Tracy's Journey Into The Unknown (Maintenance!!)

How are you today Tracy? Adjusting well to being at home?

I hope they're looking after you :)

Hiya! I'm not too bad, thanks. Been to the doctor's today to have my dressings changed, and asked (begged!) for some stronger pain relief, so I've got Tramadol to try. The pain isn't easing yet, so I need some better relief to enable me to do my physio - big ouch, lol. I think the swelling has gone down a little though, which is something. :) xx
Tramadol is brilliant.. But you have to keep taking it regularly as when it wears off .. It takes 1-2 hours to kick in again.. I used it for 5 months with my shoulder op .. Way too long :) but fantastic as a pain relief.
Tramadol is brilliant.. But you have to keep taking it regularly as when it wears off .. It takes 1-2 hours to kick in again.. I used it for 5 months with my shoulder op .. Way too long :) but fantastic as a pain relief.

Thanks, Tara - I'll try to use it sparingly, to enable me to do my physio. I'm already hooked on codeine, lol, so I'll do my best not to do the same with this! :) xx
bless you!! :( That sounds absolutely awful - for you and your friend :( Hope you're feeling better today and that the swelling has gone down more (and the painkillers are working!!)
Bless you! If it makes you feel any better it's not just you, Kat is having a horrendous time. In real pain & can't lift her leg which the nurses really don't seem to understand & keep pulling it up & making her cry. Like I keep telling her I'm sure when you're recovered it will be completely worth it x
Bless you! If it makes you feel any better it's not just you, Kat is having a horrendous time. In real pain & can't lift her leg which the nurses really don't seem to understand & keep pulling it up & making her cry. Like I keep telling her I'm sure when you're recovered it will be completely worth it x

Oh no, poor Kat! :( Why are the nurses pulling her leg up? Have the physios said to do that? It would be agonising, I know! Two of my exercises are leg lifts, and when I left hospital on Monday I literally could not lift my leg. I was trying with all my might and it just would not budge, but the physios weren't concerned because they could see I was trying to do it and said the movement would come in time. We're now three days on, and I can lift it quite a few inches off the bed - it's agonisingly painful, but I can do it! I think it gets easier as the swelling reduces. My leg is still very swollen, but it's not as scary as it was, lol. I've been to my first physios appointment today, and they were happy with my range of movement and how I'm progressing. I had to take some morphine when I got home, because I was in a lot of pain, but I was happy with how it went. :) xx
Oh no, poor Kat! :( Why are the nurses pulling her leg up? Have the physios said to do that? It would be agonising, I know! Two of my exercises are leg lifts, and when I left hospital on Monday I literally could not lift my leg. I was trying with all my might and it just would not budge, but the physios weren't concerned because they could see I was trying to do it and said the movement would come in time. We're now three days on, and I can lift it quite a few inches off the bed - it's agonisingly painful, but I can do it! I think it gets easier as the swelling reduces. My leg is still very swollen, but it's not as scary as it was, lol. I've been to my first physios appointment today, and they were happy with my range of movement and how I'm progressing. I had to take some morphine when I got home, because I was in a lot of pain, but I was happy with how it went. :) xx

Your doing incredible Tracy you are so brave :) xx
Thank you, hon! :) I am doing my best, but I admit I can be a bit if a wimp when I'm in pain - Paul bears the brunt of that, lol. He's back at work next week, so I've got to get used to not having him at my beck and call! :D xx

Aww if I lived close Id of come and been your nurse :) you will maybe be glad for some peace really xx
Aww if I lived close Id of come and been your nurse :) you will maybe be glad for some peace really xx

Aww, thanks! :) It will be nice to have some peace, as long as he leaves me plenty of coffee, lol. I want to get back on the diet straight and narrow from Monday as well, so may need a bum kicking on that front! I'm not exactly pigging out at the moment, just eating what I fancy and not counting the calories eg. I had two choc chunk muffins for breakfast, lol. :D xx
Aww, thanks! :) It will be nice to have some peace, as long as he leaves me plenty of coffee, lol. I want to get back on the diet straight and narrow from Monday as well, so may need a bum kicking on that front! I'm not exactly pigging out at the moment, just eating what I fancy and not counting the calories eg. I had two choc chunk muffins for breakfast, lol. :D xx

Omg sounds amazing I can't resist Choc muffins lol! He will have to do you a flask, do you liked iced coffee? I'm addicted to it xx
Thanks I've just copied that & sent it to her, she said although her brain is telling her to move her leg it just won't move so I think seeing you say that will stop her worrying as much. She says they're really not being very nice to her :(

I'm glad you seem to be doing a bit better xz
Thanks I've just copied that & sent it to her, she said although her brain is telling her to move her leg it just won't move so I think seeing you say that will stop her worrying as much. She says they're really not being very nice to her :(

I'm glad you seem to be doing a bit better xz

Tell Kat that exactly describes how I was - I knew I was sending the signals, but it just wouldn't budge. But the physios assured me that there was some movement, and as I say I can now lift it quite a way off the bed, albeit with gritted teeth, lol. I'm sorry they're not being very nice. I must admit I went in with quite low expectations, based on a few things I'd read, and was very pleasantly surprised at how lovely they were on the ward. I'd have happily stayed a bit longer, which is amazing for me where hospitals are concerned! :) xx
Omg sounds amazing I can't resist Choc muffins lol! He will have to do you a flask, do you liked iced coffee? I'm addicted to it xx

Lol, yes he left me a flask tonight when he went out training. I must admit I don't like iced coffee - to me, coffee is hot and black with no sugar! Kathryn loves her iced coffees and frappes though! :) xx
Tell Kat that exactly describes how I was - I knew I was sending the signals, but it just wouldn't budge. But the physios assured me that there was some movement, and as I say I can now lift it quite a way off the bed, albeit with gritted teeth, lol. I'm sorry they're not being very nice. I must admit I went in with quite low expectations, based on a few things I'd read, and was very pleasantly surprised at how lovely they were on the ward. I'd have happily stayed a bit longer, which is amazing for me where hospitals are concerned! :) xx

She thinks they're kicking her out today they need the beds