Tipperary will rock 2025

This is closer to the real me, though I hate all photos of me and photo really bad. I've been trying to find a good photo to use as my LinkedIn profile photo...it won't be this one.

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Tipp you look so totally different in this photo, you look like 2 different people... you look gorgeous with your hair boinging out..this is more like I imagined you. X
Just been catching up on your diary Tippy..goodness, so much going on in your life since I was last on here..big hugs ((X)) and hoping you and your family are all doing ok X
Thanks everyone. Well I am off today and the house is full and everyone is happy.
Daughter just made a big pan of scrambled eggs for everyone as the hens had given us loads of eggs.
The cellulitis isn't stress but blocked pores, the bacteria is obviously within me and when pores get blocked it sets it off. I had thrown all my makeup and brushes out but was still worried that it was cross contamination, GP said no but I just can't wear make up everyday
I do use Bare Minerals normally (on the normal make up occasions) but had gone for full coverage liquid make up for the interview. Will try some bb creams or tints today and see. We do have to wear make up but some of the "older" ladies do wear it quite light.. My eyes and lips are fine and I can wear what I want on them.
Body and food clock still a bit funny so not sure were weight is, will try to get some exercise today and see if I can weigh in tomorrow, Oscar has taken over my wii fit room.
Lots to do today with general housework, extra catch up housework cos I wasn't here and then moving in chaos. First things first all my "corporate work clothes" being washed. We get uniforms next week, it was so bad getting fitted for them and I have one I think of everything. Shoes and trousers I've to buy, so a 37 and a 12. Then they supply the rest, a 14 skirt 16 jacket, 18 shirt, 20 waistcoat and I have no idea what size coat.
I'd like to be a more normal size but I will never be the same size top and bottom.

Have a good weekend everyone and have a taste of chocolate but not too much.
Enjoy your Easter Tippy X
No 2 daughter has lymphodema in one arm and gets cellulitis.. Bacterial infection from a cut was her first bout. She usually needs 2 lots of antibiotics before it will clear it up, lately it came on when she had a chest infection. Hope yours clears up quickly X
Face is improving but not totally clear yet. I've been wearing a bb cream instead of make up and no comments yet so if I can get away with that I will. Very tired today, we walked miles through the airport in heels and now feet, ankles and calves tired... Its a total workout I reckon.
Haven't weighed in at all as I'm up too early in the morning and Oscar has taken over my room. Hopefully they will have moved into Granmy flat in the middle of next week and I can have my house and some routine back. I haven't been dieting as such but have been mindful of what I'm eating and lits and lots of water. Anti biotics will finish tonight and that will make meals easier as they don't have to be timed to fit in with meds.
I've gone for a walk 3 evenings in a row with Oscar in the buggy and the dog, it really did me good. Not going this evening though as too tired and saving my feet for tomorrow. I doy first real.flight tomorrow so excited and nervous.
Thanks all, a bit nervous and excited too.
I spwnt 4 hours standing in one spot smiling and saying "good afternoon, this way please" with passengers trying to hand me bags of vomit to put in the bin. I don't need lipstick, high heels and hair in a bun for this.
It was a good day and I enjoyed it but I think my feet died... The burn in them was so bad when I finished. And there is a lit of hanging around and all everyone does it eat. All the staff seem to live on bottles of cokr and packets of crisps
Ive already picked up an extra shift, but at 6am tomorrow morning so will be up at 4am. It's for a particular regular flight but with no set schedule so they always need staff at short notice for it. Supervisor seen 3 of us trainees hanging around and said she had three of them this weekend did we want one each to train on so I jumped at it.
Anyway I have my timetable for next week, different hours every day so hoping to get me some sort of a pattern and get some swimming and proper food sorted. I've just been eating wraps all week.
Ditto what Sunhill says, 4am is a bit cruel! :). And vomit bags, oh dear...hope today is better!

At least you don't have to wear heels (or was that wishful thinking?) - what about padded insoles, would they help?
I do have to wear heels, and they even check the height of them... Must be over inch and a half. I bought gel insoles for them.but then my fat feet wouldn't fit into them. Had a really interesting day today on another special flight and got to spend about 40 minutes in the cockpit of a Boeing 777 been shown all the controls and how everything work... I was trying to take it all in to tell my husband when I got home...he was so jealous.
So I have my timetable up to next Sunday and am finally hoping to get a proper food and eating routine and get to the pool. I'm not in until 1pm tomorrow and want yo spend early morning sorting out work clothes and also packing my pool bag for the week and leave it in the car.
I've had lots of water since I came home today but have to be careful.at work as it isn't always possible to get to a bathroom. On Friday I was 10 feet from one but couldn't get to it as it was through security and also I couldn't leave my post.
I've finally finished my Easter egg and I think all the chocolate is now gone so no more temptation I hope.
Daughter and Oscar still living here so house and living still very topsy turvy, it wull be great to have normality when the get sorted.
It might be hard on your tootsies but gosh the work sounds interesting, particularly going into the cockpit! No wonder your OH is jealous :).
You must have fabulous calf muscles too! :)

YOur job sounds fascinating - if tough! I read Air Babylon by Imogen Edwards-Jones a few weeks back - have you read it? I bet you could write one all of your own with the things you've seen haha!
You must have fabulous calf muscles too! :)

YOur job sounds fascinating - if tough! I read Air Babylon by Imogen Edwards-Jones a few weeks back - have you read it? I bet you could write one all of your own with the things you've seen haha!

Well I have only just started so no major changes yet though I will watch out for good calf muscles....if I can find them.above the elephant ankles that it. I haven't done a regular flight yet and that will be very quick, very mundane and I'm sure full of annoyed passengers.
I'm finding it hard to keep track of what day it is and even what time it is. Mealtimes are all over the place. I tried to be good yesterday and was fine from 6 am to about 8pm when I had wine and crisps and chocolate. My reasoning being that I am off today and don't know really when I will have a full day of again. Now however it doesn't feel like it was a good reason.
Going to try to drink lots of water today.
I don't know what to say to help - evenings are my bad time too! Although I'm hopeful that the glucomannan I'm starting tonight will fill me up so much i won't be able to graze :classic_roll_eyes: