Tracy's Journey Into The Unknown (Maintenance!!)

Oooh three weeks! That is exciting. I love the Drs reaction to the weight loss! I would've giggled at him :D

Are you sticking to maintainence calories after your op?

I think I will, more or less - I reckon I'll probably gain a bit when I'm in hospital and when I first come out, so I may need to pull that back! :) xx
I went for my pre-op checks at the hospital today. The guy doing all the basic tests said "When you came in April you were 11st 7lbs, now you're 10st 8lbs. Is that good news?" I don't know if he was worried I'd panic because I was wasting away or something, lol. I assured him that, yes, it was good news. :D
:8855::8855::8855::8855::8855::8855::8855::8855: That sounds to me like a man who has learnt not to say the wrong thing ;)

It's all starting to feel very real and a bit scary now, having been given detailed instructions on what I've got to do the night before and morning of the op etc. Gulp!! :eek: xx

Eeek! But it will definitely be for the greater good! :) I promise!! :D
Interested to know now what you eat Tracy after you said about it being peculiar! ^^ x
Interested to know now what you eat Tracy after you said about it being peculiar! ^^ x

Lol, it's just that I eat more or less the same things, day in day out, live on ready meals, eat far too much sugar etc. I would never make my MFP diary public for people to look at! It just works for me, but it's far from what most people would consider a traditional "diet" and not exactly mega-healthy!! :D xx
Lol, it's just that I eat more or less the same things, day in day out, live on ready meals, eat far too much sugar etc. I would never make my MFP diary public for people to look at! It just works for me, but it's far from what most people would consider a traditional "diet" and not exactly mega-healthy!! :D xx

But clearly works for you honey xx
Lol, it's just that I eat more or less the same things, day in day out, live on ready meals, eat far too much sugar etc. I would never make my MFP diary public for people to look at! It just works for me, but it's far from what most people would consider a traditional "diet" and not exactly mega-healthy!! :D xx
But clearly works for you honey xx

I'm the same really, you've seen mine, too much sugar and repetitive meals, I would love if they did any ready meals I liked :( but I'm so fussy that there isn't a ready meal I like, my ready meal is toast haha!
But like Lexie said it doesn't matter if it's not typical coz it has deffo worked for u!! And at the end of they day being a healthy weight is more important than wether we eat to much sugar or whatever else I know it's important but being overweight brings a mountain of problems for us :( so at least u are away from that now :)
Thanks, Lexie! :) Currently sitting here eating my ready meal tea at 10.30pm, lol. :D xx

I can't eat late nowadays or I lay in bed with horrendous indigestion imaginable. Do you eat them cos they're so low in calories or is do you not enjoy cooking? If it's the calorie thing bbc easy cook magazine has loads of recipes around 300-400 cals. Some great ones for me on a fasting day
I can't eat late nowadays or I lay in bed with horrendous indigestion imaginable. Do you eat them cos they're so low in calories or is do you not enjoy cooking? If it's the calorie thing bbc easy cook magazine has loads of recipes around 300-400 cals. Some great ones for me on a fasting day

I must confess I've never been a cook, and it's even harder now because I can't stand in the kitchen. I just find ready meals, with added veg, to be ideal for me, both for the ease of preparation and the convenience of knowing the calories. :)

I used to get terrible acid indigestion at night, but it's completely gone now, happily! :) xx
I'm the same really, you've seen mine, too much sugar and repetitive meals, I would love if they did any ready meals I liked :( but I'm so fussy that there isn't a ready meal I like, my ready meal is toast haha!
But like Lexie said it doesn't matter if it's not typical coz it has deffo worked for u!! And at the end of they day being a healthy weight is more important than wether we eat to much sugar or whatever else I know it's important but being overweight brings a mountain of problems for us :( so at least u are away from that now :)

I have to say my diet, bad as it is, is much better than it used to be, lol. I do eat a lot more fruit and veg, but just can't bring myself to give up my sweet treats! :D xx
Sweet treats are necessary Tracy! I couldn't go without either!

And the only fruit and veg in my plan today is some baked beans and an apple - WOOP!
I'm useless with fruit and veg :( xx
Sweet treats are necessary Tracy! I couldn't go without either!

And the only fruit and veg in my plan today is some baked beans and an apple - WOOP!

Lol, I eat baked beans for lunch every day at work, with two Staffordshire oatcakes (if you've never had them you haven't lived!). :D xx
I'm useless with fruit and veg :( xx

I buy the individual portions of frozen veg that you chuck in the microwave - they're brilliant for a lazy cook like me!! And I eat the little snack packs of fruit - grapes etc. - that I think are really meant for kids, lol. I also have clementines every day, love them. :) xx
I have beans for dinner a lot too, the only oatcakes I tried was the nairns ones and they were awful x
I have beans for dinner a lot too, the only oatcakes I tried was the nairns ones and they were awful x

Ooh, they're nothing like that! Our oatcakes are soft, like a pancake. Traditionally eaten stuffed with good things like bacon and cheese, but they're very nice with beans too. They're very healthy, if you don't add all the fatty stuff, lol. :D xx