Tipperary will rock 2025

Up and taken anti-biotics so cant eat for another hour. Have to have at least 3 hours between eat meal and must eat at least every four hours....confusing. Drinking some turmeric tea.
Lovely suggestion but sadly no, in fact I used tea tree oil first and then aloe vera and may have made the problem worse.

I am now in hospital for 48 hours on an IV antibiotic drip been treated for aggressive cellulitis :( Crazy for what was only a teeny spot on my face. No exercise at all but am trying to be good with food. Missed proper meals today cos I was in ER for hours but had sandwich and soup at 4pm and another sandwich at 8pm. Breakfast ordered for morning is porridge, a boiled egg, fresh fruit, brown soda bread and herbal tea.
I have with me lots of knitting (spent all the hours in ER knitting), 3 books, I-pod music, laptop and I am already bored stupid. Should go to bed now but am waiting on IV fluids to be changed first. I don't imagine I will get much sleep as its too hot and I can hear traffic (at home I can only hear birds) but hopefully its only for a day
OMG Tipp that's awful! I really hope the time passes quickly and you can get back home soon.

Do they have any idea of how you might have got the cellulitis? Big hugs!
Nope, we were blaming our new kittens, the cat who has a badly infected ear, duck poo, old manky make up brushes, germs in the pool Jacuzzi but doctor says all very highly unlikely. I just have very dry skin that unfortunately managed to get infected.

On the good side, I am in a private hospital (so grateful over cautious husband took out health insurance just a few months ago), in a private room with a view of Galway Bay. The menu is good, Im having soup, brown bread and a tomato and mozzarella salad for lunch and will have a hot meal at about 6. You can choose to have "dinner" for either meal. The nurse went to weigh me and I told her there was no need I knew my exact weight and BMI.

I'm an hour and half from home (this is the fourth hospital doctor rang for a bed) but my two daughters are coming to see me later, open visiting hours. I'm only tied to the room 4 times a day for an hour each time so we can go out to the clinic restaurant and have lunch together.

And WIFI is good so catching up o my knitting and Netflix, a very lazy bank holiday weekend
Doesn't sound too bad then! Still hope you're out of there soon though and in the mend x
Aaargh, was really hoping to be out tonight but nope it looks like Tuesday now. I am responding to antibiotics but she said it has to go completely before she lets me leave and then another 10 days on oral antibiotics. I was very upbeat yesterday and looked on it as a sort of adventure and mini enforced rest but now I am weary of it. It is difficult to sleep, well I don't sleep away from home anyway, but last IV comes out at 2am and first back in at 6am. Doctor says once I'm not on an IV today I can leave the hospital but I'm not sure if anyone will be visiting. I'd love to go into the city and get a new t-shirt and leggings for slouching around here. I hadn't really packed much.

Being very good with food options, healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner. Had two sweet treats yesterday though, a hot cross bun at 4pm with my daughters and a slice of tea brack for dessert after dinner.
They've been monitoring my blood pressure as a matter of course and it has been all over the place. And just my luck my consultant is a specialist in blood pressure. So she came in last night and said she feels that medication would be my best option, I don't have very high blood pressure but it dips up and down and she says in the long term that can be bad, However before she had seen that she already knew that I am working on reducing my weight and was very pleased with that. But we have a family history of strokes, heart disease and high blood pressure and she said regardless of what I do by 55 I will probably have a problem. She did a ECG and everything was normal so we have agreed that I can take 6 months to lose weight and then get my GP to give me a 24 hour BP monitor and see what it says and then decide. So more motivation.
Oh I'm pleased your specialist is giving you some time to lose weight and hope that corrects your blood pressure, rather than just putting you straight on meds now, a very sensible approach - and yes, what great motivation!

