Wannabe SkinnyMins

Come on Hannah. Think of that dress! I know its hard when you are on hols but you are going to be so annoyed if you have a gain after all your hard work the last few weeks.
Sue I had a quick look at photos. You look amazing, you really suit that dress.
Managed to survive yesterday yank to my nana. She had made a big pot of rice soup( leek carrot rice stock) which is my absolute fave from childhood. I had 2 huge bowls.
Hope you both have a great day
oh god Hannah I level two that bad, I might keep doing level one until friday and then do level two on sat see how i go, today will be day 11 for me

I am totally back on track today... I need to do this dont want to have a gain this week

Hannah u never no with all the exercise u are doing just might get away with a sts which will be good for being on hols :) when is the dress fitting?

my holiday is 7 weeks today and I want to be at target for going so need just over 1lb everyweek I CAN DO THIS :)

awk Kerry thank very much, I loved the dress totally my style :) had a wonderful day

todays menu looks like -

breakfast - 1 x weetibix, 150ml milk, strawberries and rasperries
snack - yoghurt and peppermint tea
lunch - tuna, lettuce,tomato, carrot, pepper, onion, spring onion, pickles, beetroot and apple
snack - apple, 2 x oranges
dinner - fish, turnip, carrot, cabbage
:cry:gained 3lbs.

I dont know what the hell is going on with me at the moment. I know I blew it with the syns this week but thought id been ok for the rest of the week. I had an extra 6 syns for the week which isnt too bad over 3 days is it?

I did so well at the start of the year losing 13lbs in 6 weeks but I have put all that and more on. Maybe its time to start thinking if SW is really for me? Maybe i'm focusing too much on the scales. Something has definitely changed, I have gone from a 14/16 in trousers to a size 12 in skinny jeans and I have gone from a 16 to 14 on top (big boobs so dont expect that to go down any further, my mum is a 10 on bottom but 14/16 on top:().

Im the first to admit that im not being 100% but something is changing, I notice a difference in my body shape, my best friend says I have a waist again and my face has slimmed down. It's definitely not through exercise as you both know I dont do any at all (changing as of today:D). Its not even that I bought jeans a while ago and they are getting tight I bought new clothes yesterday. Why am I gaining weight but wearing smaller clothes?????

How is the week going for the 2 of you?
Aww kerry! I think you have proved that sw is for you by losing 13lbs in 6 weeks...maybe we should plan your whole week ahead now, mine too!! So we can plan snacks, breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

What exercise will you be starting now?

Im going to take a look over your food diary and you come up with 7 totally free evening meals for the week!

Your body shape would probably have changed when you put the 13lbs back on, so you might conceal it better? I dont have a proper answer for this except that it's a great thing!!

I also think that if you're stressed or have emotional issues it's tough to lose weight as your body craves and holds into bad foods.

My overall advice is please dont give up! If you like ill complete a food diary with everything you've eaten for the week to my consultant and ask if shes got any suggestions? But I really think you should keep trying and stick to the planned meals we wil create together!!
bugger. just spent 20 mins posting my menu for the week then the sodding computer froze and lost the whole post. Dont have time to do it again, maybe later.

Thank you Hannah, I was feeling extremely cheesed off earlier but am ok now. Am heading out for a long walk with a bit of jogging thrown in, just hope the rain stays off lol. Got my ipod all set to go. Will type again later, i hate this computer sometimes.

Have a great day
I feel for you! I keep typing things out on my phone then lose it all!! Thats how you can tell whether I'm on phone or computer - computer = long, phone = short!

Will type up on computer tomorrow morning! Glad you're feeling better!! :)
Right I am sat on the sofa watching the biggest loser! Havent eaten yet, but I am planning a ham and mushroom omelette!!

I am going to do my dvd after the biggest loser, then pop out on a little run. Then I can eat my omelette! :D

I am going out for dinner tonight, am planning on having chicken chorizo. Ive looked up the recipe online:
1 Chicken Fillet - free
42g Chorizo - 5 syns
42g Fine Beans - superfree
28g Sour Cream - 3 syns
14g Balsamic Dressing - will ask for it without the dressing
227g Sweet Potatoes - free
14g Butter - 2 syns
Seasoning - free
28g Smoked Chilli Jam - estimating 5 syns

So I think it would be around 15 syns...what do you guys think?
This is a vague outline of my proposed week meal plan:

Breakfast – Fruit
Lunch – Ham and mushroom omelette
Dinner – Gammon with veg or the chicken chorizo as above

Breakfast – Fruit
Lunch – Hearty vegetable broth weight watchers soup
Dinner –

Breakfast – Weetabix with skimmed milk
Lunch – Tomato soup weight watchers
Dinner – Spaghetti Bolognese

Breakfast – Weetabix with skimmed milk
Lunch – Tomato soup weight watchers
Dinner – Curry

Breakfast – Weetabix with skimmed milk
Lunch – Ham and mushroom omelette
Dinner – Stir fry

Breakfast – Fruit
Lunch – Hearty vegetable broth weight watchers soup
Dinner – Chilli con carne with broccoli and jacket potato

Breakfast – Weetabix with skimmed milk
Lunch – Fruit salad
Dinner – Chicken wrapped in bacon with veg

Breakfast – Weetabix with skimmed milk
Lunch – Tomato weight watchers soup
Dinner - Roast

It happened again. 20 min post, food diary for week and big post about things in general and the sodding computer lost it. I seem to have the opposite problem to you at the moment Hannah
Try to keep copying it at different intervals whilst you're writing it or type it up in word then copy and paste into here!

