Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

Go get sausages first!

Date night tonight? Am kicking Paul out to his meeting & bailing out of mine!
ok boss :) im going to see my friend and have kebab cos i dont want to go home...thats wrong??? home as in tickles house aswell. (cos his daughter there) so yes text away pleeeaaassseeeee :)
Evening Vicky. Got confused in the depths of the thread - but hope you decided what you fancied and are having a nice evening :)
morning. kebab was lovely. she just stays there thursdays and sundays thankfully!
B - pork scratchings and cheese
L - as above
D - dont know yet depends
s - as above
a - gin and tonics later
ex - cleaning/packing/unpacking

Picked up my bedding (better than his) this morning and all my paperwork. So ill be sorting through that later and doing some cleaning at my new house. Tomorrow back to mine to start packing up kitchen stuff.
Not going out this weekend but tickle is with the boys. Gives me a chance to have a good scrub of his house and have some pamper me and doglet time :D
am making cbp sometime too to stick in the freezer for quick meal :D

Oh and wasnt going to post but

tickle - 5lbs down since tuesday
me - 1lb down since tuesday :( (was 3 yesterday and havent eaten anything illegal so am p*ssed off)
I can't keep up with it either :(
pmsl Lisa :)
We have leftover chicken saag in the freezer from last week which i think ill be eating tonight/tomorrow depends when tickle is out.
oooh eurovision tomorrow :D
ha ha. Partying on cocacola???? im looking forward to my first g and t tonight. although TBH i havent missed it - but im home alone and cleaning so.... LOL

I have been quit for 3 Weeks, 4 Days, 12 hours, 20 minutes and 16 seconds (25 days). I have saved £173.74 by not smoking 510 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Day, 18 hours and 30 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 17/04/2011 22:00
ah right :D i wonder if not smoking has made me less bothered about drink this week???
2 bags pork scratchings one babybel and 2 applewood cheese portions so far, i cant stop eating...... am not hungry though! lolx
Don't turn into me and start eating when you're not hungry please! (I wonder if that is an ex-smoker's thing?!! We can blame ALL our failings on our quit and people will forgive us cos they're bound to be better than smoking!!)

I think I caught up with your thread - but understand little (nothing new there) - and was surprised to see an almost empty menu with just drink in it?!! How come you know what you're drinking, yet not what you're eating? Are you that thirsty?!! ;)

As a child, I used to watch Eurovision fervently, with a pad, and mark them all myself... these days? hmm. Will try to avoid!
(will just start putting sugar in his tea :) )

Love it!! BUT, a girl here did Dukan with her husband and, when he got to target at twice the speed of light, he confessed that virtually each day he'd had a Mars Bar! Can you believe that?! And lost weight faster than us!
OMFG a Mars BAR!!!! lucky man LOL. just shows how mens metabolisms are different to ours eh?

Jo im not very organised with food was too busy packing stuff up to think LOL. good job my drawer is full of atkins friendly stuff.
And no i hate it when people say oh well you might put weight on but at least you have given up smoking...pah - i loved smoking more than i love eating!

Bren - do you go today?