Tracy's Journey Into The Unknown (Maintenance!!)

Thanks Kym and Rani! :)

I hope everyone has had a wonderful few days. Mine has been pretty low key, as expected, because of my knee, but we've had get-togethers with all the family, and Kathryn loved all her presents, so I'm happy with how it's gone. As my sister said, hopefully I'll be more "with it" by next Christmas - the joys of heavy pain relief really zonked me out this year, lol. Oh, and I've had very little appetite, which was a bit of a surprise - I must try harder to binge today!! :D xx
I pigged out pretty successfully yesterday, lol. As a result I'm 10st 8.8lbs this morning!! :D xx

Well done on your feast , hope you enjoyed it xx
Haha, thanks Lexie and Lisa! :D I was a bit disappointed with what I'd managed on Christmas Eve/Day, but yesterday was much better, involving a whole tub of Ben and Jerry's amongst other things, lol. :) xx
Haha, thanks Lexie and Lisa! :D I was a bit disappointed with what I'd managed on Christmas Eve/Day, but yesterday was much better, involving a whole tub of Ben and Jerry's amongst other things, lol. :) xx

Oooh what flavour Ben and Jerrys? :) xx
Mis-behave said:
It's like gelato.. Tesco's stock it

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I'll have to try that sometime! :)

One of my friends has bought me a bottle of the orange truffle Baileys, but I haven't tried it yet - sounds delicious! :) xx
rani said:
Loveee ben jerrys phish

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Don't think I've tried that one. Has it got caramel in it? I usually avoid the ones that do - chocolate all the way for me, lol. :D xx
Phish food is the best B&J flavour in my humble opinion. However, nothing beats Hagen Daaz cookies and cream - give me a gallon and that'll be gone!! :D