Tracy's Journey Into The Unknown (Maintenance!!)

WhAts going on in Tracyland? Xx
Lol, all sorts of excitement - just getting ready to go to Specsavers for a check up. Rock 'n' roll! They've been chasing me to go for months, and are now holding my contact lenses hostage until I've been checked out! :D How are you? :) xx

Lol! I'm ok, my excitement was a walk into town to get some bread, and rolo went nuts at another dog so embarrassed because normally he's a friendly dog, don't know what got into him!! Xx
Lol! I'm ok, my excitement was a walk into town to get some bread, and rolo went nuts at another dog so embarrassed because normally he's a friendly dog, don't know what got into him!! Xx

Aww, he must be in a bad mood! :)

The optician's was very exciting, as ever, but at least they have now released my lenses to me, lol. Then we went to my Dad's for coffee and saw my sister and brother-in-law - we usually see them every week, but it's been a month since we last got together due to their social life being a lot busier than ours!! They've got four adult kids between them, so they're always off doing something.

Had a bit of a shock yesterday. My auntie who lives across the road from us asked us a while ago if we'd be contacts for an alarm call thing she was setting up with Age UK. Basically they had our numbers to call and we had a key to her house so we could go and check on her if she activated her alarm. Anyway, I got up yesterday and there was a missed call and voicemail on my mobile, from 3am that morning, asking us to go and check on her, but we hadn't heard it. So I rang them back and was told the police had attended. Turns out they'd found her dead. :( I feel so awful that we didn't hear the call, as I'll always wonder if we could have done something. We weren't the only contacts they couldn't reach, and I know you can't think like that, but still.... xx
Aww, he must be in a bad mood! :) The optician's was very exciting, as ever, but at least they have now released my lenses to me, lol. Then we went to my Dad's for coffee and saw my sister and brother-in-law - we usually see them every week, but it's been a month since we last got together due to their social life being a lot busier than ours!! They've got four adult kids between them, so they're always off doing something. Had a bit of a shock yesterday. My auntie who lives across the road from us asked us a while ago if we'd be contacts for an alarm call thing she was setting up with Age UK. Basically they had our numbers to call and we had a key to her house so we could go and check on her if she activated her alarm. Anyway, I got up yesterday and there was a missed call and voicemail on my mobile, from 3am that morning, asking us to go and check on her, but we hadn't heard it. So I rang them back and was told the police had attended. Turns out they'd found her dead. :( I feel so awful that we didn't hear the call, as I'll always wonder if we could have done something. We weren't the only contacts they couldn't reach, and I know you can't think like that, but still.... xx

OMG, no way what a shocker! Bless you I think I'd feel the same, I'd miss the call too because I have my phone on silent at night! Aww thats sad :( don't worry though it's not your fault, I imagine there's nothing you could have done xxx
OMG, no way what a shocker! Bless you I think I'd feel the same, I'd miss the call too because I have my phone on silent at night! Aww thats sad :( don't worry though it's not your fault, I imagine there's nothing you could have done xxx

Thank you, hon. :) I've been trying to remember if we'd only given them our mobile numbers, I suppose we must have done - obviously you're not as likely to hear them in the night as the landline. It was a shock because she was so active and with it, even though she was 81, always out walking with her little dog. I'll really miss her. xx
Oh sweetheart :( I'm so sorry to hear that, sending lots of love and cuddles to all of you!

Don't blame yourselves, "What if?" does nothing but destroy you. Sadly it sounds like the police would have attended shortly after they'd contacted you and it was sadly too late :(

If there's anything we can do just let us know xx
Oh sweetheart :( I'm so sorry to hear that, sending lots of love and cuddles to all of you!

Don't blame yourselves, "What if?" does nothing but destroy you. Sadly it sounds like the police would have attended shortly after they'd contacted you and it was sadly too late :(

If there's anything we can do just let us know xx

Thank you Kym, I really appreciate that. :) It's just come as a shock really. She was actually my Mum's cousin, but was always Auntie Joy. She's always been such a lively figure in the street since we moved in 15 years ago - she'd lived in this same street all her life. :) xx
:( is your daughter sad? Xx
:( is your daughter sad? Xx

She's ok, thanks. :) She was a bit teary yesterday when she found out, and is worried about Poppy, the dog but she's been out shopping with her mates today, which is a cure-all for teenage girls! I'm sure you'll be finding out all about that when Maisie's older! :) xx
Here is my totally bonkers daughter, modelling the oufit she's bought to wear on Halloween!


She's really not right!! :D
Here is my totally bonkers daughter, modelling the oufit she's bought to wear on Halloween! <img src=""/> She's really not right!! :D

No way hahaha I love it!! Is she going out anywhere in it? Xx
She's going trick or treating with her friends, she loves Halloween! xx

Awesome, she's my kinda girl, I think Halloween and bonfire night deffo up there with christmas!! Xx
Awesome, she's my kinda girl, I think Halloween and bonfire night deffo up there with christmas!! Xx

Oh yes, she absolutely loves it! Growing up, it was always bonfire night that was the biggest thing for us, Halloween barely registered. But now it seems to be the other way round - one of the many US influences that have taken hold in recent years!! :) xx
Oh yes, she absolutely loves it! Growing up, it was always bonfire night that was the biggest thing for us, Halloween barely registered. But now it seems to be the other way round - one of the many US influences that have taken hold in recent years!! :) xx

I liked to have Halloween parties when I was younger :) now trick or treaters drive me mad because of the dog haha. I don't know what it is about Halloween that's exciting really I guess it's just the excuse to dress up xx