RIGHT........You asked for it
Most men do stupid things every now and then (I am sure women do it too) but when confronted with the angry female, they immediately just get in a counter mood. Most unfair!!
A real life example from last week.......(I AM STILL FUMING ABOUT IT!!!!) My bf went to the shops to get some food and petrol. BUT because he couldn't be bothered to
DRIVE to the petrol station which is about 8 minutes further then the shop, he decided to buy the food and get money out for petrol to put in the tank in the morning. Not really that big a deal so far.....
It was a week before I get paid so bank balance looking very unhealthy (unlike moi haha). But he thought he would got £50 out to fill the tank up - instead of the tenner he initially suggested. So I'm now a little peeved that I am overdrawn and THEN he puts the money in his pocket, forgets about getting petrol the next day AND the day after so we are now running on red.
(let me mention these bleedin trousers now - the pockets are HUGE and he always loses things out of them - see where I am going....!!!)
Basically he LOST the £50 that I couldn't afford to pay for petrol!!! After telling him how skint we are and that we needed to cut back his stupid lazyness caused him to lose the money. Not only that but I have told him so many times to get rid of the stupid trousers - to date he has lost 2 wallets, a weeks wages (£400), his door keys TWICE and now more money.
Of course this was my fault and he got in a massive strop with me for being p*****d off about it. He even had the cheek to ask me if I would stop being stroppy when he got home!!!!! 'Stop losing money and maybe I wont be in a strop in the first place!! (This is really NOT the way to talk to your p'd off gf.) Anyway he went out on the booze because I had annoyed him. I HAD ANNOYED HIM!!!! hmmmph!!!
I was not a happy lady and the next day he apologised but its so frustrating when men counter-strop when they are the ones in the wrong!!
Tell me I'm wrong......I dare ya
I got annoyed on Lou's behalf today because she specifically said that she didn't want to look after the dog and he deliberately ignored her. Considering she is home all day with 2 youngsters I think this is fair enough - after all it wouldn't be the husband who looked after the dog! AND he sabotaged her exercise in the meantime so I think she had every right to be annoyed.
Oh and not forgetting that LOU IS ALLERGIC TO DOGS!!!!! So her hubby should never have suggested it in the first place.