Twiggy's Diary

Good morning darling
just popping in to read up on how you feel this morning
its going to be a real roller coaster for a while just remember this will be just like the grieving process so emotions will be very very variable for a while
tell Sha to give you a hug from me please - and let them look out for you and pamper you too
H xxxxx
Hi all

Thanks for all your lovely posts.

I'm feeling okay at the moment, I guess the shock has worn off. Plus me and DH talked for awhile and I can see his point of view ... i'm now hurt and confused and don't know what the future holds for me anymore.

Doubt I've been over my points today, as haven't had much - but not been counting. Will try and get back into it tomorrow - will not let this jeapordise my diet.

Twiglet focussing on YOU (ww) will be good for you - it will keep some normality to your days

I hope you had an OK time with Sha and Mum (I would say a good time but dont think that possible)

just remember where I am if you need a virtual hug

H xxxxxxxx
They hurt because you hurt - its natural - its instinctive for them to look after you and take your hurt away - and of course they cant do that - leaving them confused and helpless too.
I prescribe plenty of hugs :):)

H xxx
Hi honey bunch

I'm just popping in to give you another virtual hug today.

Take care my sweet

I feel so sad ... I don't know what to do. How am I supposed to just carry on going to work when my whole life has fallen apart??

I feel so lonely - and it's only been 1 day! How am I supposed to start again at almost 40??? Whos going to want a fat 40 year old?!?!
Aw twiggs there is no point me telling you not to be sad bcos you will be,plus angry & hurt & allsorts of emotions.
Is there any possibilty of having time off work if you need it?
Sometimes its hard to concentrate on the job & also act normal infront of workmates,but some people need to keep busy rather than mope at do whatever feels right for you.

Take care xxxx
Dont speak about yourself that way! Of course someone will want you your a lovely person from what i have read. And you dont need someone to be happy, just concentrate on what makes you happy other than relationships. Also you are on the right track to not being fat and 40 by being on here and doing ww.
Im proud that you are still trying to achieve your personal goal of weight loss through this hard time. I hope you are coping ok and that there is alot of love around you from your family. I know its not the same but my ast boyfriend broke up with me out of the blue and it was so hard to take in so i know a tiny tiny tiny bit of how you must be feeling. I hope that you realise you really are worth it, dont give up!
Do I need to give you a stern talking to
you must not EVER talk about yourself like that
you maybe over weight - as many of us on here are- but you are NOT your weight

right telling off over

you will survive this - you think you cant at the moment I know that
this is like coping with an unexpected death - the roller coster of emotions will be the same as grieving for a person - but in this instance you are grieving for the relationship

so hang in there and just remember you would not have got so many responses to your posts if no one cared :):)

love and hugs
H xxx
Tiwggy,having been thru it, i can only say that yes,you will go thru a whole load of emmotions over time but YOU WILL SURVIVE. i did take some time off work when it first happened tho to be honest as charly says it was better when i went back cos it kept me from dwelling on it. So its whatever feels right for you hun.

I am meaning to sound negative just trying to tell you that you will get thru it and all those feelings are very very normal
Hi Twigs wanted to check in on you and tell you off for being so hard on yourelf - you can deal with the weight but not right now - and ur in your prime still m8 :)

The days will kind of blurr by but if you were like me its the evenings/nights and first thing in the morning that are the worst. But this will get better with time.

Keep your freinds and family close as you will need them to cry with and of course to laugh with - it will be the medicine you need for the next few weeks.

((((Hugs)))) x
What ^^ they all say twigs..

I think alot of peeps here can relate to what has gran (sadly no longer with us)said this to me-Only time will heal the pain you feel...this is sooooooooo true,it is a very sad time for you,but please remember we are all here to help you in any way we possibly can. ((((hugs)))) xx
Oh Twigs

I'm so sorry that this has happened :hug99:
You are NOT to speak of yourself that way again - as H said, you may be overweight but you are NOT your weight.

Remember I'm only down the road if you fancy someone 'outside' to vent to - I'm happy to PM you my mobile number if you'd like.
Take good care
Thanks all - it means a lot to have you all here :) xxxx

Had a good day today Sha and I went swimming then spend ana hour in the spa before lunch.

DH and I are in a strange place now. We're still both living here and chatting as if everythings fine ... and he's promised to really think about counselling. I have joined a social group for my area - they meet up at least once a week to do different things - bowling, pub quiz, cinema, restaurants or something. I have to get out and get a life of my own ... I've forgotten who I am!

Anyway - thanks so much for being here and listening to me.

And Helen - I'll take you up on that offer one day :)

Well, I was newly single @ 39 & am now nearing 42 & I'm doing ok.
I do also think who will want me (often) & I'm still looking but you know what, it's good to be single & "find yourself" & have a good think about what you want & what will make you truly happy - for now though, just take one day @ a time, deal with each emotion as it comes along, cry when you need to, shout & scream when you need to but above all esle - just take the time to look after number 1 xx