Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

lol you joking Bren - wobble belly ;)
Jim - no i havent but mr t gets the little ones and adds a tomato sauce and says they are lush.
I might try one in the microwave later Vicky, I'm always snacking on them
I've just googled these - do you make your own?
No Rose, I buy them in Lidl, they come in 2 sizes, little snack sized ones and larger ones for main meals
Aldi does them too!!
Jim let me know. I love them!
They sound lovely. Ive got an aldi near by but guess what .......they dont sell them. How are we all feeling today? Better i hope.
woooooo hoooooo. Im so so so happy im crying. Oliver got given a place in the school we put top of the list.
Hello girls :wavey:

Cheryl well done on the loss and sorting the insurance - well worth the effort by the sound of it! Good news on the school too:)

Vicky hope you are recovering rapidly - no time to be sick, far too much fun to be had with pink car and mr t;)
Have you heard yet hun? My friends heard after me. Its sad really, Olivers going to a different school to all his friends. Let me know about AJ as soon as you hear hun. Im on cloud 9. Im soooooo happy.
Bren, they are fairly low carb and are just a herby meat ball.

OK, I tried one in the nuke, did it too long at 2 minutes and it was decimated, I think 2 blasts at 30 sedonds with a rest in between should do it.
Must check them out next time I'm in Lidl... are they in the fresh counter? frozen? (long life?!!!!) Never heard of them!

Hope you're feeling better Vicks...
Morning Mrs 2 lbs to go :) xxxx
feeling full of snot this morning - not good. but slept like a baby!
4lbs up from last week but that was a heck of a weigh in. Still im not concerned cos i did have carbs and I think I can manage this lifestyle of a couple of carb loaded meals (but not going overboard - 1 slice of garlic bread instead of 10!) and the rest of the time low carb.

B - bacon and eggs
L - frikadellen
D - bbq with sea bass, salmon prawns and salad
ex - nope
w - lots
a - would be rude not to

got solicitors at 3 this afternoon boo!!!
Morning all, grey and very cloudy here