I just ate my omelette, going to attempt to post a picture of it...lol


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Yay it worked! :) it was a ham and mushroom omelette, using 2 eggs and babybel cheese light x3. Very pleased with it :) was yummy!
Kerry you have done so well and as Hannah says sw does work for u as you have lost 13lb before, and maybe you just need to change things, ur goal before was because of ur 40th birthday what is it now

here is something to think about - there are 17 more weigh ins until xmas eve , therefore at 1lb a week you could lose another 17 lb before xmas day

or at 1.5lb a week you could have off another 25.5lb, which would take you like 1/2 stone to ur target :) you can do this... just stick to plan as much as you can and try to mix upo what ur using ur syns on :)

Hannah you are doing so well cant wait to hear ur result tonight, have u measured ur inches again ??

well I am only on day 12 of the dvd, missed 3 days over the wedding so last wednesday was only day 10, started level 2 on thrusday and I loved it, nearly killed me but I liked it so much more than level 1 :)

went to do it again on friday night but when I was doing the jumping jacks my neck and shoudler were really sore but tried for a bit more I was in agony couldnt do a thing, I had pulled a muscle :( so havent been able to do it since, but it feels much better now so going to give level 2 another go tonight

am gutted cause I should be like day 18 :( hopefully it doesnt make that much difference, am also dreading weigh tomorrow night, I havent stopped eating and it been all the wrong foods, buns, crisps, nuts, bread, pizza everything am not supposed to eat :(

goodluck tonight Hannah x
Thanks sue, but it's been a bad week, so it's more of a case of guessing what the gain will be!! lost another inch off my boobs and waist, but this week has been rubbish. I didnt shred this weekend, just felt like crap!! I hope I get straight back into it though as I dont have weigh in next week!! Only 7 more weeks before the wedding argh! Wishing for 2lbs per week!

Hope you are doing well and well done on the shredding!
ok thats not to bad, u are on holiday remember and I know you will do fab next week sometimes we actually need a small gain to make us realise ok I cant have that extra slice of pizza, but remember u arent on holiday every week and you still need to enjoy life not everything falls down to what it says on the scales, remember you have done so well with exercise and inches :)

haha listen to me, I will need all ur help and advice later whenver I step on the scales, after two weeks of eating hell, I dont think i have stayed within my syns one day even last night I had a shortbread with choc and cocnut, 1.5 slices of toast with butter and a pkt of skips lol really need to try harder this week, only 7 weeks to holidays :)

Hope WI went well sue.

That's not too bad hannah when you know you have had a bad week. Just try to make this week better.

I'm finding it fairly easy to stay on plan just now, no idea why but I won't complain. Almost had a disaster today as I forgot to take breakfast with me. Instead of eating the crap they have at work I threw the kids in the car went to the supermarket & bought something sensible. Had also forgotten to take lunch & dinner out of the freezer but kept it together and ate sensibly. Have to say I'm enjoying it this week.
Kerry am glad ur having a good week you deserve it :) what did u have today?

I went to class and somehow lost 1lb :)

am so pleased and just done day 13 of level 2, loving it at the mo
Well done Sue, all that exercise is paying off.

I had 2 choc weetabix (2 syns) and strawberries for breakfast, lunch was 3 ryvita with cream cheese cucumber and pickled onions then dinner was a hashbrown omlette ( potatoes onion eggs cheese). I have had a curly wurly (6 syns) banana about 5 yogurts( shape 0% crumble yogs are AMAZING if you havent tried them yet) and am planning a hot choc later ( 2 syns). That makes 10 syns so might have a cereal bar with the hot choc. That would take me to 13 syns.

How is it going for you Hannah?
Cant believe im saying this but I just booked my xmas night out:eek:. New target date is 3rd December and I would like to lose a stone and a half. Thats just over a lb per week
Woohoo! Go you! Well I've had a bad day food wise, but a great day!! Going to make cocktails (mango and bacardi specifically) tomorrow night but other than that I should be fine for the rest of the week! Then I'm back to work which means I'll be even more on track!!

I bought 2 new work tops and a black pencil skirt today, bit worried about wearing them to work though as I normally wear black baggy trousers and a rather plain v neck jumper...

Kerry, I am so glad you are finding this week ok! Well done for persevering! A real inspiration!!

Sue, congrats on the dvd AND losing a pound thats fab!!