Tipperary wobbles into 2024

Hi Tipperary, whoop, whoop! Congratulations on your weight loss achievement. That’s some going. I truly admire you.

I’ve been suffering from anxiety lately but remained focus on not comfort eating & lost 3lbs last week. I’ve also been to the adult swim night at my local leisure centre & I swam 15 lengths in n 40 mins & it really knackered me. My husband accompanied me & said he was really proud of me. I’m hoping to get a referral from my gp for a discounted leisure membership which means I can use the steam room to prevent aches & pains the next day. My legs feel so heavy & I was staining my back when swimming so I took some paracetamol & ibuprofen when I got home.

Husband is well now we are just awaiting another ct scan appointment to try to get to the bottom of why he had clots in his bladder. Hope to get back on the slimming world plan this Sunday when the food shopping arrives.
Thanks @Ali Kat, great news about your weight loss but sorry to hear about your anxiety, that can be really tough.Great news to hear about your swimming too, I know I'm biased as I have been swimming (on and off) since I was about 5 years old but I really do believe it's the perfect all round exercise. 15 lengths is amazing, my first few weeks back at the pool in August I was doing 12. If the swimming is straining your back then just walk in the pool, at least half of the people at our local pool don't swim at all.
Hair done and nails done and plans slightly changed for tomorrow. I've been keto now for a solid 12 weeks and weight and ketones are the only measurements I have. But I was doing it to prevent type 2 diabetes. The hospital have me on statins which will raise blood sugars and want to give me metaformin to control glucose which I really don't want. So tomorrow morning I'm going to a walk in clinic to get blood tests to measure my Hba1c. Its a 3 month average and I'm 3 months into my diet and know 3 weeks on holiday will affect it so going to get bloods checked tomorrow before I go away. Obviously I'm hoping it shows some improvement but if this isn't working I don't want to be kidding myself either that all is good.
Then last bit of packing to do and ready for our flight.
Wishing you a lovely time at your daughter’s wedding. I’m sure you’ll enjoy every minute.

I tried keto but the 70g fat just ran right through me, but a plus was that it regulated my periods & that has continued for 4 years!
Thanks. Meal wise it's been a funny almost two days. Lunch Friday was fridge leftovers and I was cold. One sausage, a hard boiled egg,slice of cheese, slice of ham and some lettuce and a cup of beef stock cube in water. Followed by a mug of mint tea and a square of dark chocolate. Then at 1am on the first flight I had three glasses white wine with smoked chicken,ham, cheese and olives and a small bread roll.In airport 2 at 5 am I had 2 glasses of prosecco and some nuts. On flight two I had tea. cheese and yogurt. Finally got to our accommodation (it's lovely) at about midday and had another slice of cheese and a slice of ham. More wine, a swim and a nap.
Went out for dinner to a lovely local restaurant. I had courgette fritters and moussaka. The fritters where lovely but very batter heavy, now that I know I won't order them again. And the moussaka was very full of potatoes,I picked a lot out. I had half apiece of bread with olive paste. Then free dessert automatically arrives, I was so good and managed to avoid it.Will go back again but we will order lots of mezze dishes to share I think,veg, salads and grilled meats. And we had some very good wine.
It's 8am now and I'm sitting drinking mint tea and trying to figure out where ican set up a space to do my physio. I need to attach my resistance bands to something to lie on the ground and pull, at home I tie it under the bed but bedroom here doesn't have the space, off to check the garden