Hi all
Well I'm back from a wonderful holiday to some horrible news. Had a voicemail on our last day from the police to say we had been broken into

So a worried journey home to find the maggots had not only been through the whole house, taken all the tv's, laptops, jewellery etc etc, but they even took my beloved car

I am still in shock and scared .... DH and I hardly slept a wink last night, we left our bedroom window open to make sure we heard if anyone came back.
We've just been out to screwfix and bought more alarms, security lights etc, to help us feel better .... hope they will work - I just burst into tears because the postman came and I thought someone was trying to come in the front door
Why do these things have to happen?!
Anyway - if everyone can keep their eyes open for a White Mini Cooper convertible with black bonet stripes - reg OE08 HZN I'd appreciate it!!!!! If you see it - just phone the police and tell them it's stolen - worth a try!!!
Thanks ... will try and log in from work if I get there tomorrow ... this is Sha's laptop which I have to return to her later.
Speak soon, hope all is well with everyone!