Cokes Id love to. Am busy next couple of weekends but would love you to help me

pleaasee xxxx of course a share in the profits too (if any lol)
Morning all - we didnt finish unpacking building new furniture etc until half nine last night. Im aching all over LOL. we decided to go to the metro centre at 7 to get a dvd storage thing for the lounge
B - frikadellen
L - lettuce, tomatoes, cold meats (salami, parma etc) mayo
D - macdonalds without the bun

S - yorkshire blue cheese
w - yes lots
ex - packing more stuff
a - possibly glass of red when i get in.
Home at lunch to bubble wrap the last of the crockery to put in the loft, then ill take everything upstairs so its ready to go in the loft.
we are doing the big move on friday after work so we can play nice at the weekend and have a chill

Getting hair done tonight (just blow dry) and then off to aldi to get cheap shop

Tickle given up atkins already LOL. he is still cutting down though.