Silver Member
Hi Fatgurlslim,Hi There!
Just been reading your diary, and I may be able to help with regards to the tomato-ey, gross taste of putting passata in pasta. Basically, you have to cook it into a pasta sauce first, otherwise it's just plain tomato, which is not that tasty.
The good news is, you don't need much oil! It's really just a case of cooking it down with some nice flavours. You can chuck some fry light, and very thinly sliced garlic in a frying pan for a few minutes (quite low heat, or the garlic will burn). Then just put in the tinned tomatoes/passata, and turn it up to bring it to the boil. When it's boiling, you can put in a dash of red wine vinegar (optional) then turn it down to simmer for an hour or so. It's not an exact science. You can salt it to taste. You can basically put anything in there - onions, veg, I prefer to fry all that BEFORE putting in the passata. Then it's a case of just cooking it to improve the flavour. You can even bung some stock in there if you're so inclined. I recommend looking up some sauce recipes - Jamie Oliver does a good one.
With regards to emotional eating - I really sympathise, as I do the same thing. I have lost about three stone over the last 14 years, losing it, putting it back on. SW has been the most effective 'diet' for me, as this is the longest I've gone without putting loads back on, but I have put on a few pounds over the last couple of weeks. I have various stresses at the moment, and have literally been eating to the point of feeling sick, and thinking about food constantly. I went back on SW yesterday, and really hope to stay on the wagon now. I don't have any tips or anything - I just try and keep busy, and try to focus my mindset, but sometimes, I can't force myself to stick to healthy eating, I just have to wait until something inside my head clicks, if that makes any sense?
Hope you have a good day.![]()
Thank you so much for the thoughtful comment, and apologies for not replying sooner, I have been so busy and haven't been on minimins in a couple of days. Thanks for the tips regarding the sauces. I actually usually do that with the garlic, onion and herbs etc but I just still find something is missing that makes it way less appealing then restaurant sauces or even prepacked ones, I feel it may be parmesan and oil. I still really enjoy the pasta sauces I make though, I suppose you can't have everything.
Regarding emotional eating, I have been out of control lately. Exactly what you said about literally thinking about food constantly and eating to the point of feeling sick. it's disgusting and I feel like I have so little self control at the moment. I would say I have easily gained 7 pounds over the last two weeks, probably more. I feel rotten about it but I also know that sitting around feeling crap about it won't lose the 7 pounds. I need to just get back in to the right mindset I think, as you said it has to 'click' for you and then you know you are in the right place and properly committed. Thanks again for the comment, I really appreciate it, and WELL DONE on the amazing weight loss so far, very very inspiring!