Morning all again. Just weighed in and am exactly 75kg with BMI of 32.89. My end Dec plan was to be 71kg now so falling behind. 500g loss in 2 weeks.
Been a bad week all round. Short version, husband has been very angry since leaving hospital and having mad rage attacks. A really bad one on Saturday, very angry and grumpy all Sunday and a major flip out on Monday evening...he was so bad I had to leave the house. Volunteer ( whom I left in the house) texted me to say he was scared and was leaving in the morning. Didn't want to involve anyone else but had to text daughter to see if she could take volunteer overnight. I thought it was anger/ depression at being sick but daughter pointed out it was probably steroid rage..he is on a huge dose. Texted husband to point out how out of control he was and could he call his doctor. He didn't believe anything was wrong with him, that we were all the problem.
So spent Monday night Tuesday morning sorting out a new placement for volunteer and he is gone and safe elsewhere. I've moved into spare room...more just to give husband space and hoping he sees the issue himself, most of the anger is directed at me (comfortable with the ones we love and trust) so hoping he calms down a bit. Daughters and son want me to call his doctor but I think it will make him worse and still hoping he sees it.
Anyway....that means I don't have to cook and sit down to three meals a day, that I don't have to worry about what I cook for other people and that I can concentrate ony own healthy meals. And that my time is relatively my own. I've had nice walks the past three days increasing pace or distance each day. Hoping another week or two will see the end of the strong icy winds and I can get back on my bike ( just too dangerous now). And need to get back swimming. I think a nice big long bath this weekend to "de winter" my body (shaving, plucking, dyeing, get rid of dinosaur skin) then I will be pool ready ( a bath won't deal with flab, fat or cellulite so why try).
Meals haven't been too bad, I did have a greasy takeaway Monday night while I was "absent" from home but not been too bad.
I need to get back iny groove.
I also need to seriously get back to job hunting and need to be interview suit ready.
So moving on its now all about Me Me Me