Edd2712 - well done honey on your 2lb loss - absolutely fantastic - If everyone has a moment would be great to read some of your food diaries since beginning this challenge. would be fab for the ones who may be struggling a little just an idea honeys.
Im off to bed early start tomm so will catch u all later .. Hope ya'll doing well.
precious - forgot to say, good luck with your weigh in when you do! my scales broke for a while and I was lost without them lol but when you weigh in and see the loss you'll feel great
SA89 - lol god i miss my scales its prob got to much for the poor thing as i was on it day and night lol.. yeah i hope ive done well definately not as good as some on here this week im afraid. How are u have a great week sa89
Soozsb - awww so sweet of u honey hope your doing fab too.
Hello to everyone on here too and hope ya'll doing great
Time for tea will be on line later..
WHAT ARE WE HERE FOR- to lose some weight - WHAT DO WE NEED TO DO - to stay positive........ because WE CAN DO IT
Hope everyone is doing well this week in the terrible weather, not much chance to get out to get some exercise. I am off to my slimming world class today, will let you know how I get on later.
hey everyone ive lost 4lbs im very pleased with that just used my friends scales same as mine but the weigh in could differ a little. Feeling good hope it stays that way and the green monster doesnt appear lol..
Hey Polyanna all the best with your WI honey - looking forward to seeing how u got on
How cold is it today OMG BRRRRRRRRRR freezing or what even though the suns out its like a freezer out there..
Hey SOOZSB 1.4lbs well done thats fab fab fab wishing u lots of luck for your next weigh in too.
HELLLLLLOOO everyone how are you all? hows ur weekend going? good so far? I hope so ))))))) We have all done so so well this week heres to another fantastic week best of luck honeys..
Lalalou - 10lbs
Precious 10lbs -
x Alex x T6.4. -0.8. 5.6 to go.
Sa89 10lbs - 3lbs.
Kes- 10lbs (would love 12... but we will see)- 6lb down Soozsb - 12lbs
zarafa- 10lb -4.6lb, 5.4lb left
Polyanna – 8lbs, -2lbs, 6lbs to go
Zillie - 8lbs, -2lbs, -2lbs, 9lbs to go
edd2712 - 11 lbs
Piink_PuNkStarr x - 10 lbs
soccermum 12lbs -
ive gone -4lb this week... ive changed over to my Dr's app weigh in so i will be able to get a more of a true account of whats happening. hope everyone is going well!
P.S ive taken the list from a while ago as no one has done the list, so make sure everyone adds what they have lost to the list!!!
weigh in 2 completed and have lost 2lbs, thats 9lbs in 2 weeks over the moon.
I was also named slimmer of the week, a few of us lost 2lbs, my award was a combination of the last 2 weeks and still losing after a fairly big weight loss last week.