Yes, I was on IV fluids for a while as well as IV antibiotics in fluids. I was peeing non stop so reckon I did flush a lot of it out too. Kitten came home last night and is being fed 10ml by syringe every 3 keeping me busy.
Getting ready to go to town now to take Simba for his ear op and then to the gym (me, not cat) for a fitness test (unfitness test

). Haven't got my foot checked yet, the gym physio was to look at it and do dry needling and kinesio taping but I think it is a bone rather than muscle or tendon issue. It feels like a bone is rubbing at the joint between my shin and foot, when it's flexed it's fine but hurts when flat (standing and walking). I'll get them to have a look at it but feel it's another trip to the GP, I will leave it a few weeks when I have to go back to him for blood tests...I cant afford two visits. Honestly, I haven't seem my GP for 3 years and now that I want to help myself get fit and healthy I see him more than my husband.
Just weighed in and I have lost half of the increase, which is good, but it looks like still an overall gain this week rather than a loss. Now that I know I am on a countdown to blood pressure monitor it makes it more important to loose.
Managed to fit in antibiotics and food yesterday but I did have two "snacks" immediately after lunch because I knew I couldn't eat again for at least 4 hours. I had a pack or Triple Crunch Cassava crisps (about 100 cals) and a chocolate orange rice cake (also about 100 cals) and then a sneaky nap while watching Making a Murderer.
Oscar came with me to the vet to collect the kitten, he loves animals and made friends with a giant Alsatian. Then we bought me some gym leggings (didn't get to Limerick) and came home and brought Oscar and Zara for a slow 3.5k walk. We didn't intend to be slow but Oscar had to stop and talk to the cows and horses and Zara had to stop to play with the three little girls down the road.
And good news, got a call from a friend working in a hotel. She has spoken to the owner who wants to meet me to talk about a job, so fingers crossed.