Hope your Easter Sunday has been a bit more exciting - will you be home by early next week, do you think? I hate hospitals too, impossible to sleep with people coughing and lights on.
:)Yay....I can come home tomorrow. Doctor just left now, (yep she works late hours, sees all her patients at night only) and said I can go home with 10 days oral antibiotics. I was supposed to be on "day release" today, which meant I could leave for 5 hours but no one could visit this afternoon so I just went out for a walk (2km along lovely country roads) and came back. Then my IV canulla had a problem and needed a doctor to change it but he couldn't find a vein. So its on the inside of my wrist just under my thumb, a very awkward place and quite sore. The drip runs through much slower so never free now for more than 90 minutes. I have 2 lots at midnight and 2 lots at 6am and can leave at 10am.

Oh I'm pleased your specialist is giving you some time to lose weight and hope that corrects your blood pressure, rather than just putting you straight on meds now, a very sensible approach - and yes, what great motivation!.

Blood pressure normal today but still will have it monitored in 6 months. Yes, she is a pretty sensible doctor and so is my GP but I always take the control first and try to give them a list of options I would be happy with rather than just let them make all the decisions. Thankfully I am rarely sick and my GP is happy with this approach.

Have just been invited (well commanded) to a Communion end of May and I have a lovely outfit I would like to wear. And daughter 2 is having a surprise birthday for daughter 1 in 3 weeks and I would like to buy a new pair of really nice jeans for that. So two mini goals to aim for. I wont be able to go back swimming for about 10 days and then need to get a good medical strength barrier cream.
I am celebrating with a bottle of water and a chocolate orange rice cake (98 calories according to the pack).
IV line fell out during the night so no morning antibiotics. They called the doctor to put a new one in but as the last 2 have been so difficult he decided not to try and let me go home as soon as I can and start on oral antibiotics.

So I cant swim for about 10 days anyway and still not able to walk properly (thinking of asking GP about my foot rather than physio) so I am going to call the leisure centre later today and make an appointment to meet a trainer at the gym tomorrow and for them to devise a circuit training plan for me that avoids putting weight on my foot. Probably means no cardio but upper body toning and some stretches hopefully.

Even though I have been in hospital I am not "sick" and have been up at 6am every morning and gotten dressed and eaten at a table. Today however I have had breakfast in bed....I wont get the chance again.

Talk tomorrow when hopefully all is back to normal except for the amount if activia yougurts I will be consuming to repair gut balance put out of sync by antibiotics. Oh and lots or arnica to reduce all the bruising for IV lines.

Happy Bank Holiday Monday and I hope not to many of you are suffering from chocolate overload
Sounds like a. Good idea to get GP to look at your foot -
Unless one of the doctors in hospital could look at it quickly?

Hope you're home soon and well on the mend xx
Morning all and I had a great nights sleep in my own bed, in fact I had a two hour nap when I got home and then fell asleep again on the couch at 7pm, darling husband woke me at 11pm for antibiotics. Took them and went to bed and he woke me again at 6am for next dose. Just having smoothie for first breakfast now. I need 10 days on antibiotics and they need to be away from food. Schedule should be 6am 12pm, 6pm and midnight. I will try 6.30am, 12pm, 6pm and 11pm, that means I can eat at 8am, 10am, 2pm and 8pm. That should cure me of any snacks or nibbling as they will interfere with meds.

Weighed myself and I have an increase of 0.4kg (almost a pound). Not bad considering and hopefully will work it off, at least now I'm back to my own food choices and will see what exercise I can do. Appointment tomorrow in the gym for a programme to keep me going over next 10 days or so while I can't swim. And I have a new moisturiser to use "Silcocks Base" €4 for a 500g tub in the chemist...amazing value and it feels good on my skin. I have to use it as a barrier cream before I get into the pool and then as a regular moisturiser.

Nice sensible chat with hospital doctor about weight. She said she feels most Irish are predisposed to being overweight as we come from the survivors of the famine, the slimmer people didn't survive. Our ancestors though did physical work for 16 hours a day and in our modern lifestyle we hardly move and this has caused us to be obese. She feels that we need a large amount of exercise (compared to some nationalities) rather than a radical overhaul of our diet.

