Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

Somethings gotta give! I need to learn to stick to ans comit myself to this programme once and for all. Right now my only motivation is being embarrassed that the person who weighs me in SW knows i've gained. That in itself isn't even working! I am paying EUR9 per week to basically get weighed. I know the plan backwards by now, I don't learn anything new in my class and me and OH spend most of it on our phones. It is not working! I need something else. A change. A shake-up!

The worst part is paying to be weighed. What a waste! Especially when I don't even have results because I'm not actually following the plan, but then I feel I'll go totally off the rails if I don't weigh in every couple of weeks. I want to learn to have the self control that means I can stick to the plan by myself with only the right things motivating me. I have not been on the weightloss road for a long time now, just a succession of ups and downs but no real progress so I need change!

My cousin joined SW a few weeks ago and is down 9 pounds. She hasn't much to lose overall and is doing great! However, she felt it was such a waste to pay to be weighed etc when she was happily following the plan, and her leader was no good so she didn't enjoy the class. Her and her friend now do their own weigh-in together once a week, pay the weekly fee, and actually pay double if they gain, but the money doesn't disappear. At some point they can cash in in! It is a great idea i think.

So basically this is what OH and I have decided we are going to try. My track record of being on plan when I have no weigh-in to face is NOT good. But that gives me even more of a reason to want to prove to myself that I can do this! For this to work I need to do the following things though

1. Comit to it and weigh in on our decided day every single week. I will be doing it in the morning time from now on because I developed an awful habit of under eating on weigh in day. First weigh in (tomorrow) will be in the morning so it will all be relative to that. I think we are going to weigh in on a Saturday morning

2. Actually pay and treat is as a business deal and be on top of it. We will save all the money which is a great incentive for holidays etc.

3. Record our weight each week on a spreadsheet with dates and details.

4. Food diary! I am hereby officially comiting myself to a food diary on here EVERY day and I will be posting about my weekly weigh in with specific details of my weight etc.

I am nervous and excited about it, but so determined. I'll post in the morning about my first official weigh-in.

Night night xxx

P.s soooo dreading this week in work. Uuuugh
I had a pretty good day yesterday but not anywhere near 100%. Today will be 100% though. Does anyone use chicken thighs? So much cheaper than fillet and gorgeous flavour when done in oven. More oily though due to skin!

My main problem areas are
- nibbling on the food we give the kids at tea time. Eg scones, bread and cheese, biscuits, pizza..
- picking when I get in from work.

These are the two areas I am focusing on today. Will post food diary later. Determined! So unhappy with my work situation so losing weight will keep me feeling somewhat positive. I need to do it for real now. Thanks for all your support guys!

Yestersay's dinner - Nigella Lawson's Spanish chicken, chorizo and potato bake


Had my first weigh in yesterday on our new plan and my starting weight in 14 stone 9 pound. Pathetic when I was 15 stone 5.5 when i started SW TWO YEARS ago.
That dinner looks fab!

Hey I know exactly what you mean about weight. I said I'd never be over 13st again and hey ho bobs your uncle before I knew it I was 13.7 and then 14 but not the 15.7 I was and that's what I keep mind.

I'm 13.7 at the mo and its real slow going due to my social life and love of wine.

You can't change what weight you are today but you can tomorrow and the next day :)
Well done for starting again! I seem to be stuck at my weight at the moment so I can definitley hear you that something has to give! Food looks delish from last night :D xx
Well done for starting again! I seem to be stuck at my weight at the moment so I can definitley hear you that something has to give! Food looks delish from last night :D xx

Thanks a million hun. We can do this!

My work situation has hit an all time low lately. Think bullying, being left with too many children an accidents happening, crying in work, hypervantilating every day after work and being out in a role I have absolutely no qualifications for! So this week has meant SW was at the back of my mind. Have felt so down and I feel a shell of a person. It is at rock bottom. I sent an email yesterday to the managing director to say that I will not be returning to work there and I explained why. So far so response though...

