swim but I have to go back out tonight to a meeting and would have been too tired, even changing out of my tracksuit again may be a stretch. Have baked fish and chips in oven now and will have a nice glass of red wine when I get back this evening with some pitta bread and hummous I think.
I called into the leisure centre to see about my foot, she is not sure if it is shin splints as that doesn't normally happen on one side only but she does think the walking is causing it. So I have to walk tomorrow to see how long it take to be painfl and inflamed and then not walk and see how long it takes to go. Then I am to see her on Friday evening and she will dry needle it and place some kinesio tape.
I am sick of chicken so bought some tofu to see if it will work in stir fry or wraps...I have never been successful with it so if anyone has any god tofu recipes that would be great.
Enjoyed my glass of wine last night, one glass and planned in advance. I ended up not having any hummous or pita, I felt like something sweet so had a chocolate orange rice cake.
Concerned about not being able to walk for a while and will have to make an effort to swim more.
Well done on the weight loss and fingers crossed you get the job.

Sorry to hear your foot is sore...could it be your shoes aren't given you enough support for walking?
Sorry to hear your foot is sore...could it be your shoes aren't given you enough support for walking?

It was a bit sore before and I deliberately got fitted for new walking runners and specially made insoles. The physio thinks it might just be the extra walking but I will get her to check the runners
Swelling and soreness points to inflammation...hopefully you get answers as to the cause.
This morning I have increased (gulp!!!:eek:) my desired weight loss between now an September, I have set it to bring my BMI below 30 and no longer be obese, a happy and achievable target I hope.

Though it gives me an extra 2 kilos to lose.....I wonder how many extra lengths of the pool that means

Hi Tipp,

Just having a read through and couldn't resist answering your question :)

So using averages:

  • To lose 2kilos you need to have a deficit of 15400 calories
  • Assuming a 40 second 25m length
  • Assuming breastroke - which on average burns 5-600 cals per 60 minutes
You need to swim an extra 2700 lengths to lose 2 kilos.

Also hi :)
Hi Stackhead, that's brilliant...and do-able.

The pool is 20m and I do 4 length repetitions of crawl, breast stroke, back stroke, breast stroke. Then I also do aqua jogging with a floatation belt and resistance dumb bells. Again in repetitions of 4, legs and bum, chest and back, arms, abs. I do 20 lengths swim and 30 aqua jogging.
I got a call...I didn't get the jobo_O
Oh no, sorry to hear that. Did you get any feedback?

Hope you get your foot sorted soon xx
Yes, did get feedback. It was as a training officer in a mental health institution, I had all the skills as the training officer but they got someone who is already working in the mental health sector.
Then I bumped into a friend in the supermarket that I haven't seen I a while and she said she "knows someone who could do with me", no actual position exists but she thinks they need someone, she will talk to them next week. If not I have a part time contract for 8 weeks starting in 2 weeks and that will do me until summer.

Anyway, last week the universe was working with me, this week it is against me. I am losing weight and it is as much to do with the exercise as the food plan. I am trying to walk at least 4 times a week and swim the same. So I am currently off walking to see what is wrong with my foot. Now I appear to be having a major allergic reaction on my face. I had a teeny spot on Monday and dabbed some tea tree oil on it so it wouldn't be huge for Tuesdays interview. It started to get sore and swollen and now half my face is not only swollen but an open raw weeping wound. My left eye is half closed and my hair is encrusted onto my face (sounds disgusting, its actually worse). So I am waiting on the chemist to open to see can he give me something and avoid a trip to the doctor. But regardless of which I see I assume swimming is off now until it clears up. I have to go to the bakery soon and told them I look bad and will need about 30 minutes off.
Another small weight loss and I have "officially" recorded it on my ticker and will change it again tomorrow if different....not sure if I will have time to weigh in tomorrow
OMG I wonder what's caused that! You poor thing, it sounds really sore - hope the pharmacist can sort it out for you.

Sorry to hear you didn't get the job, but something better will come along.
Oh dear! Hope you find something to clear that up !!

Sorry about the interview, going up against internal candidates always makes it so much harder. Sounds like there are other good opportunities. What kind of training do you do? I'm a mental health nurse :)
I work in adult education and training, mostly basic skills and usually with people who have something preventing them from accessing mainstream. It may be a mental heath issue, or lack of language or literary, or physical or intellectual disability or any number of social exclusion reasons. Some job will find me soon.

Bad news on the face. Popped out of the bakery to go to the chemist and he sent me to the doctor. It is a very aggressive infection, not sure what caused it but half of my face is now weeping and swollen. On two lots of antibiotics double strength for 24 hours and if no improvement need IV antibiotics tomorrow. I look like my face is melting and it seems to be "eating" through it. Really nasty.

Honesty, I am NEVER sick and now that I try to help myself cr*p like this happens. No swimming and no walking now at all till both clear up. And I have to cancel phsyio appointment as we have no idea if infection is contagious. Couldn't g back to the bakery as the flour would aggravate it and also was told one antibiotic may make me throw up and the second may make me dizzy. So its sitting at home watching Netflix and knitting for the day.

Ah well...tomorrow is another day.
On a lighter note darling husband gave me money and sent me to town to buy his Easter eggs. So with his money I got me the new Imelda May CD as my "egg" from him.
Oh dear! Sounds nasty :( good that you got it seen to and got the treatment - especially before the lshe big weekend starts!

Hope you enjoy having a bit of a rest. I'm sure you'll be back in the pool and Walking my beforentou know it.

Well done on resisting the chocolate egg - they are everywhere at the moment! Nice to have a non choc a
No change on face good or bad so hopefully antibiotics have stopped the rampage. And trying to be positive antibiotics equals no wine which is good for my diet.