Morning all, it's Sunday and weigh in day and I've lost another 1.3kg. A great number but a little disappointed because on Friday I was at 79kg and was really hoping to get into the 78s.(Some food and drink at the wedding). However it's still a great number and going in the right direction.
I finally went to the pool yesterday. I did my physio in the morning, then a 2.5km walk on crutches ( using them slightly different now, sort of like walking poles), then got a lift to the pool. Hip doctor said not to swim yet, to walk only in the pool. I walked 10 lengths and I did feel it on my hip. I really wanted to swim to see if I could use my right arm. So I did but using arms only, no leg movement at all. I did eight lengths and while I could do it and it felt good I could definitely feel lack of sensation in my right arm and right upper back. But great relief knowing I can use it. Got in the jacuzzi afterwards (it's a massive one with various jets including a fully immersive stand up one) and could again identify loss of sensation in my leg. All things to note and work on I suppose.
Then had lunch out with daughter, a big super food salad with grilled halloumi but had some of her chips. Did more physio and then sat Infront of TV and finally watched Hamilton through from beginning to end in one go, with a cup of tea and two squares of dark chocolate. Only other food I had was a handful of nuts after some meds to get rid of the taste.
Ouch, need to stop, hand cramping, chat later.