Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

Yes i think thats all it is. Thankfully Im not moving everything and a lot is going into storage and my loft!
Moving is a stressful time and it will take it's toll on your body. The day after I moved last time I started to cry uncontrollably and was then sick! I was fine after that lol but it was the relief after a year of stress.
Dieting should be the last thing on your mind at the moment. You know you can get the weight off again so just take the pressure off yourself a bit. By that I don't mean to go and eat 10 slices of pizza!! You know what you can have in a day :)
aaaww Lisa i was just about to ring Pizza hut ;)
Thanks love and bless you - its funny how stress affects us.
Have been busy cancelling direct debits and stuff. I think ill have a cry of relief on the 31st of month when skanky lodger gone and tenant moves in.
Am not officially supposed to move in with partner while divorcing but house is in my name and i can still get my post there.... oops!
Hah, you wouldn't like the Army then, we moved every 2 years :)
nope not at all!!!! i like to settle i do :)
Me too... I'll like it even more when you've settled down here!
yey me too Linz :D x
Lol i bet :) cant wait - gonna be a long drag!
cor im such a ***** today :( raaaaaaaaaa
aww yes to lie in bed and watch films.

Well looks like ill be going back to doctors as got my totm again (2 weeks after last one) so its either the low carb diet or the coil???
well lets hope this finishes soon!!! car packed up to the brim lol. only couple more things to go to tickles (ironing board, thigh trainers x 2, dog food bin, irnong board, steam cleaner and carpet cleaner) but other than that everything at the house is either a) boot sale - will stay in garage for now
b) boxes to go in the loft
c) going to the factory for storage


am just enjoying my salad am loving artichoke hearts!
Boot sale? I love doing boot sales! Fancy coming to Whitley Bay for one? I'm so good at them. I tell people where to go when they take the mick. Other sellers were coming up to me congratulating me. I'm a haggling queen! :D
Cokes Id love to. Am busy next couple of weekends but would love you to help me :D pleaasee xxxx of course a share in the profits too (if any lol)

Morning all - we didnt finish unpacking building new furniture etc until half nine last night. Im aching all over LOL. we decided to go to the metro centre at 7 to get a dvd storage thing for the lounge :)

B - frikadellen
L - lettuce, tomatoes, cold meats (salami, parma etc) mayo
D - macdonalds without the bun :D
S - yorkshire blue cheese
w - yes lots
ex - packing more stuff
a - possibly glass of red when i get in.

Home at lunch to bubble wrap the last of the crockery to put in the loft, then ill take everything upstairs so its ready to go in the loft.
we are doing the big move on friday after work so we can play nice at the weekend and have a chill :D
Getting hair done tonight (just blow dry) and then off to aldi to get cheap shop :)
Tickle given up atkins already LOL. he is still cutting down though.
No staying power lol. Morning :D
I just found your picture on a Google search. You were on page 3 (I'm actually being serious here!) and Linz was on page 1. Just go to Google images and type in Atkins. It seems to be only picking up pics in signatures.
I found this out from the Exante board but to make you giggle if you Google Exante in images several pages in you get a pic of a willy!
i cant see? if i type in atkins diet on google images it comes up with this really large girl naked??