first of all i would like to apologise! especially to u rod! i have no idea what came over me yesterday,i was just so fed up n emotional - which actually isnt like me at all! and i even cried!!

but i just wanted to give up, not because i wanted any particular food, just was thinking whats the point?! then last night mother nature made an extremely unscheduled appearance! so i can only assume that is why! lol
thanks for the replies though guys

i think that sometimes i just concentrate too much on how far i have to go n it seems like an eternity away, and i know i have lost weight, but i cant see it, i know my clothes are smaller, froma 16 to pretty much a 12, but i just look huge when i look in the mirror, but again like i said with mother nature turingin up unexpectedly i was/am quite bloated anyways so that prob didnt help yesterday
thanks FL i love having a reason why things are happening, knowing that what im feeling is normal helps massively for me to get over it lol! - if that makes sense?
sparty, thankyou

and yeh i think i may even change plans to green days for a week, just for a change and to keep it fresh in my head and so i have to try new recipes lol, make sure u rest though! need to look after urself, exercise will be doable a lot quicker if u rest and get urself better
bonnie, again thankyou

yep i am gonna be thin! and i am gonna get a loss this week! i cant not, been doing even more walking, carrying on with the running and i havent gone over 1200 cals yet! i know its lady fun week, but that has never stopped me loosing before!
FL i do believe that people that cant stop eating aresometimes just as ill as those with bulimia and anorexia too, as u may know i suffered with bulimia years ago, and went through CBT and wwhat not, and it helped massively with the laxative abuse and the over exercising and starving/binging/purging cycle but even though i was "cured" of these things i couldnt stop the binging, so went from having a BMI of 20 to a BMI of 30 relatively quickly! and then trying milkshake diets, with some success, but then not knowing what to do after that and carrying on with the binging again so then the weight obviously all went back on!
thats why i love SW though, for me its as much as an education as a diet n weight loss plan, and the change in my head has been the biggest change of all! which is what i am most pleased with