Hi Tippy, been catching up...phew, sounds like some horrible people on the late shift..no reason for them to be like that other than they are nasty people! It makes me sick that people like that are not pulled up by their bosses and newbies are told to stand up to them..I hate that they get away with it..and swearing

We can all swear if we wanted to do but it certainly isn't professional at work. Fancy passing the buck and putting the blame on someone else too, and that poor girl sitting in the car park for 30mins before she can get herself into work..heartbreaking!
Shift work is very hard to get used to regarding food, esp if no proper breaks. Rather than a meal I'd opt for easy to eat snacks as I found it was an energy boost or a boredom boost I needed rather than an actual meal..so I'd make up a box with cherry toms, cucumber, carrots, hummus, breadsticks or something like that for sitting with and in my pocket I'd have dried apricots (I found them filling) or a few unsalted nuts & raisins.
I've never understood the need for people to let rip at ground crew about being delayed..at least they're finally there, they could be still stuck where they were

I know that painted on smile when in your head you're saying "oh shut up, stupid"

Pleased I don't do that anymore!
Pity you're spending so much on travel from your wage for a short shift but if that's what's needed to keep the bank happy. Makeup free and wild hair days are so pleasing

Oh, thanks for the tips..I'd not thought of taking a screen shot X