Tipperary will rock 2025

There will be no temptations tonight as I have to go to bed soon to get up at 3am.

What is glucomannan and what is it supposed to do?
Glucommanan is as craftermary said. A high fibre supplement which expands with water. You take it about half a hour before your meal with two glasses of water and it makes you feel fuller faster. It doesn't do you any harm as it's natural.
Yep, I've eatwn skinny noodles which are konjac
There was a big hoo ha in the UK last year about sexist dress codes and whether it was legal to enforce the wearing of high heels but it didn't go anywhere in the end.

I thought that the airline industry had improved on that front as many airlines you now see staff in flats, or at least staff changing into flats during the actual flight.

I will look out to see what the situation is with the 8 different flights with 6 different airlines that I will be taking in the next few weeks and might even ask the staff if this is enforced. If they say it is I would be tempted to write to the airlines and complain. I just find it ridiculous! How does the size of your heel make you do your job better? It's so bad for your posture and can create heath problems.

Sorry - you have set me off now! I just think the fact that this sort of sexism still goes on in 2018 is just ridiculous!
The evening is bad for me too - very easy to be good when on the go... but come sort the evening when we sit down and just chill out it's so easy to eat eat eat.

I've got round a bit of it by buying healthier snacks and eating those instead but it still doesn't help....! Could you get away with 'if it's not in, I can't eat it' or would you still go out and get it?
@Ponytales I agree with you about the heels and dress code. I'm not flying and I am aware that flight crews do have more sensible heals than they did have. Iust read our uniform code again I am think our heals need to be st least 1.5 inches, mine are just about that and a square block heel but life would be so much easier in proper flat support shoes.
Work and food strange but good today, breakfast at 3am, lunch at 7am and dinner at 2pm. Fell asleep on couch but kept been woken up. Awake now and thinking of a bedtime snack.
You need to have some snacky stuff on standby (forgive the airline parlance lol|) at home.

Agree completely on the airline dress codes, read somewhere that one airline (might be American) has only just allowed its female flight attendants to wear trousers! I've been a pretty rabid feminist all my life and I too can't believe that cr*p like this is still going on. Grrr....will the world now come to an end because all flight crew can wear trousers? No it will not. :flamingmade::banghead:
Morning all, off work today and not in until 1pm tomorrow so can have a normalish day. And good news our "extra" family has now moved into the granny flat so I have my house back. Today I am planning to clean everything, the place is full of baby toys and bits of half eaten food. So hoping that brings me back a sense of normality. It also means if I do work strange hours I should be able to nap without been woken.
Waiting on the postman, the results from the interview I had two weeks ago are out today, I will find out if I have been placed on the panel. About 500 were interviewed. I think I did a strong interview but was low on order of merit from placement test. I was in 77th percentile which is band B, band A started at 78th percentile...so annoying. So even if I did really well I can only be the top of the second group. I also have another interview Saturday two weeks for the temporary public job I did last summer. The money is so much better than I am getting now but the work horrible. Im thinking of going for the interview anyway and telling them I cant take a contract until September, the winter ones tend to be longer usually covering maternity or sick leave whereas the summer shorter just holiday cover. Arrgh decisions, driving me mad lately.

Started this morning with porridge and blueberries and have a chicken for dinner tonight with veg. Hoping once the kitchen is clean I can make a big pot of soup. I am making wraps and bringing them to work for lunch at the moment, I am putting chicken or ham in them and then grated carrot, spinach and anything else not soggy. We don't get a set break and eat in the office between flights. Once I finish training I will have a more scheduled day and can use the break room which just has a microwave and a kettle. I might make some skinny noodle dishes that I can reheat. Has anyone any other ideas of easy transportable foods that are diet friendly I can bring, ideally I would like them to be vegan but will settle for fat and sugar free.
Also looking for suggestions for very early morning breakfasts, 3am early that is. I just cant face eating porridge that early...and it takes me ages to eat. A slice of toast is what I have been doing but really don't want to start the day with anything bread based and then I just seem to eat bread all day long. I do need to eat something before the drive. I might see if I can find a better recipe for some oat based bars...again any ideas?

Thanks all
Busy times ahead so @tipperary

Best of luck with the panel, hopefully you get to the top of group B anyway and something might come of it. Im public sector myself, Do you know people in your local offices? Would there be a maternity leave coming up?

