afternoon!!! omg i must have been plastered to feel this bad i did accuse him of spiking me with rohypnol though lol. had about 2 hours sleep....

lovely lovely lovely. went into a village for some drinks which was pants and i was waaay too dressed up so went into newcastle...oops chilli vodka at vodka revs then a couple of other bars then back to his and we had music on dead loud and had a real giggle. As soon as i got there yesterday Grace did a sh*t in his kitchen and erm he stood in some this morning someone had pood on the carpet pmsl. the dogs love him and the feeling is mutual.
Oh when i came downstairs after getting ready his eyes nearly popped out of his head and he kept saying im gorgeous, amazing, sexy, amazing body etc etc

he said everyone was perving on me in the vodka bar

made me breakfast this morning atkins style of course

so. decided to pull my finger out and come home. cant be arsed to do the housework though so erm opened the wine? thought might cure me?
B - sausage (dont be rude) egg bacon mush and tomato
L - nothing
D - curry and wrap havent been shopping so not got any veg. oops.
a - erm im having wine now
ex - erm??? nah will do jillian and housework tomorrow