Tipperary will rock 2025

Hey Tippy,

Just catching up.on this. Sounds like it's been tough and when stuff like this is going on all the planning just goes out the window doesn't it? Glad hubby's heart is okay. At least that is a worry off your mind.

Just make sure you are taking care of yourself as well as hubby!
Sorry to read about OH. I had Sarcoidosis back in the early 1990's which they thought at first could be TB. I was admitted for a night as I had a racing heart. I had erythema nodosum at the same time.

Wow Craft Mary, glad to talk to someone who had it, did you have it in your heart or lungs?. Glad to know you came through it OK.

I was on long term steroids at one point and couldn't stop eating! I felt ravenous non stop, so maybe be prepared for that and have a ton of healthy snacks around for him. I made the mistake of just eating what I saw, hence the 2st weight gain. )

Thanks Tibbs, he has been warned about weight gain but the next two weeks is just trying to get used to the cpap machine and adjust to the meds
He will talk to consultant in 2 weeks and hopefully gets some lifestyle advice then.

Well I'm still not back in any sort of a proper place yet with diet or exercise. Trying to use up what we have in the fridge and feed husband and volunteer well. My worst problem is I hate waste and if they leave food I will have that as my next meal. Prior to this I was just cooking for me and husband would have a steak or some fish, we didn't have leftovers.

Today's meals are planned and include goats cheese quiche and soup for lunch and then chicken and pasta for dinner. So not great for me but if I can get into a routine of 3 meals, a smoothie and a small snack if needed then that is a start
Goat's cheese quiche - yum!

Your menu sounds pretty good to me - just try and eat lots of veg (as I'm sure you're doing) and you'll be fine. I think you're coping amazingly! Years ago I went out with a guy who had sleep apnea and it made me a nervous wreck, listening to him stopping breathing in his sleep! How you've managed with it for years is truly admirable.
I had it in my lungs and lymph glands. It affected my muscles and to get out of bed was a challenge. Every time I moved I cried it was so painful.
I went to the Dr 6 weeks on the trot and each time she told me I had a bad case of flu. My own Dr was on holiday and as soon as I saw him it was a phone call to the hospital and in I went.
I'm sure some of my problems I've got now is all to do with having it all those years ago.


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I had it in my lungs and lymph glands. It affected my muscles and to get out of bed was a challenge. Every time I moved I cried it was so painful.
I'm sure some of my problems I've got now is all to do with having it all those years ago.

Thanks, that's what I am.concerned about, long term effects either from the condition or the treatment. He has been extremely tired since September and sick.since November but 3 years ago he dislocated a shoulder and the x ray for it showed shadows on his lungs. They decided it was a chest infection but consultant said it could have been this. Ironically the sleep apnea is completely unrelated to the condition, he is just doubly unlucky both cause breathing problems.
Anyway, he has my full attention until.Monday and then its all focus back to me.
Got lots done in the garden today, i must start sharing photos of it.
And thank you all ao such for the support. Despite my moaning about him we are very close. We got married when I was 19 and he was 21 so grew up together and would be totally lost without each other.
OK pity party over and today and tomorrow preparing for a full on start on Monday. Having porridge now, if I can stay away from bread in the morning it always makes the rest of the day easier.
As said we seem to have a lot of leftovers and an excess of eggs. I found a recipe in Ottolenghis book for simply put is a savoury bread pudding. So making one for boys lunch with stale French bread, our excess eggs, Stilton from Xmas that no one seems to want and some leftover brocolli and cauliflower from dinners this week. They can have that with a salad and I will have some vegetable tempura. Baked potatoes for dinner with steak for them and I'll make some chilli beans.
Garden today is doing the patio and I have a giant dahlia tuber to be divided and planted. It has been growing in the tunnel and is now bigger than a basketball...so lots of dahlia tubers.
That's it for this morning, I may struggle over the next few days and pop in a lot to keep me on track.
Have a good weekend all.
Hungry already, having a glass of water and back up plan is brown bread or wholewheat pitta with avocado
Oh I love savoury bread pudding, used to make it all the time in Italy - really yummy with roasted peppers and feta in it :).

You know, I find oatmeal never fills me up, I'm always hungry and hour or two later. What about an omelette, instead of bread?
I'm trying hard to cut down on eggs.
Two glasses of water did the yrivk but now eating the end of last nights hunter chicken and rice, only about a cupful altogether, as elevensis. Lunch not till about 2.30 then volunteer off until Tuesday morning but doesn't seem to have any plans to go away. I need a break and wish he would.
My gosh Tipp what a nightmare for hubby and yourself, at least you know what is going on now and have some treatment started and a bit of a plan. Such a worrying time, I wouldn't have been able to think about healthy eating or dieting either especially with those long drives and hospital appointments.

Did the volunteer go away in the end? You must be exhausted.
Nope he stayed. He is a nice lad and keeps to himself but still with all that is going on it would have been easier.if he went away. I feel no compunction to look after them on days off but husband and son felt awkward and both tried to include him in things and then felt put upon.
Anyway, weekend didn't go as planned. At lot of stress in the house so I hibernated to the sitting room with curtains closed, wine, popcorn, toast and other comfort stuff.

However today is the day to get serious. Having porridge now and then.going out for a walk. I know I will be hungry when I get back and have a broth type soup already made. Ideally I want to reduce bread intake, be sugar free and "veganish". I need to cut out cheese and greatly reduce the amount of eggs, stay away from chocolate and overall try to avoid animal fats. The soup today is made with chicken stock and I am OK with having a roast chicken dinner once a week but its the cheese butter and eggs that are my enemies.

