Tracy's Journey Into The Unknown (Maintenance!!)

Hi hun. Hope the swelling goes down soon and you get some relief from the pain. The pain must be horrendous. Glad they are feeding you well ;) xc

Thanks Rachel! :) It is still hugely swollen this morning, but I've managed to get a better night's sleep. Just waiting for my breakie now - I can smell toast so it mustn't be far off, lol. :D xx
Glad the op went well but sorry to hear you're in so much pain hun! Hope you feel better very soon.

Caz x
Thanks Rachel! :) It is still hugely swollen this morning, but I've managed to get a better night's sleep. Just waiting for my breakie now - I can smell toast so it mustn't be far off, lol. :D xx

Can't beat toast when your poorly! X
mmm toast. It's the worst thing for me to smell when I'm a little bit peckish - turns me into an animal!

Glad the sleep has improved. Any signs of when you're getting out?
Thanks, all! Looks like they'll be kicking me out today, lol. So I'll be stuck with Paul as a nurse. :D He's got to give me an injection in my stomach for the next ten days - I didn't fancy doing it myself, so volunteered him! :) xx
Thanks, all! Looks like they'll be kicking me out today, lol. So I'll be stuck with Paul as a nurse. :D He's got to give me an injection in my stomach for the next ten days - I didn't fancy doing it myself, so volunteered him! :) xx

FrAgmin? Urgh awful Danny did mine, think he enjoyed it! Glad you get to go home :) xx
I had to do it with my c-sections .. I was lucky my tummy was num :) my OH couldn't do it lol
Paul did mine in the hospital tonight, under the tutelage of the nurse, lol. I'm back home now! :) xx

Glad you're home honey, Kat asked me to send her love. She has her op tomorrow, she asked how you were I said uncomfortable but didn't want to tell her just how much so she is nervous enough xx
Glad you're home honey, Kat asked me to send her love. She has her op tomorrow, she asked how you were I said uncomfortable but didn't want to tell her just how much so she is nervous enough xx

Oh dear, Kat's is today, isn't it?! I hope it goes well for her. I must admit I was feeling so sorry for myself last night that I was really wishing I hadn't had it done. :( Today I can at least lift my leg about an inch off the sofa - it's agonisingly painful, but at least it doesn't feel quite as though my brain has lost all contact with my leg - up until now I've tried really hard to lift it and just couldn't! :) xx
Oh dear, Kat's is today, isn't it?! I hope it goes well for her. I must admit I was feeling so sorry for myself last night that I was really wishing I hadn't had it done. :( Today I can at least lift my leg about an inch off the sofa - it's agonisingly painful, but at least it doesn't feel quite as though my brain has lost all contact with my leg - up until now I've tried really hard to lift it and just couldn't! :) xx

I'm sure being home will help with your recovery honey. Yes she had to go in for 730am haven't heard from her as yet but she said it would be later before we did x
I'm sure being home will help with your recovery honey. Yes she had to go in for 730am haven't heard from her as yet but she said it would be later before we did x

I had to be in for 7.00am, but didn't get to theatre until around 2.00pm, then back on the ward at 7.30pm - long day! Keep me posted on how Kat goes on, won't you? What sort of anaesthetic was she having? :) xx
Had a bit of a net black out for 24 hours but very glad to come back and see that they've let you out :D Bet all three of you are much happier now and hopefully your healing will come on much faster now! :) Hope you're okay xx
I had to be in for 7.00am, but didn't get to theatre until around 2.00pm, then back on the ward at 7.30pm - long day! Keep me posted on how Kat goes on, won't you? What sort of anaesthetic was she having? :) xx

Still waiting to hear, getting a but worried. Only just realised I don't have her hubby or the kids numbers but may FB her daughters if I don't hear soon x oh & not sure but think it was a general
Ok just heard, she says she's in agony & her BP is very low & when they tried to get her out of bed she was nearly sick :(

Aww, poor Kat! :( That happened to me the first time they tried to get me out of bed - went very nauseous and almost passed out, so they had to lie me back down again. If she's already in agony, does that mean she had a general anaesthetic? I had the spinal block, so the real pain didn't hit until the next day. I hope she's getting some good pain relief. I had a morphine drip that I administered myself - really didn't want them to take it away from me, lol. Please give Kat my love. :) xx
Aww, poor Kat! :( That happened to me the first time they tried to get me out of bed - went very nauseous and almost passed out, so they had to lie me back down again. If she's already in agony, does that mean she had a general anaesthetic? I had the spinal block, so the real pain didn't hit until the next day. I hope she's getting some good pain relief. I had a morphine drip that I administered myself - really didn't want them to take it away from me, lol. Please give Kat my love. :) xx

Haven't heard again but will pass on your love when I speak to her tomorrow xx