Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

i know bren. dunno susie. maybe cos he had no one else to ring. Mr T thinks its cos he wants me back. HA HA!!!

omg im tired..not in ketosis...checked my half a stick :D
Just had a miniscule fag craving but gone now. always do after food. suppose its just habit xxx


I have been quit for 3 Weeks, 3 Days, 14 hours, 52 minutes and 15 seconds (24 days). I have saved £167.65 by not smoking 492 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Day and 17 hours of my life. My Quit Date: 17/04/2011 22:00
Fabulous progress Vicky - so proud of you, and you too Lisa - like the idea that you are both going to be around longer :D
Congrats on your good news hon. x
I've been having all sorts of problems with the board this morning, kept kicking me out, seems OK now though. Vicky, is your ex in the forces then?
thanks Girls...Jim im really tempted to say 'no he just likes to holiday there' but i wont :D

There are lots of civilian aid workers over there
ah no he is in the army Jim x
LOL xxxxxxx love you Linz and feels like a month since I seen you and not 4 days!
aww i love her. Cool ill book off the 30th and the 3rd then :D xxxxx told tickle. xxx its gone so quick.
yes probably LOL.

shall i go to aldi and get some sausages in after work or go to my house and do some packing waiting for this girl to come view???? decisions decisions. feels a bit odd not going straight to tickles and dont suppose ill get to his until...say when his daughter has gone to bed LOL....