The No Bull burgers are the best shop bought ones I've had..nothing like burger texture, more like hot dog texture but at least they're not cardboard. They're vegan too. Sat fat: 1.4, Sugars: 5.1 Calories: 190
I might get some of them to try, my basket was full by the time I found them. I must read the label, I wonder if they are quorn or soya based. I will only eat organic soya as the regular stuff is probably GM.
Tired now but kitchen is full of food. I made 8 pitta breads but overcooked them a bit, I usually do them on the griddle pan but baked these in the oven as it was on anyway and now they are a bit crispy but still perfect with a dip. I have 6 pieces of quiche made and 10 oat cereal bars, all now in the freezer. Freezer sorted and I have 26 meals prepared, breakfast/brunch/lunch.
I have 2 French female volunteers coming to stay this month. My hours are all over the place so daughter 1 is going to look after meals for them. So I checked to see what is in the freezer now anyway, we have 8 loaves brown soda bread, 6 apple tarts, 12 mini a start. We also have about 6 bags frozen prawns and I find with French volunteers and pack of pasta, a bag of prawns and a jar of pasta sauce makes them a great meal. I have about 5 bags now of Deep Roots veg enough to keep me going.
I got very hungry while cooking so had a wrap with some hard boiled egg, tomato, mayo and lots of spinach leaves. Im hoping to make some soup and have that with pitta and cauliflower dip soon and have veg lasagne out of freezer for dinner. Ive also taken out a duck to roast for the rest and have potatoes peeled and green beans in a pot. And my rummage around the freezer produced some stuffing balls I made at Christmas. Everyone all sorted.
Id like to go for a swim today so will see about that later, if not a decent walk. Its drizzling out but noce a fresh so good for walking if I have a hood.
Skin breaking out in spots again, fingers crossed it is just to put emergency antibiotic cream on it just in case, I don't think I could cope long term if cellulitis is going to be a constant thing.