Tracy's Journey Into The Unknown (Maintenance!!)

I liked to have Halloween parties when I was younger :) now trick or treaters drive me mad because of the dog haha. I don't know what it is about Halloween that's exciting really I guess it's just the excuse to dress up xx

Kathryn's problem this year is that she won't be able to eat any sweets because of her braces lol. But she'll still have fun! :D xx
I bought some new scales the other week, because mine were going a bit funny. I did suspect I'd weigh a little heavier, based on the difference when I weighed on my husband's scales, and sure enough I was 2lbs up. Of course I immediately felt as though I'd actually put on weight, lol. :D Anyway, today I'm now a lower weight on my new scales (10st 8lbs) than I'd previously recorded on here for my old ones, so I'm happy with that. When I did a comparison check on my old scales, they showed 10st 6lbs, so it's maintaining that same differential, which is reassuring. So only a pound to my 11 stone loss. :) xx
I bought some new scales the other week, because mine were going a bit funny. I did suspect I'd weigh a little heavier, based on the difference when I weighed on my husband's scales, and sure enough I was 2lbs up. Of course I immediately felt as though I'd actually put on weight, lol. :D Anyway, today I'm now a lower weight on my new scales (10st 8lbs) than I'd previously recorded on here for my old ones, so I'm happy with that. When I did a comparison check on my old scales, they showed 10st 6lbs, so it's maintaining that same differential, which is reassuring. So only a pound to my 11 stone loss. :) xx

Urgh I hate new scales, my favourite scales are my mums they are always a few pounds less than mine haha!
You are so good at losing weight when you want to just like that!! Well done xx
I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt, but like everyone's said you can't ask yourself 'What If' it'll eat you up inside!

Congrats on getting (almost) back to 11 stone lost! You are like the diet guru you just can turn it on so easily!

Daughter looks awesome in her pumpkin outfit! But mental. I'd do some damage in that by bumping into everything!
Urgh I hate new scales, my favourite scales are my mums they are always a few pounds less than mine haha!
You are so good at losing weight when you want to just like that!! Well done xx

Lol, scales are funny things, aren't they - not many devices can either delight or enrage us, depending on the answer they give! Thanks, hon. :) xx
I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt, but like everyone's said you can't ask yourself 'What If' it'll eat you up inside!

Congrats on getting (almost) back to 11 stone lost! You are like the diet guru you just can turn it on so easily!

Daughter looks awesome in her pumpkin outfit! But mental. I'd do some damage in that by bumping into everything!

Thanks, Stack. I'm feeling a bit better about the situation now I'm over the shock. :)

I haven't actually been at an 11 stone loss before (well, apart from the other day on my old scales which I knew were wrong, lol), so it'll be uncharted territory to get to 10.5 stone! I think it's pretty much going to be my "happy weight", as it's down towards the middle of the healthy BMI band and feels pretty comfortable. If I could only get rid of my loose, wobbly skin - I think that's what makes me still feel bigger than I am. When I was young, I used to have a children's book called Saggy Baggy Elephant, and that's how I feel! :D xx
So sorry to hear about your aunt :( but please don't blame yourself.

Love your daughters outfit!!

Thanks, Rachel, I really appreciate that. :)

She is a real nutter, my darling daughter - a lot of girls her age would go for some sort of glamorous outfit, but not Kathryn, she's a blow-up pumpkin! :D xx
I went for my pre-op checks at the hospital today. The guy doing all the basic tests said "When you came in April you were 11st 7lbs, now you're 10st 8lbs. Is that good news?" I don't know if he was worried I'd panic because I was wasting away or something, lol. I assured him that, yes, it was good news. :D

It's all starting to feel very real and a bit scary now, having been given detailed instructions on what I've got to do the night before and morning of the op etc. Gulp!! :eek: xx
I went for my pre-op checks at the hospital today. The guy doing all the basic tests said "When you came in April you were 11st 7lbs, now you're 10st 8lbs. Is that good news?" I don't know if he was worried I'd panic because I was wasting away or something, lol. I assured him that, yes, it was good news. :D It's all starting to feel very real and a bit scary now, having been given detailed instructions on what I've got to do the night before and morning of the op etc. Gulp!! :eek: xx

Haha bless him! You'll be fine Tracy, you are strong look at what you have gone through all ready, it will be so worth it!! Remind me the night before u are in coz I have forgotten again and I will forget again, why is baby brain not going away?! Xxx
Haha bless him! You'll be fine Tracy, you are strong look at what you have gone through all ready, it will be so worth it!! Remind me the night before u are in coz I have forgotten again and I will forget again, why is baby brain not going away?! Xxx

Lol, I think I've still got baby brain - that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! :D

Not long now, three weeks on Friday!! :) xx
Hi Tracy, thought I'd see how you are getting on and am really surprised at how much you have lost! Well done you! .. :happy096:

Sorry I haven't been up to date with your news but what op are you having?
Hope everything goes okay anyway.

Hi Emmaline, thanks so much! :) I'm having a total knee replacement on 14th November, I'm nervous about it, but also looking forward to starting on the road to improved mobility! How are you doing? :) xx
Lol, I think I've still got baby brain - that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! :D Not long now, three weeks on Friday!! :) xx

Hahaha well it is meant to ruin your brain forever when u have babies I think I heard it on tv once!
Woo I can't wait for you to be more mobile it will be nice for u & u deserve nice things because your a nice person :) xx
Oooh three weeks! That is exciting. I love the Drs reaction to the weight loss! I would've giggled at him :D

Are you sticking to maintainence calories after your op?