Breakfast ideas, I bring overnight oats, I know you say you cant eat the porridge in the morning, I hate porridge but manage overnight oats, you can have it made up the night before so you aren't trying to prepare anything at 3am!Do you eat eggs Tipperary? You could have a breakfast frittata made from the evening before, fry up some mushrooms and onions, add to a lines baking tray with some tomatoes chopped, pour over some beaten eggs with a splash of milk, bake until eggs are set. you can reheat it in the morning then. Also can be eaten for lunch with a salad.

lunch- I do a lot of salads or you could bring some quinoa or couscous with diced peppers, olives, tomatoes, green onions, grated carrot. You can gets these individual pots of light hummus in Tesco which are nice, I think its Mediterranean selection. I bring them to work sometimes with diced veggies and dip them. Also If you eat eggs I made a beautiful sweet potato quiche a few weeks ago. was so tasty, lovely with a salad... I will see if I can find the exact recipe for it.
Thanks Orlaith, lots of ideas there. Ive thought about overnight oats, I don't eat dairy and am struggling to find an alternative that isn't high in sugar. I love eggs but that's part of my problem, I eat too many of them and my cholesterol is very high so am trying to limit them.
At the moment I have Thai green veg curry soup cooking and a veggie sausage stew ( quorn sausages, onions, peppers, carrots, beans, tomatoes). The stew with a baked potato or some skinny noodles will be good for work lunches, even if it is 7am. Holland and Barrett have a 1cent sale on this week so will stock up on some skinny noodles.

Also a good suggestion about maternity leave, though if it was for Oct they would barely know they are expecting yet. I do have a friend in the local office so will get her to keep an ear out for me.

I must make up a batch of hummous, I've lots of tins of chickpeas and have just put some garlic in the oven to roast. I also have an aubergine in to bake and will puree that later.
Everything is actually in covered pots cooking in the oven as our gas has just run out (oven is electric). We got oil so heating is back but plumber hasn't been so still no water...honestly what a week.
Interview results back, I'm number 68 on the panel. A bit disappointed as I thought I did better than that. In a rural area 68 isn't a guarantee if being offered a place. Top twenty would have been safe, top 50 hopeful.

Anyway, quorn sausage stew done and in containers cooling... I have 5 portions each with half a large baked potato ready to freeze. Aubergine puree made and also hummous, I'm off to town soon to get shopping done but including small pots to put these purees into. Spread on the baked potato it will be lush or to have as a snack with some rice cakes.
Wow lots of cooking going on at yours - it must be lovely having the space back!

Sorry to hear your interview score wasn't what you hoped - but people might drop out or move, so I bet you move up the list.

Re brekkies, I can only really suggest eggy things like the veg muffins - otherwise I'd suggest protein and veg, but that's not for you either. Ooh what about the veg bombs I mentioned a bit back- let me see if I can upload the clip.

Veg bombs.PNG
Looks good thanks Susie.
I.bought oatabix today and meant to buy almond milk but forgot. I might try overnight oats too with almond milk and blueberries. I got a big bargain bag of dates in Holland and barrett and might make some raw breakfast bars with them.along with oats, banans and Apple puree.
Just in from a short walk, my legs and ankles are very sore. I was worried about my feet at work but it seems it is my legs that are suffering more, I've cramps in my calves and very swollen ankles. Off to take some magnesium and I'm.drinking a lot of water.
Friday 13th April
Weight 76.6kg
BMI 33.6

Just weighed in and back up to two weeks ago, not surprised at that but annoyed with myself. Hopefully now that I have a weekly schedule ( a random one but I know what it is ) I can plan food and more importantly exercise in advance.
Just copied that from my food diary, so need to be organised and planned for this week. Waiting on porridge to be cooked then ideally go for a swim. I need to leave for work about 11:45. Making green tea with spearmint today, my hoarded French Kusmi tea, it really is delicious.
i took two Magnesium last night, I don't know if it did my legs any good but I did sleep much better.
Maybe it's your legs reacting to all that standing? i take green tea and dandelion tablets to help with water weight, so i think the green tea idea is a good one, just don't stray too far from the loo :).

Planning is the key for me, absolutely - if i have good stuff at work then I;m OK, if not i go for the sarnies and that way trouble lies!
I agree Susie, legs definitely not used to.the standing.
So...finally got to to swimming, only 12 lengths and lungs weren't necessarily happy but great to get back. Then I quickly used the foot and legs jets in the jacuzzi and legs feel a bit better.
Had soup.and crackers this n and now at work hanging around waiting on a delayed flight. I've had my lunch here, the vegan sausage stew and baked potato. I need to be careful with tea and water at work because I usually pee every hour anyway and here I could easily be over two.hours from a bathroom.
Will try to.go for another short walk with Oscar when I get home.
Oooh yes definitely very weak bladdered here too!

Well done at all the cooking - you must never ever sit down, bless you! Hope things are getting back to normal full stop for you now!