morning all

Lisa did you i mean WE win? LOL
She is ok Jim just busy busy xxx
So glad Linzi back on here

Scales are p*ssing me off

losing the will to live and have got totm AGAIN. effing ketosis!!!!
B - hot cereal thingie
L - salmon in garlic sauce, lettuce, cucumber, spring onions, tomato, artichoke hearts
D - smoked haddock, cabbage, asparagus and poached eggs
S - chilli brie
a - might finish that wine off. tried a g and t last night couldnt drink it felt ill

w - yes need to have more not doing to well
ex - packing all the loft stuff at mine at lunchtime and unpacking it tonight at tickles!
really fed up . sorry to whinge. feel nervous/sick about something but not sure what! was asleep at half nine last night and still tired. whats going on with my body!!!! stomach looks and feels like a baloon.
dont know if its all this moving thing so after monday im hoping everything will be better (im off and cleaning the house cos my stuff will be all moved by then) and i can get into more of a routine.