*does the walk of shame*
Hello Everyone,
Sorry that I have been so quiet for the past few days, it is so very unlike me. Everything has been all-go on my end and life is just moving incredibly quickly at the moment. The weekend gone was my birthday, yesterday was me and my boyfiend's 3 year anniversary, tomorrow is a significant day for a family member, my brothers 21st birthday party is on Saturday, our college open nights are next week so that will involve four days of working 12 hour shifts, then the next day I go to my boyfriend's sister's wedding in Belfast for the weekend, get back on a Sunday and then fly out on holidays on the Monday. that is all happening literally in the next 13 days. It's all a bit overhwhelming. In one way it's SO exciting because these are all fun things, but in another I just want things to sloooow down. I don't feel I can fully enjoy any of it as the other things are looming. If that makes any sense! I need to just embrace it all and have a blast because before I know it I'll be sitting at home counting down the days till payday with rent and bills filling up my diary as opposed to fun events.
I know this is a food diary, not A diary, but I feel the need to mention this. I am a very anxious person. I get worried constantly and I work myself up about things. There are a few of these events coming up over the next week and I will be glad when they have come and gone. It's family stuff, and chances are everything will be fine for most of it, but some of the worries are very real as certain things are causes for concern. Times like this I realise that while I wouldn't consider myself religious, I certainly do pray. I find myself 'handing it over' and trusting that some higher power or some mighty being is looking after things and that makes me feel safe.
Insofar as food, Is there any point even going there? Because what's done is done at this stage. It has not been a good Slimming World week, or two weeks, or even three weeks. All these events, being back and forth to the hospital to visit my nanny (she has a septic kidney infection and a broken pelvis, and many other things, she is 85) work deadlines and targets, and generl crazy jam-packed weeks have made it next to impossible to be on-plan. I went out for my birthday on Saturday night which lead to being hungover on Sunday morning, so when I went to the baby shower on Sunday and saw all the mini pizzas, breaded prawns, chicken goujons, mini springrolls etc I couldn't resist, and I did enjoy it all.
The last few days I've been getting this meal-deal from Tesco. It's €3 for a lunch-thing such as sandwhich, salad or wrap etc along with a little bag of fruit and a juice-drink. I have been getting a chicken chargrilled pasta salad which contains chicken, pasta, a tomatoey sauce, coriander, peppers and sweetcorn. I assumed it would be super low as it's full of free food and tomato based, but no... appartently it's about 9 syns. To me that is crazy! BIG lesson learnt here. I will make a batch of pasta salad that is completely free and save a hell of a lot of syns. Only thing is, when I make a pasta dish with passata or tins of chopped tomatoes I always find it's missing something. It tastes plain and it is missing that one thing that makes restaurant pasta dishes (and indeed Tesco pre-packed pasta dishes) taste so good. Can anyone shed some light here? Is it oil? I need to find a way to make a nice tomato pasta dish that has great flavour, doesn't taste plain and sort of harshly bitterly tomato in flavour, but is also as close to free as possible. Generally I use my Healthy Extra A for laughing cow lights and milk in my tea. Hmm, any advice would be welcome. This would be a great transportable lunch that I could eat cold in work with some toasted pita bread. I find lunch is really my main meal of the day now anyway!
I find that lately I have no will power when it comes to eating. It's like I get an idea in my head that I want something 'bold' and before I know it it's eaten. I ALWAYS feel bad after it and regret it though. I just don't know what i do be thinking.
I genuinely feel a lot of it is comfort eating. It's not a coincidence that certain stressful things are around the corner and all hell is breaking loose with my eating habits.
Turns out I can't make Slimming World this week either because I have to work late that night, and every other night that week. As soon as I realised that i distinctly remember having a feeling of 'yes I can eat what I want now because I don't have to face the scale for X amount of weeks'. That is NOT good. I find I am navigating myself based on weigh-ins. That shouldn't matter. I should be continueing to be as good as possible on the plan no matter what.
So where am I now? Today is Wednesday and I won't be at a weigh in until Monday 29th October when I get back from my holidays. By the looks of things that will be a BIG gain if I don't endevour to do something now about planning out some days to be golden ones. Today I have that chargrilled pasta salad again from Tesco. I have no choice but to have it, but I'll just have a free dinner of Salmon, Rice and vegetables tonight.
I actually feel bad in myself after all the crappy food I've eaten. It's so true in that healthy food makes you feel good and have more energy.
So there we have it, i will endevour to make today and tomorrow great days. Friday should be much the same. The weekend won't be too good but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Right now I am actually craving wholesome healthy food. Instead of something processed when eating on the go i find myself wanting to go in to a noodle bar and ask for wholewheat noodles with lots of veg and no oil with the lowest calory dressing. I need to listen to my body!
My biggest problem, 100%, is impulsive eating. I get something in my head and moments later the crisps, chocolate, pre-packed sandwhich, biscuit, sausage roll etc is eaten. I need to really think before I eat. That is something I plan to work on. I miss that feeling of acomplishment when you just have the strength and determination to just say NO to food that I do not have the syns for.
Moving forward!
Hopefully my minimins app stops acting up and I can post pictures like everyone else

It seems to only let me post one picture every few days which is very frustrating.
Can't wait to read through your diaries now x
