Diet going fine, fell into a bottle of wine last night after visiting at the hospice, just very very sad. Managed to stop at 2 glasses, still some in bottle although I did take a brandy to bed. Keeping up with the exercise too.
Well done honey. And although those places are fantastic we all know its not the happiest of places. Ive not been for almost a mth now. I cant bring myself to see grandad like that. After 20 odd years i got him back and now im losing him, i know its selfish but id like to remember him as he was at home not drugged up to the eyes and thinking hes a french man when hes awake. Hugs honey. xxx
That must be even harder, at least my friend knows who she is and who everyone else is, the main problem for her is staying awake to talk to us. Hugs to you too xxxxxxxxx
Well she knows you are there for her. I think it must be nice to wake and see the people you love there for you. Hopsices are amazing places arent they. The staff are so nice. My nan and grandad from my mums side both dies in the same hospice my grandad is in now. Sad memories but i know they were very well looked after
YES! How can you do that to me???? Thats it i think i need a word with the no so perfect Mr T now! (stomping her heels!) Cant he bring you further south. Im sure a certain skinny lady will agree with me, then you can live happily ever after but near us!
no didnbt see her love she is on nights.
morning all beautful day and its poets day too!!!
B - fried eggs
L - frikadellen
D - bbq again steak and prawns and salad happy days
a - would be rude not to
ex -
s - maybe
w - yes plenty
down to 10 2 this morning woop!!! am shocked im maintaining. its fab x