Anyway, despite all that and having a horrific week food-wise I did my weekly weigh in yesterday morning, as did OH. He was down 2 pounds which is amazing and I was down a quarter of a pound. Sounds like nothing but after the week I had I felt so good about it. My monday-friday next week will be flawless and I'll be getting a good loss for sure. Giving myself a little wiggle room this weekend because i'm still a bit overwhelmed by the whole work situation. Will be spending a lot of today applying for random admin jobs because right now the aim is to be a secondary school teacher. The course starts in october and is 2 years part-time! I wxpect two years of quite a few temp-jobs and a lot of change but it has to be done to get to where I want to be. I just keep thinking that this time 2 years I will be almost qualified as a teacher which is very exciting. By the time I am 26 i should bw totally qualified! That's still so young :)
Have been following your posts but rarely write anything on minimins, so sorry to hear that about the job I was in a similar situation (took a job cos it was made sound like the best opportunity for me ever and it was horrendous) and I left after 4 weeks and it is the best decision I ever made,I stayed unemployed for a while (i too had left another job for it) and am now back doing a masters, keep the chin up pet everything will fall into place :):)

Also well done to be doing it at home I tried that and miserably failed and put back on the majority of what it had taken months to lose in a few weeks,so back at group and yoyoing since but don't mind cos it would be all up the way otherwise and one day it will click for me and I will be as motivated as I used to be! One good thing from not working this week you can try new recipes, be 100percent and go gym a lot :):) good luck hun xxx
It sounds like you did the right thing hun. No job is worth making yourself ill over. I have a friend who had such a horrific time in her last job that she's now too scared to work as she suffers from anxiety. It's definitely best to get out asap if it's making you so miserable. It sounds like you know what you want and I'm sure you'll get to where you want to be. In the meantime could you return to theatre whilst your studying as it seemed you really enjoyed that - it could also give you a morale boost to work in an environment that makes you happy. I wish you the best of luck hun! Xxx
It sounds like you did the right thing hun. No job is worth making yourself ill over. I have a friend who had such a horrific time in her last job that she's now too scared to work as she suffers from anxiety. It's definitely best to get out asap if it's making you so miserable. It sounds like you know what you want and I'm sure you'll get to where you want to be. In the meantime could you return to theatre whilst your studying as it seemed you really enjoyed that - it could also give you a morale boost to work in an environment that makes you happy. I wish you the best of luck hun! Xxx

Thanks for the kind words girls! Really apprciate it :D

Vintage pockets, I wouldn't rule out theatre work but to be honest it would be a shock to return to evening work. Myself and OH would never see eachother. Literally only at bed time as i would be arriving home at midnight each night. Never say never though because you just never know! I'm hoping the temping stuff will work out. How did you find temping when you done it recently? Was it an admin role? I can't imagine what it must be like to only work somewhere for a few weeks knowing from the beginning that it was the case. Hopefully i'll find a good temping agency when I need it. I just know i need to be careful with money and save as much as i can and allow for the uncertainty. I am putting my faith in the fact that I believe there is a greater plan for me and someone is watching over me. Once i'm honest, careful and going for my dreams I feel it will all work out! It's 90% exciting and 10% unsettling because I have to have a bit of a chilled attitide towards it for it to work as worrying gets me nowhere. Right now my focus is on getting myself in to a job where I will hopefully remain for the next 8 months or so! Something non fussy such as general admin or reception work. Just something to pay the bills and allow me to save as much as I can. The way will be shown i'm sure :) x
Have been following your posts but rarely write anything on minimins, so sorry to hear that about the job I was in a similar situation (took a job cos it was made sound like the best opportunity for me ever and it was horrendous) and I left after 4 weeks and it is the best decision I ever made,I stayed unemployed for a while (i too had left another job for it) and am now back doing a masters, keep the chin up pet everything will fall into place :):)

Also well done to be doing it at home I tried that and miserably failed and put back on the majority of what it had taken months to lose in a few weeks,so back at group and yoyoing since but don't mind cos it would be all up the way otherwise and one day it will click for me and I will be as motivated as I used to be! One good thing from not working this week you can try new recipes, be 100percent and go gym a lot :):) good luck hun xxx

Thanks Bettyboop! I am determined to so it on my own. First week in and a loss already.
I must remain focused! I totally agree about having the time to try new recipes etc, that is very true :) i don't go to the gym but i will definitely be going on some power walks!
I'm sure your eating isn't as bad as you think. Why not write down what you ate yesterday and then you can see where you're going wrong. Either you'll be reassured that your not being a "pig" or it'll give you a kick up the bum to do better.

Good luck hun I'm sure it will be fine x
I'm sure your eating isn't as bad as you think. Why not write down what you ate yesterday and then you can see where you're going wrong. Either you'll be reassured that your not being a "pig" or it'll give you a kick up the bum to do better.

