Twiggy's Diary

Yep how did you guess - Angels and Demons ... have you seen it?

And yes Honey loops are as filling - still completley full now :)
Oh let me know what you think of A&D really want to go and see it!

Mmm Id love a bowl of honey loops now I had a very disappointing breakfast of toast and jam :(
Glad the chow mein points have been sorted out. Its the only thing I have when I go to the chinese!

have a great time at the cinema. I haven't been in ages. :(
help we are going for a thai not pub lunch - how many points for pad thai??xxx
I so wanna see A & D, enjoy the popcorn. Can't wait to hear what you think of the film.
Have a good arvo Twiggs xx
no i've not seen it yet Twigs, going on sunday. We were supposed to be going yesterday but Matty "wasnt in the mood" :( b*stard. :D LOL!
Ahh was it totm for him :D .... At least we have an excuse for being moody :p

So true!! I think you have started a cinema trend, Im too heading to cinema but seeing Star Trek.. cant n wait captain!
Hey Twiggs,
How was the movie?
hope you have a good weekend 100% xx
was it good then? (no spoilers please :p) i ended up at cinema too, but went to see Star Trek again (mmmmmmmmm Zachary Quinto with his pointy ears.. YUM! :D) ended up dragging my little bro (or rather mattys little bro who i've adopted as my own :D)

hope you have a lovely weekend :) xxx
Morning all

Angels and Demons was excellent!! I recommend it!

Weight is still up this morning so got some work to do before Wednesday (Although it's pesky TOTM too). Going out for Vodkas tonight so will have to save some for that - will go to Nando's afterwards so choice won't be bad :D

Have a fab Saturday everyone!

was it good then? (no spoilers please :p) i ended up at cinema too, but went to see Star Trek again (mmmmmmmmm Zachary Quinto with his pointy ears.. YUM! :D) ended up dragging my little bro (or rather mattys little bro who i've adopted as my own :D)

hope you have a lovely weekend :) xxx

Hi Rach .... Have you read the book? I had and there were a few major differences - but all in all a very good film!!! Great effects :)

am reading the book at the moment.. i expected a good few differences though because it was same with Da Vinci Code.. still looking forward to the film though.. always thought Tom Hanks was a good choice for Langdon :D bit surprised at Ewan McGregor's role though.. bit pasty for him?
Actually Ewan was very good ... very believable :) Did you see him on J-Ross last night - what is he doing with his hair? lol
no i didnt.. i was out watching Star Trek and then was itvplayer-ing Biggest Loser UK (i'm upto episode 3 now :p)

i will have to i-player JR now.. am going to be glued to the pc forever! that'll be any different from usual :p :D
Haha ... I'm sure when I finally lose weight I'll still have a laptop size indention in my legs lol
me too! was watching Biggest Loser last night and thinking "this is inspiring me to do something" then i thought.. nah, i'll go get something to eat LOL :p

can't believe that Lisa is only 22 - she looks 30!
I know ... I'm constantly comparing myself to them too ... when they weigh the similar weight as me am always asking DH - am I that big ... do I look like that - bless him I drive him mad. Sometimes he replies "no way" ... but other times he says "hmm hard to say you're different shape" so that means yes but I'm too scared to say it lol

Watching an episode right now actually :D