Quak said:
And that personal trainer - bring him on lol
ooops on the turn again!
Bren you do make me laugh :0).....
My Facebook just consisted really of work colleagues, some old school friends, (the important ones have my number and email) and general acquaintances met within different capacities.. Oh and about a handful of my really close pals and family that I see all the time.
So I'm not losing out really...and personally I think people are becoming detached from forming real friendships and normal relationships in favour of living them through Facebook..
I mean take me for instance, why the hell do I need to know that someone I worked with for 10 weeks in 1995 is bored/hungover etc?
So I've come to the conclusion, there's a reason your in my past and not my present! Simples :0)
Anyway, enough justification, it's my decision (much to the horror of some friends) and I'm enjoying the liberation :0)
So this morning after yesterday's super busy day I've sts......slightly peed off because of all the exercise etc yesterday, the body is sometimes such an irritating thing!
OH is back from skiing tomorrow thank god, I can start enjoying some sleep again!!
Hope you all have a good day xxx
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