Thanks everyone!
I'm hoping for another 8lbs next week!
Still no CBT in the session but I have been doing the book at home, and I can see how it works.
Haven't given in again, so I'm pleased with that, I even just wrote a shopping list for my mum, snooping through the cupboards I would have picked on about 10 different things but I didn't so go me!
I started having bars this week and chopped up my first lemon one this morning and made them into biscuits, which are nice and great to snack on but i've found i've been really bloated all day.
Maybe i will eat it earlier tomorrow.
It was also nice to make the first changes to my tracker yesterday. It's nice to visualise my lose and to see that I'm on the way there.
right yoga, shower bed! up at 6 to cook another 25 fry ups... Ugh thank god I'm a vege and dont crave bacon but I would kill a kitten for a slice of toast and marmalade!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful week