Tipperary wobbles into 2024

Plan for today is a swim and physio and plant the rest of the cyclamen. Soup made for lunch and want to alter the dress armhole.Plan for the week pretty much the same, I've to meet some friends on Thursday for lunch then we are planning a family hen party on Saturday for future daughter in law, one with Mammies and Aunties. Will enjoy trying on outfits for that.
Take care and chat later.
I don't have "skill"πŸ˜‚, in fact I really struggle to see a straight hem. I am merely opening up the armhole on a sleeveless dress as it is tight on my arm. I did it yesterday and it gives me enough leeway to close the zip on the opposite side now. Dress looks good when I'm standing, sitting is a different matter😭. I'm still losing weight but can't determine where I lose it from. An inch gone from my waist would be perfect.
Morning,went swimming early and have done my physio already. It's wet out and too wet for a walk. Also a bit early for me too eat. Wondering can I sneak in an early napπŸ˜‚
Sounds like a good day my lovely. You walk sounded nice the other day too. Xxx
Thanks all. I had a more productive day yesterday. Went swimming in the morning,only 20 lengths as I was tight on time and the 20 lengths was easy to do. Then I was to meet friends for lunch. I stopped at TKMaxx for a browse and saw a dress I liked but one I have never been able to wear. You will know the sort, a long straight knitted dress with a belted waist. It was a cream cable knit style with nowhere to hide in it. Well it fit, and not only that but it looked good...so obviously I bought it and was so happy. I'm no model in it but you certainly wouldn't look at me and think it's unflattering either.
Lunch out was grilled chicken, pepper sauce and a side salad and then dinner at home was two eggs scrambled and a slice of corned beef. I didn't drink as much water as I would have liked as was out most of the day.
Scales this morning is good and my BMI has tantalisingly dropped into the 30s, woohoo.
Take care,chat later
Morning all, great news. I've lost 1.1kg this week and hit my target of 71kg for the week. My goal for October 13th is 70kg and that looks pretty achievable now though as stated the dress would like a little more leeway.
Did physio yesterday then ate out, we visited the venue we are having the party at today and had lunch there. I had the chicken burger without the bun which was a full chicken breast coated and fried, I had all the trimmings and a salad. It came with chips, I think I had about 5. Had two squares of dark chocolate with tea when I came home and a few almonds later. But then I had a few glasses of wine 🍷, not so good. And will be having wine today with lunch, better than cocktails though.
Won't go too mad. Going to start my day soon with some peppermint tea and then will go to town for a swim.
Chat later
Oh, stopped at Tesco and picked up a pair of jeans. I want new jeans and just can't seem to find the style I want. Dark denim, brown stitching, straight leg, a little bit of a stretch for comfort but not skinny leg or leggings and not too high a waist. And I'm short so need them in a short leg/petite size. Can't find a pair anywhere, all faded or ripped or flared. Tesco had a size 12 short so picked them up and brought home to try. Well the length was perfect, and that's all. The waist was too high and no way could I fasten the button but all the rest of them was much too baggy, baggy bum and thighs. I will be bringing them back today. I need to go to Marks and Spencers and see if can find a pair, a big store with a big selection.
Morning, playing catch up this week. Party was fun, drank a good bit, was pretty good with food at it but did have some chips but then biscuits at home. So was 600g up yesterday. Back down to 71.1kg this morning but will be hard to hit 70.5kg this week and below 70kg for Friday week which is what I want to be.
Been for a swim this morning and might go for a walk too, weather is sunny right now. Have follow up appointment with hip doctor on Thursday though plans for rest of the week may change. Daughter ones father in law died last night so waiting to see what the arrangements will be and will be on babysitting duties anyway.
Morning, trying to motivate myself to get out of bed . Just popped onto the scales and I'm 70.9kg, which is good, it means I've lost the weekend gain. But to be honest I expected a bit of a whoosie today, maybe it will show tomorrow. Ended up going for a 4.5km walk yesterday which is the longest I reckon in about 5 years. Feeling really good about that but still in pain. Today is a physio day so trying to decide weather it's physio or pool first.
Sorting out more clothes yesterday as I'm packing away unneeded summer clothes, too big clothes and trying to finalise what comes on holiday with me. Well one dress I had put aside to take is now too big, I wore it a few weeks ago to day 2 of a wedding. It's too big across my back and the waist is hanging. So that's gone back into the wardrobe.
I've ordered a diary for 2025 and also a new food and exercise journal, it's a 6 month one., Clever Fox Wellness journal, as mine runs out end of next week. I'm not going to track while I am away but will once Nov 1st hits and I'm home.
Physio, swimming and packing today. Consultant in Dublin tomorrow and then funeral on Friday and then I have the little ones overnight and Saturday. I have plenty of food cooked, I just need to make sure I make good choices while out and still fit in my exercise.
Chat later, take care.
Gosh you are busy at the moment! Journal sounds good, I've just signed up to Nutracheck to help me log my food. I don't particularly like the idea, but it should help me see whether I am actually consuming too few calories to lose weight.

Fab news about the clothes. It's a good feeling (although sometimes frustrating!) You've reminded me I should try on the yellow dress
Just read back through a few months and sorry to read you had a stroke. Hopefully you are on the mend now but you are so busy.
Slow down a bit as I can't keep up with you.;)
Thanks @Cavegirl21 and nice to see you back. I am on the mend but reality is that I will never be 100% again and need to come to terms with that.