Tried to talk to husband on Saturday about lifestyle changes to help him and he shouted at me. However last night he spent hours on his phone googling suggestions and found a great article about.food and lifestyle suggestions. He said he would email it to me as i might find things in it he has missed. We have decided he will do nothing until he sees the consultant for his test results and follow up tests as we don't want to mask any of the symptoms yet. Hopefully the consultant will have some suggestions for him and we can make the changes together. I would be so happy to have a sugar free house and get him out for some exercise each day. One of the big questions is to find out if he is oversensitive to Vit D. And he will need to follow an anti immflamatory diet...that can only be good for both of us.

Off to find my walking shoes and get out for an hour.
Back in from a 3.5km walk. My legs and lungs had another bit left in me but my bladder didn't, especially with the cold air. It was cold out but lovely and sunny and you can now see the potential.of spring.
Drinking water now, I had said I thought I felt flooded after drinking water and I normally poo poo the idea of bottled water but on Saturday I.opened a 2 litre bottle of water, finished it through the day and didn't feel so bad. Did the same yesterday and trying again today. So two days I had the 2 litre bottle of water plus extra glasses at dinner table plus herbal tea...not too bad.
Hi have just spent my morning reading through your posts and I'm really enjoying hearing about your journey/life. I used to have a small holding growing my own veg and rearing chickens but our landlord sold the property and we are yet to find somewhere suitable. So sad :( I miss my animals greatly, although we still have our ponies in livery nearby and have been able to keep 3 of our hens so not all bad. I have subscribed and look forward to reading more! You're doing so well. X
Thank you so much Nicky.
We are very hit and miss with our attempt to be more sustainable but each year we get a little closer to it.
Welcome to minimins, its a great place.
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I think it's a good idea to wait until OH next sees the consultant, and then you can properly plan which WOE is best for him.

Well done on the long walk - glad you can see Spring starting to spring, no sign of it here :).
Got out again for another walk with Oscar and Zara. Lots of daffodils.pushing up
Morning all again. Just weighed in and am exactly 75kg with BMI of 32.89. My end Dec plan was to be 71kg now so falling behind. 500g loss in 2 weeks.

Been a bad week all round. Short version, husband has been very angry since leaving hospital and having mad rage attacks. A really bad one on Saturday, very angry and grumpy all Sunday and a major flip out on Monday evening...he was so bad I had to leave the house. Volunteer ( whom I left in the house) texted me to say he was scared and was leaving in the morning. Didn't want to involve anyone else but had to text daughter to see if she could take volunteer overnight. I thought it was anger/ depression at being sick but daughter pointed out it was probably steroid rage..he is on a huge dose. Texted husband to point out how out of control he was and could he call his doctor. He didn't believe anything was wrong with him, that we were all the problem.
So spent Monday night Tuesday morning sorting out a new placement for volunteer and he is gone and safe elsewhere. I've moved into spare room...more just to give husband space and hoping he sees the issue himself, most of the anger is directed at me (comfortable with the ones we love and trust) so hoping he calms down a bit. Daughters and son want me to call his doctor but I think it will make him worse and still hoping he sees it.

Anyway....that means I don't have to cook and sit down to three meals a day, that I don't have to worry about what I cook for other people and that I can concentrate ony own healthy meals. And that my time is relatively my own. I've had nice walks the past three days increasing pace or distance each day. Hoping another week or two will see the end of the strong icy winds and I can get back on my bike ( just too dangerous now). And need to get back swimming. I think a nice big long bath this weekend to "de winter" my body (shaving, plucking, dyeing, get rid of dinosaur skin) then I will be pool ready ( a bath won't deal with flab, fat or cellulite so why try).

Meals haven't been too bad, I did have a greasy takeaway Monday night while I was "absent" from home but not been too bad.
I need to get back iny groove.

I also need to seriously get back to job hunting and need to be interview suit ready.

So moving on its now all about Me Me Me
Looking for healthy sweet nibbles, a non added sugar biscuit replacement. Seen lots online for 3 ingredient oat cookies and after research decided to try my own.

Blitzed 4oz porridge oats in blender and mixed with two overripe mashed bananas, dessert spoon raw cacao powder and teaspoon cinnamon.
Rolled into 12 balls and baked 180 degrees for 15 mins.

Well it didn't quite work. I thought the balls would flatten and bake like cookies but they stayed as balls. Also a bit dense.

So will try again but only blitz 3oz of oats and stir the other oz in whole. Will flatten them before baking and a teeny few sprinkled peanuts or dessicated coconut on top would be good

ALDI had some "health foods" in this week including GF Protein pasta which is pasta just made from pea or chickpea, I got the chickpea one. Also got quinoa puffs, might be good for coating homemade veggie burgers.
I also made a version of veggie bhagis. I finley chopped some raw cauliflower added frozen peas and chopped scallions. Mixed in some gram flour and enough water to make a stiff paste. Dropped spoonfuls into hot oil, they tasted great...but doesn't all fried food.
BUT they were GF, vegan, sugar free, lowish carb and high in protein so most boxes ticked.
Oh my goodness what another rollercoaster few days you've had!

I'd never heard of steroid rage, had to google, but hells bells it sounds awful. How long is he on the steroids for? Can you mash tranquilizers into his food?? Please be careful, Tipp!

I suppose the silver lining is now you just have to make your own meals, and can control what you eat. I've read in a few 'ban sugar' websites that they tend to use things like dates to bind mixtures together - worth a shot?