tweety's diary

thanks judi mac will try to eat more of a variety . i know i am eating to many mullerlight .i really appreiate the advice as i am really wanting this to work and dont want to go back to ww as i dont think i could go back to counting points !
Sat 19-9-09 green day

breakfast:fruit and fibre, youghurt

snack: melon and small muller( out for coffee)

Lunch baked potato and beans +28g cheese (hexa) square bar (6 Syns)

Dinner: pasta, couscous and cheese (28g hexa) strawberries .shape yoghurt

syns: square=6
sunday 20th september E.E

breakfast:melon, strawberries muller and weetabix minis (28g hex b )

snack at 11 : satsumas and hi-fi (6 syns)

lunch : pasta , chicken couscous and cheese ( 28g hexa) shape yoghurt and 4 midget gems(1.5 syns) half banana.

dinner: fish , brocoli, cauliflower and mushrooms mullerlight and fruit salad ( strawberries, melon and orange ) 28g midget gems 4.5 syns )

syns :hifi=6
airwaves =0.5
midget gems =6
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judimac, you said tweety was eating too many mullers, i get through about 6/7 shaper yogurts per day is this bad?
monday 21/09/09 E.E

breakfast: melon shredded wheat honey nut (hexb) mullerlight

break at 10: square bar=6 syn

lunch at 12: pasta, chicken , couscous, Chesse (28g Hexa) shape

break: apple

dinner: quorn sausage , 100g rustic chips (1 syn) brocli ,cauliflower ,mushrooms ,tomato ketchup(2 tbsp) 2 syns. strawberries satsumas mulerlight .

weight in 2morrow night so am hoping for a loss as i have snacked on alot the ss foods all week .
tuesday 22nd sept green day and wi

Breakfast: honey nut shredded wheat (28g) mullerlight , 250ml s.skimmed milk (hexa)

Break alpen x2

lunch: fruit salad & mullerlight

Dinner: :break_diet:

start 2morrow again 4 new week !!

Just back from wi 2lbs off , my faith is restored!
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wed 23-9-09 ee

Breakfast : plain couscous mixed with mullerlight , banana

break @10 : hi-fi (hex b)

lunch@ 12 : pasta couscous and cheese (hex a 28g)

break @3.30 1 peiece of birthday cake ( 115kal 6 syns) apple

Dinner: meal from ee cookbook Yum
strawberries and mullerlight d.coke

Have drunk lots of water throughout the day ( tap and perectly clear)

syns today: birthday cake 6syns
28g midgat gems= 4.5
tomato ketchup= 2
(lunch) couscous=0.5
hi there have not done this for a while , tried to do new diary , rambled on 4 ages but deleted it by accident . anyway 2day has been a green day and i am hoping that come wi my body will play ball and not decide to syn everythng !:confused:

breakfast: egg, banana, mullerlight
break: hi-fi
lunch :savoury rce, square bar , apple
dinner : quorn sausages x2 , mushrooms, cauliflower, brocli, scan bran x 2 and muller

Hex's a= 3 mini baybel
250ml milk
hex's b= 28g honey nut shredded wheat
hi- fi

syns: kit-kat 2 fingers 5.5
square 6
airwaves= 0.5
scan bran =x2= 1
total= 13