haha - Big win -I wish! I won a total of £27 ... but hey better than nothing
Just had a day off the laptop yesterday, I ween myself off at least once a year to proove to myself I have a life lol
Well the diet hasn't been going 100% to plan this week.
I think it all went wrong with treat night - the scales were up the next day and I haven't been able to get them down since, the Prawn chow mein didn't help and haven't been able to be 100% since

So I now have 2.5 days to pull it back so will be having lots of water and low points. It's TOTM (with a vengeance

) so that may have somethign to do with the gain and the non 100%ness too (grasping at straws now!)
Tis my birthday next week (and Sharon's too seeing that we're twins

) and have a lunch out (Gourmet Burger ... mexican burger mmmm :drool

at work on Thursday and then Vodka and Thai with Sha and DH on Friday, so will have to be VERY good the rest of the week to hopefully sts!!!
So off to fill my water bottle up and catch up on a few more diaries before the office fills up and I have to look like I'm working