Wednesday I did physio, and swam 40 lengths and still managed a 2km walk later in the evening. Then yesterday was out all day. Went to the hip consultant and it's good and bad news. Surgery he did was a success and tear in my hip is repaired. But I'm still feeling pain, he agreed and said both hips are showing evidence of arthritis and now that I am more mobile and making huge effort to be physically active that I am feeling it more. I will need both hips replaced but given my history to leave it as long as possible. And as for pain relief Ibuprofen is the best thing but with my other meds I can't take it. Going to go back to my GP after the holiday and look at pain relief options, sitting for any amount of time is uncomfortable, even just sitting at a table for a meal. But he said the physio and the swimming can only help.
Stopped on the way home at a shopping centre for lunch and back up dress shopping. I found a dress in All Saints that fits perfectly, and a similar colour to original so same shoes and accessories will be perfect. Only problem is it's low cut and low at the back so I don't have an appropriate bra to go with it. Madly scrolling on M&S earlier and have ordered 3 items from them. They will arrive Wednesday and hopefully one will work and the others can be returned.And I did make sure I can return the dress if I don't find anything appropriate to wear with it.
Ate out while shopping, anti pasta to start and then Milanese chicken with salad, I did have some chips, not many but enough to feel them. And then I had two chocolates after, it's ages since I've eaten actual chocolates.
Small drop today but not enough I'd say to reach this week's target. I've been averaging at a kilo a week now for almost 16 weeks with one week off for a break so it's obvious that will start to slow down now. I'm so close to moving out off obese category and into merely overweight. BMI today is 30.6.
Getting up now to do physio and take meds. Then we have the funeral today, I'm taking the little kids there, bringing them home and keeping them overnight..it will be a long day. Need to dress funeral appropriate but also warm and comfortable, we are due a storm and on a rain warnings and an Irish funeral means walking from the church to the graveyard, it's about a 2km walk today.
Take care all and chat later.
Didn't reach target this week. Kids stayed over I iate junk with them. Week had started at 71kg, target was 70.5kg and hoping to take me to 70kg for Friday coming. Well I did reach 70.5kg on Thursday but was back to 71kg yesterday and now up to 71.5kg today. I know 70kg for this Friday was only a random number I picked but I have got so close to it and been so focused that to not reach it at the very end does feel disappointing.
Did physio yesterday and went swimming and did 20 lengths only. I wanted to keep some energy to go for a walk. Did a 5km walk with husband after lunch.
Going to get up now and go swimming than want to pack today, or at least finalise what I am taking with me
Was sorting out more clothes and put on a dress on Thursday to wear for the funeral, a dress from Shein bought around Easter and not yet worn, I took the tag off. Well it's too big, shoulders are hanging off me and I too long at back from shoulders to waist. My wardrobe is getting smaller in every way πŸ˜†.
Morning, am awake early. Have physio appointment at 9am but just couldn't settle to sleep last night. Muscles and joints all about stiff and sore. Didn't swim on Monday but did do physio and then went for a long 6km walk, really happy with that but feeling it now. Then did a 40 length swim yesterday and 250 arm exercises. M&S parcel arrived and one item is perfect so other two being returned.
Almost all packed, just make up, jewellery and hand bag to go. It's so much harder to pack when a wedding is involved rather than just a holiday. Not sure what the scales will say today but I have been trying so hard this week.
Morning all, drum roll please...
I did it, I've reached my target of 70kg for my holidays. Since 16 June I have lost a total of 16kg, that's working out at a kilo a week approximately. I'm so happy. I have taken my BMI from 37.2 to 30.3, so close to the below 30 and out of the obese category...I could almost do it if I cut my hair πŸ™†.
A size 18 dress was tight, I'm now a 14. Depending on the brand I've gone from XL to an M...but some high street sizes are teeny and my Zara dress for the wedding is XL and a bit snug but my All Saints dress is an M and fits (just not as glamorous which is why it's the back up and both very reasonably priced and very functional for regular wear). My proportions have changed, my top was always two sizes bigger than my bottom but now only one size, trousers are a comfortable 12, again depending on the brand. Belly is wobbly and I have stubborn love handles refusing to move.
Weigh in day has been Sunday but flying away tomorrow so today or tomorrow was the end date really. Going to stay focused today, going for a swim soon and then a manicure and pedicure. Then getting hair done later, just a colour (well two, my grey hair is coloured blond with a red streak). It could do with a cut but leaving it so I have more options for an upstyle for the wedding. I will get a good cut when I get back, sun and chlorine will have it wrecked anyway.
No swim tomorrow as will have hairdresser hair and keeping it for the flight but I should fit in a physio session and then lots of airport walking. Saw the physio yesterday and gave her the news from hip doctor. She is happy enough to keep going with the exercises and says the more strength I can build the less pain I will feel and has added in a new leg stretch to help with the lower legs. I've built up strength in my abdomen and can now sit up properly from lying which I couldn't do. And I also asked her to measure my right hand strength. After the stroke I had a 35% loss in it compared to left, it had reduced to 12% loss and now they are even. As I'm right handed it should be slightly stronger (she reckons about 10%) but I'm very happy with where it is now.
So, flying away tomorrow but wedding still not for 12 days so still need to be focused enough and not gain before then. Lots of swimming and walking, salads and meat, a small amount of wine and just say no to the bread...fingers crossed 🀞
Best wishes everyone, chat later.