TFI Friday
Busy at work just now and it's only going to get worse in the run up the tax year end... Hey ho, it's the same every year and at least I'll be on hols soonish...
I'm a bit annoyed with a friend of mine at the moment. She can't get her head around the fact that I have no inclination to get wasted tonight. I know I have been working hard and deserve a night off, and I'm certainly not stopping myself. Truth is, I just don't want to drink tonight. They are all having a few (bottles) at another friend's house tonight and I said I'd go but not drink, which got shot down. Apparently I always have an excuse. Well I'm fed up of having to make an excuse, we have other friends who rarely drink and it's just accepted. Anyway, I've got home from work and now I cba going at all, particularly when I know they are all aiming to get wasted, and if I drive I'd have to wait until they were ready to go home so as not to be a party pooper. Just not in the mood, so I've just text the friend who is hosting and she is saying she wishes she hadn't offered to host as she cba either... Oops!!
Anyhew... Tomorrow I have WI first thing, then hairdressers, then I need to do some housework, my house is a bit of a shambles, I really need to hoover and clean the bathroom, cos it's boggin, even tho there is only me here
Was supposed to have a meeting with my boss this afternoon about my assignment, but as usual, something else cropped up

So, this weekend, I'm going to focus on the third assignment I have to do. Aiming to get both submitted by the end of Feb so need to get my butt in gear again!!
Just been looking through my new SW book and there are loads of yummy looking simple recipes, for which I have most of the ingredients. There is nothing worse than a recipe book where you need to go out and buy a million things (I'm looking at you Jamie Oliver) so hopefully I can try a couple of things this weekend. Going to do a chicken in the slow cooker and make the chilli chicken soup again cos it is bliddy lovely.
Not sure what WI is going to say tomorrow, I've been on plan the whole of January, but not expecting much this week, I'm due a maintain. Would be gutted if I got a gain though!!
OMG... Just had a phonecall from my brother. He works for an accountancy firm who have a wealth management arm who want to chat to me about a job!!! My boss was chatting with a director from their company a few weeks ago and mentioned that my brother worked there, so my bro reckons this director has done some digging to make a connection between us. I currently work nearly 40 miles away and would love the chance to work in the same town I work in... But my boss has been so good to me, she treats me like one of her children... And there is a chance bf will get posted this year so we may not be here for a lot longer anyway... The director wants an informal chat with me. Not sure what to do... My head is proper spinning now...
Sorry for the long random post, so much going on all at once while I've been trying to write...