Toot Toot... The Exante Wagon Driver.

I am on the bus too, The Exante Wagon moves on. As usual freezing cold, breath not too good (no kisses today). Frequent wee stops and yet more water.

Not as grumpy today but don't test me on that, I might fail the grumpy test.


Is anyone else on board? Its a lonely journey without company. Who is driving this bus? Marge - where are you?

Better today, no so cold, 100% jolly Exante. Three magic packets and four litres of water. Swimming done - 40 lengths, that was tough. So unexciting - I am in that phase between ketosis and really noticing weight loss. I am sure I am winning but its an odd phase and you have to really believe that it works, but I demand some evidence. Three pounds loss on the scale is not enough.


Getslimquick said:
Is anyone else on board? Its a lonely journey without company. Who is driving this bus? Marge - where are you?

Better today, no so cold, 100% jolly Exante. Three magic packets and four litres of water. Swimming done - 40 lengths, that was tough. So unexciting - I am in that phase between ketosis and really noticing weight loss. I am sure I am winning but its an odd phase and you have to really believe that it works, but I demand some evidence. Three pounds loss on the scale is not enough.



Hey GSQ looks like its just you on the wagon well done :) I'm on SW so more like a slow stroll than a wagon ride lol just wanted to drop in and wish you luck :)
I am driving... just had a very smallie detour though :eek:
A normal TS service tomorrow though :D
See ya then
Toot toot

How many stops today ?
Meeeee! When you swinging by MArge? Xx
Lots for the conveniences please driver. Can you turn the heating up too? Its freezing cold - again. I will bring the water, fizzy Pelingrino for a special treat. We know how to live it up on the Exante bus.

Aye, the heating is on full belt :D
Tis Baltic eh ?
Got my ticket but please improve that train kiosk coffee, yuk! Swig of water to rinse it away & let's go toot toot

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Toot de la floot :D
Hi I wanna jump on the wagon i am day 3 want to get into ketosis
How do you know when you there xx
Coldness and bad breath can be indications, and an unexplained energy, and insomnia. You may get none of these, or all of them.... everyone is different :)

Toot Toot :D
Who is still here ?
I have been gaffer taped into the seat... So I am NOT budging !!!! :D


notsoskinnymarge said:


Aaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhh! Faster please, day 5 & I still have a shake to go, yippee. Had a few sharp pains in my tummy & side today but thinking it must be my digestive system catching up with the change. Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhh!

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Here I am on the bus this morning! Feeling good, it's day 11 of my 28 day sprint.

I have my picnic basket of three magic packets and three litres of water.

Clothes feeling looser today. Onwards driver.

Aye, I'm here too :D

I think it might be a 4 pack S&S day today, as I have loads of the stuff to use up..... But I haven't properly decide yet.....
A wee cup of tea first methinks :D

Toot toot !
Im on today day 4 feeling cold couldnt sleep last night and was awake from 545am not like me at all. my hands are freezing too mouth tastes awful so hoping in ketosis now had first shake and supping on water
woo woo here we go xx
I'm still here :D
Anybody else ?