Tough love - off topic and chit-chat

Eeek I am off home now to have a quick nap before WI (hardly slept a wink last night and am totally pooped). Wish me luck Bassers, not because I have been bad but because I REALLY want my 1st sticker and to cross out Target 2 on my signature. To do that would have to loose 3.5 this week. Have been 100% on plan and 3 mega exercise sessions, so the same as last week when I lost 4.5, but some times the fat gods don't dish it out fairly.
game on you lot, be good to each other and stay mean too!

looking forward to hearing about Smiley and Bonnie, but it will have to wait cos...

I'm gon fishing
Not sure on that, because we're all on different trajectories and journeys. Would hate to see someone knocked off their own plan because they were striving to take part in a pointless game.

OK, as promised, here's how to calculate your Body Adiposity Index (BAI). It's slightly complicated, because you have to work out the square root of the cube of your height in metres. Luckily, Science Smiley has done this for you - see the table at the end. I've called this the BAID.

So you simply measure round your hips in centimetres, then divide by the BAID for your height, and subtract 18. This should give you a rough estimate of your body fat as a percentage of your total body.

I don't have access to a tape measure, so I can't tell you mine....yet!

Just looked up some figures for body fat percentages: for women, 32+ is obese, 25-31 is average, 21-24 is a fit person, 14-20 is a professional athlete. So that would put gettingfit in the high end of average, does that sound about right?
Just finished boot camp and enjoyed it a lot more this week. I'm starving hungry though now so off home for some nice fish cakes for dinner mmmmmmm
I'm at 29 according to the calculation. Does age not come into it at all?
I'm going to be a bit controversial... I personally think that BMI is a load of rubbish.

I believe it was actually devised to analyse groups of people, not just individuals and it just doesn't make sense. Some people are clearly healthy i.e. atheletes and professional sports men and women but might be considered Overweight because of their muscle mass. It's silly.

I'm the opposite- I am 3lbs off being a 'Healthy' BMI. Load of crap. I have PCOS so 90% of my weight in on my stomach. I can see it there and I know that much fat is not healthy. BUT, my Doctor believes in it and if/when I try to have kids, if I have any problems I know they'll be much more willing to help if I am a 'Healthy BMI' (In case I have PCOS related difficulties). But I probably know that a good 20lbs will have to be lost before I am 'healthy'.

Just my 2p on the matter. I personally think the best way to measure is your body fat%. I'll be asking Santa for some snazzy scales this Christmas so I can start keeping an eye on that. I want to lose the weight first, then getting the Body Fat % right will be the next aim :)

Hi FL - I agree that BMI is a load of tut as well but as you rightly point out its the scale being used by health professionals. Also insurance companies use it to determine how much more money they can screw out of people! So on that basis I want to be in the "normal" range and only for that reason.

On another note I too have PCOS and carry most of my weight around my middle. I have found a huge benefit in losing weight for my periods (I can get away with this kind of talk as 1) its the chat lounge, 2) Rod's away and 3) Smiley is Mr Science so he won't be phased by talking about such icky women's issues)! My periods were non existent for over a decade and with that I missed my chance at having kids. IVF was my only hope and neither myself or Mr S wanted to go down that route so it was never really followed up. Since shifting the weight I have had regular periods, and I mean like clockwork regular, for the last 7 months. Sure I could have a little baby miracle but at 43 I really aint bothered now. I'm a fab auntie and that's good enough for me. Good on you for doing something about it now. It's a crap thing to have with so many misunderstandings and even some gps not grasping how debilitating it can be.
Cat Lover Sue said:
Hi FL - I agree that BMI is a load of tut as well but as you rightly point out its the scale being used by health professionals. Also insurance companies use it to determine how much more money they can screw out of people! So on that basis I want to be in the "normal" range and only for that reason.

On another note I too have PCOS and carry most of my weight around my middle. I have found a huge benefit in losing weight for my periods (I can get away with this kind of talk as 1) its the chat lounge, 2) Rod's away and 3) Smiley is Mr Science so he won't be phased by talking about such icky women's issues)! My periods were non existent for over a decade and with that I missed my chance at having kids. IVF was my only hope and neither myself or Mr S wanted to go down that route so it was never really followed up. Since shifting the weight I have had regular periods, and I mean like clockwork regular, for the last 7 months. Sure I could have a little baby miracle but at 43 I really aint bothered now. I'm a fab auntie and that's good enough for me. Good on you for doing something about it now. It's a crap thing to have with so many misunderstandings and even some gps not grasping how debilitating it can be.

That must have been hard sue. I have very irregular period and it took 3 years to get our middle one, it was after losing weight that I got caught. Then when I lost weight after her I got caught again. They say pcos is linked to insulin levels and losing weight is massively beneficial to aid fertility. I wasn't even that over weight when I couldn't get caught bmi of about 26 but dr suggested I drop 10 pound as it can kick start things and he was right.
conlou1 said:
Well done hun. Your killing it!!

More like its killin me lol. I'm a shaky muddy mess. Or I was when I got home but my lovely bf ran me a bubble bath candles an all :) and he also got me a nice biiiiiig.........,,,,cup of tea (used to be glass of wine)
emma_partington27 said:
Cat lover sue how do u do ur kettle bells at home or at gym? N do u hav a dvd if u do it at home coz im thinking about doing it

I asked the boxing guy today about trying them out and he is going to bring some next week. (what have I let myself in for!?)
Hi FL - I agree that BMI is a load of tut as well but as you rightly point out its the scale being used by health professionals. Also insurance companies use it to determine how much more money they can screw out of people! So on that basis I want to be in the "normal" range and only for that reason.

On another note I too have PCOS and carry most of my weight around my middle. I have found a huge benefit in losing weight for my periods (I can get away with this kind of talk as 1) its the chat lounge, 2) Rod's away and 3) Smiley is Mr Science so he won't be phased by talking about such icky women's issues)! My periods were non existent for over a decade and with that I missed my chance at having kids. IVF was my only hope and neither myself or Mr S wanted to go down that route so it was never really followed up. Since shifting the weight I have had regular periods, and I mean like clockwork regular, for the last 7 months. Sure I could have a little baby miracle but at 43 I really aint bothered now. I'm a fab auntie and that's good enough for me. Good on you for doing something about it now. It's a crap thing to have with so many misunderstandings and even some gps not grasping how debilitating it can be.

For me the worst side affects are the fact that I look kind of perpetually pregnant and the hairiness. I am hoping to start Laser Hair Removal in the Autumn, since it's very cheap here. My periods were never super irregular but yeah... one of my motivations is that if I can do what I can to help myself now, then I might save myself a lot of heartache down the line. And there will be no kids soon- I'm 23 and spending the rest of this year DEFINITELY single ;)

Just looked up some figures for body fat percentages: for women, 32+ is obese, 25-31 is average, 21-24 is a fit person, 14-20 is a professional athlete. So that would put gettingfit in the high end of average, does that sound about right?

I am pleasantly surprised!! Mine was 25.9! (I did it several times, just to check!)