Tipperary wobbles into 2024

I've clawed back that loss and on track for a loss this week. I'm back in ketosis and have the time to focus on myself.
Thanks, logging here as often as possible keeps me motivated. I think I'm on track for a loss this week but a lot could happen yet. And darling husband is now doing his best to lose weight too so it's great that we can encourage each other. It makes it so much easier to get him out for a walk.
Swam again yesterday, 32 lengths as that's all I had time for. And went for a walk with husband in the evening. Our route is 3km but each day we go a teeny bit further.
It's great to have someone on the journey supporting you. I find the forum good for keeping myself accountable as well. Even though it's nowhere near as busy as when I used to be a regular poster! Good luck with the rest of the week. I need to get back in the pool. Thursday is my one free evening, so maybe tonight. But depends on what OH is up to, as might also be nice to spend an evening together!
I agree, to be honest he doesn't really need to lose weight he just needs to redistribute what he has😂
Morning, an unofficial weigh in has me dropped just below 73kg. My target for this week was 73.5kg to account for a holiday gain so I am well on track for that. I had set an ambitious target of 70kg for Oct 11th and I may well make that now.
Going to Dublin with husband today (he is to collect his suit for the wedding) so will be eating out, need to make good choices and I'm getting better at that particularly asking for veg only and no chips/potatoes/rice etc. I really wanted a glass of wine last night but knew I would see it back on the scales so didn't. Also it wrecks my skin, since the stroke I have become very conscious of my face, watching it to see if it droopped in any way. I was very lucky it didn't seem to but definitely as I lose weight on it the wrinkles are much more obvious. I always told people I had the cure for wrinkles...fat face😂😂😂.
If I have time I would like to drop into M&S and get a bra fitting, size has changed but shape has too and I need a different style completely. I also want some shape wear as I now have rolls of floppy bits that need to be held in place.
Off to get dressed, chat later.
The love is for the weigh-in result! well done, that target is looking very realistic.

Enjoy Dublin - gorgeous city, and I would love to go back!

I will definitely be having wine tonight. I have decided my weekends are MINE, but without going mental. I also need to get measured again. My OH noticed that the front of my top was an odd shape the other day - bra definitely too big for me now! Found some others in the back of the drawer that are better, but not brilliant. Really need to do a full sort of my wardrobe
Thanks. Got to M&S but fitters had gone home so just tried on lots of different styles. My boobs are very obviously different sizes so went with a cup that fits the smaller boob😂. Browsed other shops but didn't buy anything, I really don't need more clothes. But it was so nice to be in shops and know that the clothes would fit if I did need them.
Ate two meals out, first was fish n chips, had the fish only but did eat all the batter on it. Second much later was a tapas bar, I had glass of wine and some cheese, black pudding topped with a quails egg, a ham croquette and a mince empanada. I didn't eat any of the bread. Home then and another lovely glass of wine with a cracker and cheese and then half of a brownie. Way more food and way more carbs than I have had in a long time but still not overboard for a day out.
Happy to report that hip did not majorly play up for most of the day but did get tired towards the end of our shopping centre visit ( the last of four destinations/appointments we had for the day). And I did get uncomfortable on the 2.5hour journey home. I had planned on swimming today and then a long river walk with Oscar but I really think I need to rest. I might do physio and then just see how I feel later. Expectedly yesterday's drop is a gain today but I'm not really bothered by that. Tomorrow is official weigh in so if I stay in control today I am still in a good place for a loss this week. Lots of water today and fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Chat later.
Finished the week at 73.2kg so lost holiday weight plus 800g.
Need a really good week this week to get me to my 70kg goal. The dress for the wedding needs another bit of a loss plus some leeway as I will be in Greece for 10 days before the wedding.

17/06 86kg BMI 37.2 obese class two
23/06 83.8kg weekly loss 2.2kg
30/06 82.6kg weekly loss 1.2kg
07/07 81.8kg weekly loss 0.8kg
14/07 80.5kg weekly loss 1.3kg
21/07 79.2kg weekly loss 1.3kg BMI 34.3 now obese class one
28/07 78.1kg weekly loss 1.1kg
04/08 77.5kg weekly loss 600g
Goal 80kg BMI 34.6 Have broken that with 77.5kg and BMI of 33.5
11/08 76.4kg weekly loss 1.1kg
18/08 75.7kg weekly loss 700g
25/08 75.2kg weekly loss 500g
30/08 Actual date 74kg weekly loss 1.2k and BMI 32
06/09 74.6kg so a gain of 600g
13/09 73.2kg nett loss of 0.8kg
11/10 Goal 70kg
Still tired from the day out on Friday so not going to the pool today. Just been for a walk though, 3km but took a different route which has a big hill just before the end so a tougher walk. It's nice to see a different view.
Hi Tipperary, you certainly pack a lot in life. Glad to see you’ve had some company on here. I’ve managed to plan meals for my hubby but haven’t concentrated on myself. I’m so happy I haven’t put weight on. With our holiday being cancelled due to him needing a ct scan & camera it means I won’t be putting any holiday weight on from eating pizza & drinking alcohol & sugary drinks.

My mum has also noticed I’ve lost weight off my face, bust & tummy. Thankfully the 10 m & s bras I bought in March still fit me. I just tightened them on the back. My mum also suggested I go for a walk to relieve some anxiety.

Wishing you a pleasant week.
Thanks @Ali Kat , I have time to focus on me now so that's exactly what I'm doing. Pity about your holiday being cancelled, having a goal to focus on really helps. I hope hubby is ok and tests are good. Walking is great and I'm so relieved I can actually just walk again, just being out in the fresh air is relaxing.
Morning, Monday was physio and swimming, Tuesday swimming and a 3km walk. Trying to motivate myself now to get up for an early swim. It's a physio day and it seems to get harder every day, but finally it does seem to be working. My hip is still painful but the constant "catch" in it seems to be gone and I'm not dragging my leg as I walk. But the physio does actually hurt at the time so trying to fit the swim in first.
Soup this week is a leek,ham and cream soup,a cold weather soup. Food was good on Monday but then last night I decided I wanted some wine and followed that with chocolate biscuits, 4 of them. So need to work extra hard today to work that off.