Vics diary

Still haven't got round to gym......
Lol I went to Aldi then came home and out stuff in my new cabinet lol x
It's just a display cabinet it was 40 quid of gumtree wanted something modernish. Dont like the lead on the Windows but will maybe take that off x
It's so hard once the routine is broken... I hope you find your exercise mojo again soon! Are these fresh sardines? (All those little bones???)
No tinned Jo. must say I prefer the ones in oil to the ones in brine!
Anyway you are right about routine. I'm going to try and go this weekend BUT one of my Metafit instructors has just become qualified as a pt so I have signed up for 10 sessions starting beginning June and I know she will really beast me! Will continue with gym until then x
B/l sausage mush omelette
S yoghurt
D curry lamb with spinach
No alcohol this weekend have got some pineapple juice and grapefruit juice to have with diet lemonade.
Morning Vicky,

how do you make your curry?

i love sardines in brine or oil but the bones are a wee bit strange in the mouth ;) have to remember you can eat them but it's hard not to want to pull them out of your teeth :)

good luck with the gym, I totally know his it is once you've stopped for a's so hard to get back on it. You're thinking about it which is a good sign so be proud!
Morning Vicky, hope you find your exercise mojo - it's there somewhere! :)

Ooh i love sardines but havent had any for ages - must dig them out of cupboard
I just get a sharwoods jar for the curry!!! And I love the sardine tinned bones ;)
I read that tinned sardines and salmon are good for us because of those little bones... hmm I don't do bones though.
Good idea to make yourself a treat fizzy drink while off alcohol. X
Wish I liked sardines and they are really good for you. Why no alcohol this weekend? I'm joining you, working all weekend. You'll be raring to go to the gym tomorrow. X
Hope you have your exercise mojo back! Have you tried making sardine pasta? Just pasta, sardines and tomatoes plus herbs if you like and a bit of chilli - yum! x
Morning at silly o clock. Went out for dinner last night and drank wine hence awake so early !!! Food was nice but couldn't eat much for some reason!
B eggs on toast
D pork belly sweet ta to wedges
No alcohol
I went bAck to sleep. I'm drinking red wine now !
Right. Serious holiday head on.
B eggs bacon fry light
L / d steak sweet tato green beans mustard onion
Water water water
Ex Am going to gym today I bloody well am !