Morning all, off work today and not in until 1pm tomorrow so can have a normalish day. And good news our "extra" family has now moved into the granny flat so I have my house back. Today I am planning to clean everything, the place is full of baby toys and bits of half eaten food. So hoping that brings me back a sense of normality. It also means if I do work strange hours I should be able to nap without been woken.
Waiting on the postman, the results from the interview I had two weeks ago are out today, I will find out if I have been placed on the panel. About 500 were interviewed. I think I did a strong interview but was low on order of merit from placement test. I was in 77th percentile which is band B, band A started at 78th annoying. So even if I did really well I can only be the top of the second group. I also have another interview Saturday two weeks for the temporary public job I did last summer. The money is so much better than I am getting now but the work horrible. Im thinking of going for the interview anyway and telling them I cant take a contract until September, the winter ones tend to be longer usually covering maternity or sick leave whereas the summer shorter just holiday cover. Arrgh decisions, driving me mad lately.
Started this morning with porridge and blueberries and have a chicken for dinner tonight with veg. Hoping once the kitchen is clean I can make a big pot of soup. I am making wraps and bringing them to work for lunch at the moment, I am putting chicken or ham in them and then grated carrot, spinach and anything else not soggy. We don't get a set break and eat in the office between flights. Once I finish training I will have a more scheduled day and can use the break room which just has a microwave and a kettle. I might make some skinny noodle dishes that I can reheat. Has anyone any other ideas of easy transportable foods that are diet friendly I can bring, ideally I would like them to be vegan but will settle for fat and sugar free.
Also looking for suggestions for very early morning breakfasts, 3am early that is. I just cant face eating porridge that early...and it takes me ages to eat. A slice of toast is what I have been doing but really don't want to start the day with anything bread based and then I just seem to eat bread all day long. I do need to eat something before the drive. I might see if I can find a better recipe for some oat based bars...again any ideas?
Thanks all