Vics diary

Your food sounds lovely. So when should you see a loss? I read that when you reintroduce carbs, your body holds onto them because it thinks it's not going to get any again, but once it realises it's getting them more often it starts using them so we should lose weight then. Do you think a week, or two?
I'm hoping for a loss this week even a small one. The book says that on your low cal and carb days your body gets used to using only that much fuel so whebyou go high carb and higher cal your metabolism goes higher to burn that so when you go back low cal or carb the next day it still is burning at the hhigher rate or something!
I'm enjoying my food having carbs but good ones
I'm going for the Ashley Horner look if you don't know who I mean google her she looks amazing !!!!!
(having googled her as I haven't a clue!) I wouldn't mind her rear end...! Do you find you are less hungry now? The no hunger on low carb is something I really cling onto as I really am afraid of hunger! And how about the drink this weekend, were you more restrained? I'm watching your progress closely!! :D
I haven't been that hungry at all Jo ( watch me be starving today ) I had wine on treat day thats it. Wasn't even tempted yesterday !
Am so sore this morning after Saturdays class at least I know its working !

Low carb day
B Atkins bar
L smoked salmon lettuce cucumber avocado egg ( gonna try no mayo)
D chicken with chilli pesto and mozzarella with broccoli and green beans
S low fat Greek yogurt with mixed berries
W need plenty today
Ex body attack

Have booked free personal trainer session for next Tuesday to see what I need to do. Won't be paying for any after just want the free one. :)
Isn't she ! At last I have a semi achievable goal?
Body Pump was hard my ankles are hurting from yesterday think I need some new trainers gonna go and ask on Sat what I should be using. Mine are going to get wrecked doing Muddy Mayhem next month.
Dinner was lovely abd I must suggest you try it if you fancy a pizza like low carb dinner !!!!
Sainsburys :) I will do ! Dont want to spend a fortune.
Oh wow that chicken dinner sounds lovely, never thought of chilli pesto!

Good luck with the personal trainer - that's what I need, someone to drag me out of bed and MAKE me do exercise :)
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If I was closer Suze I would.
Next tues at six :)

Morning low carb today
B says egg muffin
L smoked salmon egg avocado lettuce cucumber
D salmon with sweet chilliPhiladelphia green beans spinach
S low fat Greek yoghurt with berries
Ex nothing today getting lashes done
Hi Vicky, glad to see you are enjoying your new woe and todays menu sounds good. Love the exercise plan today:D xx
Morning all!
Having a really crappy week at work so far roll on Friday.
high carb refeed day
B weetabix skimmed milk
L beanfeast chilli and wholemeal rice grated cheese
D pork loin cabbage sweet tato butter
S low fat Greek yogurt with berries
Ex food shop :)
Have got one rather sore bicep must get better for tomorrow's body pump and body balance
Hi Vicky, hope the week gets better!

How is the mix up going? I'm so impressed that you can swap between carbs and not - when i eat carbs my monster comes out and no amount of willpower is stopping it:eek: easier to stay off them altogether:)

Morning love

Sorry to hear work is being a pain, could you take a day off on Friday maybe and go do something nice like get your hair done?

I've got half day on Friday already abd getting a keratin treatment on my hair. Finishing at 11.15 will bein hairdressers for about 5 hours I think then off for some retail therapy.

Katie I have had no problems at all the weight is shifting better than on Atkins fully so I'm happy:) xx