Tipperary will rock 2025

Lots of ideas to put to her now, thanks all. Two spots are growing by the minute, not sure how they will look tomorrow.
Thanks Orla but daughter really doesn't want Dubai or anywhere in the middle east. Vegas is the front runner so far.
I started to write last night and got distracted. Hmm
Long day at work yesterday, well only 7.5 hours but the longest I've had so far. Had overnight oats made but only managed a mouthful at 5am so ate an oat bar in the car....they really seem to be working as a snack. Got a break at about 11:30 and had some quiche and bean salad and then another oat bar at about 2pm. Home at 4:30 and had more bean salad, a pitta bread and a chicken burger at 5pm. About 7pm I had a slice of low GI bread but with a chunck of butter. Fell asleep on the couch about 8pm watching James Caan in Vegas ( instead of watching Scott Caan in Hawaii 5 O).
Did about 5000 steps at work yesterday and met a real celebrity but not allowed tell you who.
Body seems to be in a sleep.and eat pattern of up at 5am and asleep.at 9pm. Off today and then body will be in shock cos next 10 days I'm on on evening shifts.
I really should get out of bed and weigh myself. I'm starving now and want a big savoury breakfast.
Weighed in this morning and 400g down. However it has been 13 days since I weighed in last, I didn't realise it was that long ago. Work.hours really playing havoc with me and normal day to day things.
Just back from town and I ate lunch out with daughter, I had a ciabbatta with BBQ chicken and Camembert. Not a healthy option but very filling and so nice to eat something different. And I lodged €100 to my holiday savings fund, I've had no money for so long and survived without it so got this into my savings quickly.
The celebrity was handsome in his day but is ageing now, a true British icon and very friendly and polite.
The celebrity was handsome in his day but is ageing now, a true British icon and very friendly and polite.

Its a particular flight that transits only and will have rich or famous on it and I'm working it again tomorrow. We have a number of "special" flights that transit only each day and we have to walk all the passengers through security and back to their plane.
All my money gone again. Working part time at minimum wage and travel.expenses doesn't leave very much. Just paid car tax, got phone credit, savings and paid swimming pool balance and um left with €30 for two weeks. Well it means u can't buy snacks and bad stuff at work so will have to eat well.
Just going out for a walk with baby and dog.
Iceland Mumbai chana dhal in the oven for dinner, only about 130 cals and low in sugar and fat. Hope its good and will be going to Iceland for more of the indian dishes.
Oooh a celebrity :). Makes life interesting, eh?

I think your food on your working day sounds great, sounds to me like you've found a way that works for you, considering the mad time constraints and hours you have to work to!

Sorry you haven't got any pay left though, it disappears all too quickly eh? I've just paid my car insurance too - but then came home tonight to discover a nasty damp patch in the kitchen, which means there's a leak in my bathroom (which backs on to it). More money...sigh...
Yep....money certainly doesn't last.
Ah, I wish you could say all the celebs you get to see! How very interesting, can you talk to them or been told not too?
It's a sickener when you get your wages and are left with nearly nothing! Also a sickener that you're doing crazy hours, grabbing food on the hop, escorting the rich & famous all for minimum wage.
What was the Chana dhal like? X
The chana dhal was lovely and certainly a large portion with the pitta and burger, I probably didn't need both. Iceland has this range 3 for €5 so I will get some more. The Gobi dansk was lovely too but high in sugar.
I've only got to.meet one celeb and yes we can talk to them but with me it was only about the process of what we were doing. Some staff do get photos and autographs at times if they feel.the person is approchable. This one I'd say wouldn't have minded but he did seem.tired so I kept it professional. The airport is very small so celebs are unusual, having said that we don't have a priority or VIP section so once they are there they are with all the other passengers.
Minimum wage ( almost) isn't great but I understand why....sometimes we could have 10 staff just sitting for up to 3 hours waiting on a delayed flight.
Awake early again but staying in bed for a while and will try to have porridge for breakfast and then an early lunch. Leaving at 12pm for work and I'd day today will be lots of walking and not much of a break.
Porridge cooking and just weighed in. Am up 500g since yesterday, really annoyed with that. That sandwich has a lot to answer for.
I wouldn't worry too much about your weight while you are doing crazy hours. Just do the best you can and hopefully you will be rewarded soon.:classic_smile:
Thanks, I have vegan sausage stew with baked potato out of the freezer and also.another Iceland veg curry, root veg with 7 cs curry. One for lunch and one to bring to work. Ive been good with staying away from snacks so if I can avoid toast/bread/butter I will be fine.
Ah Tipp I am tired just reading your diary, work sounds exhausting! Exciting to do a bit of celeb spotting though. Holiday sounds great, will give you something to look forward to. I really want to go to Vegas also, thinking later this year maybe. I hope you can get something booked soon!