Good luck hun I'm sure it will be fine x

I honestly wouldn't even be able to face looking at it written on paper. I hate horrifically. The chocate and crisps alone would have been a days calories.

I meant what I said last night though and today I AM turning things around. I'm finally going to actually start food diary'ing here because it's better to be accountable and actually see what's going in there.

Weigh in on Saturday and I deserve a gain but hopefully if I am an angel today and tomorrow I can salvage something. I am officially back on track.

Tonight's dinner will probably be pasta with pesto, loads of veg and some cheese on top. Have had a good breakfast too and no syns so I am determined to make this the first day of really being back on track. I actually miss it!!

I'm going to try your paella recipe over the weekend too! Excited :) x
Hope you're ok lovely, try not to be too hard on yourself! Im away this weekend in London so just stopping by to say have a good one, I'll be back on Monday when I'm starting the 5:2..see how it goes! xx
Hope you're ok lovely, try not to be too hard on yourself! Im away this weekend in London so just stopping by to say have a good one, I'll be back on Monday when I'm starting the 5:2..see how it goes! xx

Oh have a lovely time in London! I'm hoping to get a weekend away to london during the summer :) have a great time!

I'm officially back in the right frame or mind so i'm feeling very motivated. Talk to you Monday :) x
I actually managed to have a good day yesterday. Went over my syns but i'm not too fussed because it was a really healthy day which i so needed. I had a lot of self control too which makes me very happy!

Already have dinner sorted for tonight, free Sw spagetti Bolognaisse with lots ot superfree. We are going to the cinema and i won't be having any chocolate or sweets, just some popcon and diet coke!

Yesterdays food..

Breakfast - hex b ready brek and a kiwi.

Lunch - m&s spanish style chicken with rice, butter beans and piquillo peppers and sherry vinagrette (13) - worth it, so good!
A packet of count on us crisps (4.5) and lots of grapes.

Dinner - pasta with pesto (2) and lots of super-free veg with quorn and some reduced fat cheddar sprinkled on top (2).

Snack - a kit kat (5.5)
Hex a - milk in tea
Hex b - ready brek.

Total syns - 27.

I am actually very happy with that day. Yes i went over my syns by 12 but its the best day i've had in a long time! Just really fancied that m&s salad and it was so tasty and actually helped me stay on track because it was nutritious!

Have fruit for my breakfast today, eating out for lunch with my cousins but will pick something healthy, and then the free spagetti bollognaisse tonight. Not going to syn today because i have no idea what's in cinema popcorn and while i plan to make a good lunch choice i really won't know the syns.

I am definitely feeling back on track :)
NOT GOOD on the food front. It's just impossible lately. My weakness at the moment seems to be bread. Fresh bread roll, honey roast ham (m&s) and coleslaw is literally my favourite thing at the moment! And those amazing sea salt and balsamic vinegar crisps from m&s. Has anyone tried the little m&s honeycomb chocolate bunnies? They are ridiculously good! So yes, this is all non diet talk and very much represents how i've been lately. We are having a day out tomorrow as OH is off work so we are going to the cinema and for a nice lunch somewhere. I'm also returning my uniform to the creche, so i'll be glad to get that over and done with. Then we're off to Leeds on Saturday till Monday for OH's birthday and that will be a very off-plan weekend (we love a restaurant there called bella italia. Seems to be a big chain in UK and the food is so good. They do this insane dessert which is a brownie cooked in to a huge cookie. All melty and amazing - so yeah, we'll be eating that). All I can so now is sort of roll with it till then but when I get back it will be 8 weeks till our holiday so I am have big plans to be soooo good in that time and lose a LOT of weight.

We're going to Fuerteventura for a week in May! I am so excited. Just a chill out week by the pool, beach and nice restaurants and down-time. I'm so excited!!! What a motivator to lose weight too. Would love to lose about 20 pounds in that 8 week period and that's the aim.

On the job front, my former boss offered me my job back. I am delighted! I'm also on an extra 3k per year. So so so happy and feeling incredibly blessed. It anyone is remotely in to the law of attraction and the powers of the universe then please read the book 'ask and it is given'. It is working for me!! My next aim, weightloss! Just wait and see :)

So good news all round! X
Great news about getting your old job back, with the extra pay rise :) you were doing so well with SW! You're having your lunch out today, so why don't you try stick to plan until your weekend away? Damage limitation and just think of your holiday! :) xx

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