So plans for today (to fit in with meds and food schedule) are to go to Limerick and do some shopping. I have thrown out all my make up brushes and powder mineral bases (just in case they are harbouring bacteria) so want to replace them. I very rarely wear make up but am hoping to have a few meetings over the next 2 weeks about job opportunities. I also want some gym leggings, a tracksuit is too heavy and I am not turning up to the gym in a pair of shorts. And finally I want to look at the price of Zumba for the Wii, hopefully a fun way to exercise.

Tomorrow the cat is to go to the vet. He was another suspect for "infection", he has a sore ear which gets encrusted with blood, he gets frostbite in winter and sunburn in the summer. I had been treating him with aloe vera so when I was in hospital my daughters took him (and our other cat) to the vet. He is definitely not the cause but he has cancerous growths on his ear and will have them removed tomorrow and then he has to live indoors, any sun at all is bad for him. The second cat has a chest infection and was given antibiotics and steroids. So overall an expensive week for us as a family.

Hope you all have a good day.
SO pleased you're home and are being well taken of by the OH :). It makes such a difference to be able to sleep in your own bed!

Lots of shopping on the schedule for today then :). And don't worry about that little gain, you had no choice but to eat the hospital food, without any exercise, so it will whooshie off in no time.

Hope the cat is ok and recovers quickly x
What a week, so just to clarify let me tell you about our animals

Zara is a female husky dog
Simba is a male orange cat
Socky is a male black and white cat
We have 8 laying hens
We have 1 laying duck called Quackity

And we have a 17 month old Grandson called Oscar who just lives up the road so is here quite a lot...obviously not one of the animals but I thought I should explain in case his name comes up.

We also acquired last week two little kittens now 6 weeks old. Their mother abandoned them and we have been trying to look after them. One is a black and white female and is called Guinness and will be Oscars kitten. The second one is all black and now called Merlot, sex as yet to be determined and will be my kitten. I was keeping them together for a few weeks as I thought they were still very small. They have been living in a large box with a teddy bear for company and get out about 3 times a day to play for an hour.

Socky and Simba were brought to the vet while I was in hospital, Socky has a chest infection and Simba is to have his ear removed tomorrow.
So I haven't been here to keep an eye on the kittens, they seemed fine last night and this morning I took them out of their box to eat and play. An hour later I went in and Merlot was collapsed on the floor with Guinness cuddled up, Guinness skipped off but Merlot was lethargic, not able to stand and very cold. I wrapped it in a towel and took both to the vet. Guinness is fine but Merlot is dehydrated and too cold. It has stayed with the vet on a hot water bottle and glucose for the day. Hopefully I can collect it in the morning when I bring Simba in for his ear.

I was squirrelling money away for a nice weekend away this summer and now in one morning it has all gone. I had to pay the chemist and GP earlier and will have a vet bill tomorrow.

I suppose it means I cant spend it on wine or chocolate.
Wow that sounds like a houseful! But lots of fun and drama to keep you entertained!! Hope the little kitten is better soon. We've got two cats - rhubarb and Ambrose, and they are a big pet of our little family!

Great you're home. We're you on IV fluids in hospital? That could have contributed to some weight gain too? Sure you'll syaryingnlosing again in no time. Did you get your foot checked out?
Yes, I was on IV fluids for a while as well as IV antibiotics in fluids. I was peeing non stop so reckon I did flush a lot of it out too. Kitten came home last night and is being fed 10ml by syringe every 3 hours...so keeping me busy.
Getting ready to go to town now to take Simba for his ear op and then to the gym (me, not cat) for a fitness test (unfitness test:oops:). Haven't got my foot checked yet, the gym physio was to look at it and do dry needling and kinesio taping but I think it is a bone rather than muscle or tendon issue. It feels like a bone is rubbing at the joint between my shin and foot, when it's flexed it's fine but hurts when flat (standing and walking). I'll get them to have a look at it but feel it's another trip to the GP, I will leave it a few weeks when I have to go back to him for blood tests...I cant afford two visits. Honestly, I haven't seem my GP for 3 years and now that I want to help myself get fit and healthy I see him more than my husband.

