Tracy's Journey Into The Unknown (Maintenance!!)

You were recovering though so definitely allowed ;) Huge congrats lovely! And sorry to hear about your mums anniversary too. It doesn't get any easier does it :( was 11 years for my dad in September. Life sucks xx
Sorry to hear abt your mum tracy and your dad psp. my mum passed away few years ago to, xmas isnt the same without her.x

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Lexie2005 said:
You are just too good Mrs!!! You clearly just have your mind programmes now, you're amazing xx

Aww, thanks Lexie! :) I still keep expecting it all to go horribly wrong, every time I have time off plan, lol. Maybe I should start having more faith in myself, but that might make me complacent! :D xx
Jessie and Tracy ;) I can see it now - though rather unorthodox ways of getting the weight off ;) nudge nudge wink wink ;)
Lexie2005 said:
Oh my Goodness that's amazing! Remind me what you were when you started your journey x

Thanks, Lexie! :) I was 21.5 stone when I started. :O

I had a yummy Christmas dinner at my sister's last night, so that will have done a bit of damage, lol. :) xx
Pre-Christmas weigh-in - 10st 4.2lbs (65.4kg). Bring on the festivities (or at least lots of food, lol)! :) xx

Brilliant.. You have done so well xx