Just weighed in and I have lost half of the increase, which is good, but it looks like still an overall gain this week rather than a loss. Now that I know I am on a countdown to blood pressure monitor it makes it more important to loose.

Managed to fit in antibiotics and food yesterday but I did have two "snacks" immediately after lunch because I knew I couldn't eat again for at least 4 hours. I had a pack or Triple Crunch Cassava crisps (about 100 cals) and a chocolate orange rice cake (also about 100 cals) and then a sneaky nap while watching Making a Murderer.

Oscar came with me to the vet to collect the kitten, he loves animals and made friends with a giant Alsatian. Then we bought me some gym leggings (didn't get to Limerick) and came home and brought Oscar and Zara for a slow 3.5k walk. We didn't intend to be slow but Oscar had to stop and talk to the cows and horses and Zara had to stop to play with the three little girls down the road.

And good news, got a call from a friend working in a hotel. She has spoken to the owner who wants to meet me to talk about a job, so fingers crossed.
Morning, another small loss this morning so if I end the week the same weight I started I will be happy.

Kitten has been fed and back asleep on a hot water bottle. Got a call from the vet yesterday and Simba came out of the anaesthetic but was been kept in overnight. I went and spoke to the gym trainer yesterday and we tried out some of the equipment to see what my foot could use. I have to go in at 5pm and then get and do my new programm and will collect Simba then.

I was limping across the zebra crossing yesterday and had a flashback to limping across another zebra crossing in France last August. I fell down the stairs (I was about to get into the pool and had a shower first and was all wet and slipped, I feel I should say that in case anyone thinks wine was taken:oops:) and badly banged up both legs. So I am wondering was my foot damaged in some way I didn't realise.

I've to go to the bakery today but will be a little late as I cant eat after antibiotics. They seem to be holding the infection at bay but I have some small side affects. My head is now full of mucous (nose and throat) but I think that is due to all he activia yogurts I am having, I don't normally eat dairy if I can help it. After each dose my stomach is getting quesier and quesier and is bloated. My mouth has a constant metallic taste and even water tastes vile, Im cold all the time and Im getting worn down. But compared to staying in hospital on a drip this is heaven, the drip was getting very painful, hopefully only four more days.

Not sure how meals will fit in today with bakery and trips to town but am happy to take it as it comes and leave it until next week to get back to shrinking with a vengeance.

Emails sent off last night for a job application so fingers crossed it works out.

Talk later, enjoy your day.
Well it is Friday and weigh in day and I'm 200g heavier than last Friday, I'm not happy but after the week I've had I can't say I'm surprised. I have decided it is only 200g and I will ignore it and see what tomorrow brings. My meals yesterday were all bread based, wholemeal brown soda bread but about 7 slices of them. It is one of the few things that doesn't make me queasy with the antibiotics, the smoothies and the konjac both make me sick right now. Once they are finished I can get back to normal. Still feeling bloated and a bit "liverish" from the meds.
I had an induction at the gym yesterday, a nice 40 minute programme to keep me moving and toning arms, chest and abs while I can't swim. I don't enjoy the gym and if I can go 3 times a week I will be happy. I need to find a time when all the muscle guys aren't there or all the tanned make-uped gym bunnies posing and watching them.
I return to a part time job next week, teaching cookery 3 evenings a week. Week 1 is chicken curry and then I need to chat to them all to see what they want. I need to try to make something that I can keep tasting. Class 1 has one very overweight girl and one very underweight guy...so a challenge. Class 3 has a coeliac and someone with a heart condition. The younger class won't be coming back to me and they enjoyed baking, all the classes I have will be concentrating on meals.
I also have another job interview next Friday (one I applied for in January), it is a bit of a drive away so I am hoping the interview suit is "less snug" than last time for the drive.
Hopefully no animal dramas today.
Have a good weekend all.